Harvard law professor gloats that thousands of his rich former students will be getting their debts paid off by taxpayers

Biden's scheme to force soldiers, first responders, and working single mothers to pay off the debts of lawyers seems like a really bad move.

They're laughing at you, Biden voters.

If it makes you feel better, you cant get pell grants for law school and if $10K pays off their debt, then they were doing okay to begin with. I suspect that where you will see some big numbers dropping will be from the one-time IDR adjustments, especially for graduate degree holders. That is where you will see a lot of these "I borrowed $35K in 1987 for a master's degree and now owe $325K in student loan debt" borrowers see relief. The $20k or $10K adjustment won't mean squat to their debt load or payments.
There’s an income limit of $125,000 for forgiveness.

You lied about what the professor said.

While what the professor said was misconstrued, I think I read somewhere recently that the median income for lawyers is right at $125K so half of them may see some bennies out of it.
Most Progressives/Liberals/Left Wingers/Socialist are lazy moochers.
They believe that they are superior people who don't have to work and who have a right to other people's money.
Just look at lazy left wing moochers like Bernie Sanders and John Festerman, they are lifelong moochers who didn't get job until they were in their 40s.
You’re saying that all of this student loan debt relief is aimed at students who were/are in the military?
It does not have to be the military. It is about an emergency. Covid cost a lot of people their jobs. Otherwise they would have been able to keep up with paying their loans.

But let us look at other times of emergency.

Like when this happened during Trump:

Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic.

But as agriculture grows more reliant on unprecedented taxpayer support, farm policy experts and watchdog groups warn the subsidies are growing too big and too fast, with no strings attached and little oversight from Congress — and that Washington could have a difficult time shutting off the spigot.

Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much.

The massive payments have been a political boon to Trump in farm country — he tweeted in January that he hoped the money would be “the thing they will most remember” — but risk creating a culture of dependency, as farmers and ranchers work the bonus subsidies into their financial plans when making large, up-front investments in seed, feed and farm machinery.

“It’s a big problem for agriculture because it’s not sustainable,” said Anne Schechinger, senior economics analyst at the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit watchdog organization. “It’s really difficult once you’re giving farmers this much money to then take away those [payments].”

So your Vegetable Messiah is admitting that the Fauci Flu is still an NATIONAL EMERGENCY despite his promise to end it.

Good to know.
He did not say end it. He said get it under control.

"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you. "

You choose to use the "beat the virus" not caring what he meant, which is to get it under control, which is the next sentence .

Keep believing what you will. Nothing will make you wrong, especially after all the bills which Biden administration has passed in the past 18 months.

Vegetable is a brain which shrivels from not being used, eaten, and is simply thrown away.....just as yours seems to be as you repeat exactly what a vegetable would say.
He did not say end it. He said get it under control.

"I’m never going to raise the white flag and surrender. We’re going to beat this virus. We’re going to get it under control, I promise you. "

You choose to use the "beat the virus" not caring what he meant, which is to get it under control, which is the next sentence .

Keep believing what you will. Nothing will make you wrong, especially after all the bills which Biden administration has passed in the past 18 months.

Vegetable is a brain which shrivels from not being used, eaten, and is simply thrown away.....just as yours seems to be as you repeat exactly what a vegetable would say.
Your lies are too easy to expose, Simp.

Go to 1:40 if you don't want to listen to the simp too long.

Here he says he will shut it down...

Your lies are too easy to expose, Simp.

Go to 1:40 if you don't want to listen to the simp too long.

Here he says he will shut it down...

Considering how much less you have always known than Biden, and continue to know......or continue to care........

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn what you think !!!!!
It does not have to be the military. It is about an emergency. Covid cost a lot of people their jobs. Otherwise they would have been able to keep up with paying their loans.

But let us look at other times of emergency.

Like when this happened during Trump:

Government payments to farmers have surged to historic levels under President Donald Trump as the Agriculture Department floods the industry with cash to stem the financial losses from Trump’s tariff fights and the coronavirus pandemic.

But as agriculture grows more reliant on unprecedented taxpayer support, farm policy experts and watchdog groups warn the subsidies are growing too big and too fast, with no strings attached and little oversight from Congress — and that Washington could have a difficult time shutting off the spigot.

Direct farm aid has climbed each year of Trump’s presidency, from $11.5 billion in 2017 to more than $32 billion this year — an all-time high, with potentially far more funding still to come in 2020, amounting to about two-thirds of the cost of the entire Department of Housing and Urban Development and more than the Agriculture Department’s $24 billion discretionary budget, according to a POLITICO analysis. But lawmakers have taken a largely hands-off approach, letting the department decide who gets the money and how much.

The massive payments have been a political boon to Trump in farm country — he tweeted in January that he hoped the money would be “the thing they will most remember” — but risk creating a culture of dependency, as farmers and ranchers work the bonus subsidies into their financial plans when making large, up-front investments in seed, feed and farm machinery.

“It’s a big problem for agriculture because it’s not sustainable,” said Anne Schechinger, senior economics analyst at the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit watchdog organization. “It’s really difficult once you’re giving farmers this much money to then take away those [payments].”

The 2003 reference was about the military on two fronts post-9/11. Biden pretending this vote purchase has anything to do with that is beyond a stretch.
Considering how much less you have always known than Biden, and continue to know......or continue to care........

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn what you think !!!!!
Really? Is that the best ya got when your lies are exposed, Simp?

How sad. :itsok:
Like the OP says, they are laughing at you, Biden voters!

Biden's scheme to force soldiers, first responders, and working single mothers to pay off the debts of lawyers seems like a really bad move.

They're laughing at you, Biden voters.

Why don't they take the filthy welfare out of the multi billion dollar endowment that Harvard has instead of the American tax payers?

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