Harry Reid: Ted Cruz is a self-absorbed "laughing stock"

in other words, harry reid then assumes that all hispanics are laughing stocks, right?

Race card fail. Using your logic, most all right wingers are KKK/nazis for the way they talk about the black man we have as president.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Talk about fail!

Where does the post reference political party?

Throwing out flame baiting racial epithets only proves WHO the tolerant
party is.

Hopefully, you are not a representative of your entire political ideology.
I see the Democrats are taking the art of the insult to new levels..

I seem to remember how "shocked" and outraged the Left was over a simple shake of the head and a "You Lie".

I guess that wouldn't bother them now.
Those old fuddy duddies in both parties are afraid of the young guys who have not been corrupted by the system yet. Does not surprise me at all that Reid or McCain feel threatened and blather on incoherently.
Harry Reid and Maxine Waters, at least two Liberals who will never take candid questions after being made total buffoons of on national TV. {then again, do they ever take candid questions from anyone?)

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