Harvard debate team loses to a team of inmates doing time.

The "team of prisoners" they lost to....Bard University students.

Bard Prison Initiative

Good for the Prisoners though I suppose. Judges scoring a debate however has about as much clout as judges scoring competitive diving.
how weak Liberals are at defending their positions.
Whereas the inmates' win should be used as source of inspiration and as an admonition to all who would-be criers about how they can't "make it" in the U.S. and thus advance, sophistically no less, notions of why they want a president and government that "saves" them from "The Establishment," it was execrably used as a cheap lambaste of liberals.

It is a sad commentary that the focus of the OP is the (in)sufficiency of liberals' discursive argumentation. The contemptibility of the OP's theme is amplified further by its failing to so much as hint at the greater testament of the inmates' win: that in the face of material disadvantages, great accomplishments can be made by literally anyone who puts their mind to doing so.

The fact is that success, achievement is something that one makes happen by figuring out how to overcome the obstacles one faces, not by complaining about the obstacles one faces or about and deriding others for the advantages others may enjoy. I can't predict when, en masse, so-called liberals or conservatives, as classes of people, will discover that, but I sure welcome the day when one of them does.

I am sick and tired of hearing Trumpkins blame just about everyone except themselves for their individual existential misfortunes and I am equally weary of liberals blaming someone other than themselves for their political losses. Were either faction to have instead devoted their energies to their own success, they wouldn't have time or reason to blame and complain about someone else.
Harvard debate team loses to a team of inmates doing time.

It's well worth noting that, conspicuously, the story/video left unsaid the forensic event in which the two teams battled.
Knowing in what event the two teams competed would allow one to have a more accurate perspective about just what the inmates achieved. Though all debate events require some measure of preparation and research, some are nearly impossible to adequately research these days without the Internet -- speed debate is an example for it's a contest of quantity over quality -- whereas others -- policy and parliamentary debate whereof the quality of one's colloquy holds sway -- are materially neither helped nor hindered by the lack of Internet access. The difference is found in realizing that one's imprisonment almost without exception means one made at least one ill informed choice; it does not incontrovertibly prove one is abjectly stupid.
It's amazing how much time conservatives are able to pour into obscure stories about college teenagers.

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