Harvard atheist has vision, converts to Catholicism

24,000 written manuscripts prove he did and tell his account. That’s where we get it from.
No. They dont. One could likely conjure up as many documents, and “accounts” touting the existence of Bigfoot, and aliens. But I'll play along; since your so convinced of the veracity of these documents. Let's examine them. One by one...
Which is the first one you'd like to offer as evidence that god exists?
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...
To defeat you.
Atheists desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies.

he had a vision and then became CATHOLIC?

In the first part of the video, he notes that any worship from Buddhism to Hindu to Islam to Judaism to Christianity is fine with God. What he had a great desire to find was the faith that was closest in revealing the most truth about God. He notes that Judaism and Catholicism combined tells the most complete story. He sees not a separation, but a bridge between the two.

I happen to agree with him. The question is, how well, how intensely, does one want to know God? Many atheists are satisfied with knowing that they can be good people without worshiping God. The Harvard Professor noted that God loves all. God's love does not depend on our worship, but I do think the more open we are to God, the more of His love we are able to receive and embrace.
No. They dont. One could likely conjure up as many documents, and “accounts” touting the existence of Bigfoot, and aliens. But I'll play along; since your so convinced of the veracity of these documents. Let's examine them. One by one...
Which is the first one you'd like to offer as evidence that god exists?
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...
To defeat you.
You failed. Better luck next time...
24,000 written manuscripts prove he did and tell his account. That’s where we get it from.
No. They dont. One could likely conjure up as many documents, and “accounts” touting the existence of Bigfoot, and aliens. But I'll play along; since your so convinced of the veracity of these documents. Let's examine them. One by one...
Which is the first one you'd like to offer as evidence that god exists?
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...

"So basically your just full of hot air."

he is full of SOMETHING but it smells much worse than hot air
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...
To defeat you.
You failed. Better luck next time...
I’m pretty happy with this exchange.
No. They dont. One could likely conjure up as many documents, and “accounts” touting the existence of Bigfoot, and aliens. But I'll play along; since your so convinced of the veracity of these documents. Let's examine them. One by one...
Which is the first one you'd like to offer as evidence that god exists?
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...

"So basically your just full of hot air."

he is full of SOMETHING but it smells much worse than hot air
No, that would be you. You have no reasons for your beliefs. You take them on faith.

I have reasons for having my beliefs.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...
To defeat you.
You failed. Better luck next time...
I’m pretty happy with this exchange.

when I was a child one of my uncles, who had been kicked in the head by a horse (when my uncle was but a youth) suffered sever brain damage and ne
There are 24,000 documents. There is no comparison in antiquity. You are without excuse.
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...

"So basically your just full of hot air."

he is full of SOMETHING but it smells much worse than hot air
No, that would be you. You have no reasons for your beliefs. You take them on faith.

I have reasons for having my beliefs.


I took the time to gather my OWN documents as evidence/proof that there is NO god.

These comments are all from documents I have gathered over the past 30 years;

Pete said "there is no god"
Joe said "there is no god"
allen said "there is no god"
alex said "there is no god"


I've got thousands more.....

absolute PROOF that there is no god!
Another thread of intolerant bigots. That seems to be the way this board is anymore. No discussion, no exchanging ideas. Just bigotry, intolerance and hate.

The Satan-serving atheists are simply obeying their master by coming into this thread to denounce the existence of God.
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...
To defeat you.
You failed. Better luck next time...
I’m pretty happy with this exchange.

when I was a child one of my uncles, who had been kicked in the head by a horse (when my uncle was but a youth) suffered sever brain damage and ne
You have yet to present a single one for scrutiny.And we both know why. Probably best to move on to a better position. Anonymous written accounts without provenance, dates, and locations; in no way prove the existence of God
It’s not my job to convince you. The New Testament has far more manuscript evidence from a far earlier period than other classical works.
Then why are you wasting time in this thread? You clearly can’t prove the position you’re claiming. So basically your just full of hot air...

"So basically your just full of hot air."

he is full of SOMETHING but it smells much worse than hot air
No, that would be you. You have no reasons for your beliefs. You take them on faith.

I have reasons for having my beliefs.


I took the time to gather my OWN documents as evidence/proof that there is NO god.

These comments are all from documents I have gathered over the past 30 years;

Pete said "there is no god"
Joe said "there is no god"
allen said "there is no god"
alex said "there is no god"


I've got thousands more.....

absolute PROOF that there is no god!
Don’t you have eyes?

Because I am thinking you never seriously looked.
No one ran anywhere. I been here all along.

This was you after reading my question.

You only posted it just this once. Your claim to have asked me prior, or at all really is a lie. Post the link and post. This will be amusing... Once you realize you can’t do that; then ruminate on the fact that I’ve made no assertion that needs demonstrating. Therefore I have nothing to answer for. As such your attempt to shift the focus from your failure to produce is an utter failure...
No one ran anywhere. I been here all along.

This was you after reading my question.

You only posted it just this once. Your claim to have asked me prior, or at all really is a lie. Post the link and post. This will be amusing... Once you realize you can’t do that; then ruminate on the fact that I’ve made no assertion that needs demonstrating. Therefore I have nothing to answer for. As such your attempt to shift the focus from your failure to produce is an utter failure...
Post the quote, and post number If you can... Lol!
Existence is proof of existence. It's not proof of God. You have to bridge that gap.
Show me the evidence. Dont keep this awesome revelation of truth to yourself. I'm not compelled to prevent others from believing it. I will however question the veracity of that which is offered as evidence. Which any thinking person should. Otherwise Kavanaugh would have been dismissed from his appointment. But the evidence was found lacking.
Not accepting your word, and lack of evidence for proof of God does not equate with rejecting God. Are you really this full of yourself? First you must demonstrate that God is real. Only then can I reject this God. The same goes for the service of the biblical boogeyman Satan. First it has to be shown to be real, before i can serve it. Serving is an intentional act. So it cannot be done accidentally.

So... you worship "existence"?

You asked for evidence. Existence is evidence. Obviously, your question was rhetorical.
Existence is proof of existence. It's not proof of God. You have to bridge that gap.


What in the universe can cause itself to exist?

Vastator I'll accept your apology now for accusing me of lying.
Existence is proof of existence. It's not proof of God. You have to bridge that gap.
So... you worship "existence"?

You asked for evidence. Existence is evidence. Obviously, your question was rhetorical.
Existence is proof of existence. It's not proof of God. You have to bridge that gap.


What in the universe can cause itself to exist?

Vastator I'll accept your apology now for accusing me of lying.
Post it up. Or accept the fact that you’ve been caught out as a liar.Which really doesn’t help your believability when it comes to loftier claims. Which you also cannot demonstrate...
Post it up. Or accept the fact that you’ve been caught out as a liar.Which really doesn’t help your believability when it comes to loftier claims. Which you also cannot demonstrate...

I just did, shit-for-brains. Maybe you should learn how to fucking read before tackling larger concepts.
I do see it now. On the issue of your posting it previously, I stand corrected, and offer my apology for the insult. You did indeed ask. I had missed it.
Now as for the question you posed...

“What exists in the universe that caused itself to exist?”

I’ve made no assertion that anything has, or hasn’t. So I can’t give you an answer to your question.
Post it up. Or accept the fact that you’ve been caught out as a liar.Which really doesn’t help your believability when it comes to loftier claims. Which you also cannot demonstrate...

I just did, shit-for-brains. Maybe you should learn how to fucking read before tackling larger concepts.
I do see it now. On the issue of your posting it previously, I stand corrected, and offer my apology for the insult. You did indeed ask. I had missed it.

And please accept my apology for being an asshole. :)

I have deleted some of my more rhetorical posts.

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