Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

Cruz has the courage of his convictions to take on spineless Demolibs.

What's not to like?

You mean other than his taking on a fight he had no chance of winning, his various exaggerations and nonsensical statements about Obamacare (it's comparable to Nazis my ass), his self-absorbed personality, and his complete lack of respect for the democratic process?
In case Harry Reid has not noticed he is not highly loved or respected by the masses and if Obamacare continues on the way it's going right now Cruz may very well be proven correct in his efforts to defund it.
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Cruz has the courage of his convictions to take on spineless Demolibs.

What's not to like?

You mean other than his taking on a fight he had no chance of winning, his various exaggerations and nonsensical statements about Obamacare (it's comparable to Nazis my ass), his self-absorbed personality, and his complete lack of respect for the democratic process?

You're twice the idiot Destroyer1 ever was...
well, we can give up all hope of civility from the elected Democrats and their sheep base has become as UGLY as they are

they post Reids ugly childish remarks about an elected member of Congress and stand up and cheer

Quote: Originally Posted by Dot Com View Post
Senate Majority Leader Reid (D-NV) is a patriot & a statesman

this country is lost and hopeless
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Cruz has the courage of his convictions to take on spineless Demolibs.

What's not to like?

You mean other than his taking on a fight he had no chance of winning, his various exaggerations and nonsensical statements about Obamacare (it's comparable to Nazis my ass), his self-absorbed personality, and his complete lack of respect for the democratic process?

You're twice the idiot Destroyer1 ever was...

Read: I have no rebuttal so I'll just ad hominem my way to victory.
Cruz is an astute politician. Everyone will remember his Senate speech about Obamacare and his insistence that we defund or delay it.

As the Obamacare misery factor goes up, people will have to admit that he was right. If the Democrats cry 'uncle' and delay it, he will be golden.

Which parts will people remember, though?

His reading of Green Eggs and Ham?
His comparison of Obamacare to Nazis and the people who "won't stand up to it" to Neville Chamberlain and how he didn't stand up to the Nazis?
"Mike Lee, I am your father"?
Or his actual opposition to and clear arguments against Obamacare?
Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

From the socialist - parasitic standpoint that is true.

Imagine a Jew in Nazi Germany trying to repeal or amend the final solution. He would have been labeled by the Fuhrer and his cohorts as "Witzfigur"


Because Obamacare and the Final Solution are totally the same thing.

EDIT: Not to mention that Nazi Germany was a dictatorship and therefore such a thing couldn't have happened anyways.
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The Democrat party has DESTROYED all civility, and any hope for UNITED in this country is history

It started a long time ago and got worse under Bush and they are putting the icing on it with Obama
right, and when Palin was having a few embarrassing moments, the left made her the poster boy for all of the GOP. (in other words, all Republicans read scripts from the palms of their hands).


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