Harry Reid Wins the "Politcal Stunt of the Year" Award.


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
With everything Congress, particularly the Senate, could do before the mid-term elections, what does Harry Reid Schedule??

A vote on a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Citizens United and to forbid the SCotUS from ever reversing any campaign finance legislation passed by Congress in the future.

Remember, it takes 2/3rds majority of the Senate and House before it ever goes to the States, where 3/4ths of the States have to agree, for a Constitutional Amendment to make it.

It simply will not make it out of the Senate.

So why is Reid scheduling this for a vote when there are literally hundreds of House passed bills sitting there, waiting to be voted on?

Evidently Reid thinks this will fire up the Democrat Party base to get out the vote and to fill the Democrat Coffers with money.

Reid schedules vote in September on amending the Constitution | TheHill

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