Harvard law professor gloats that thousands of his rich former students will be getting their debts paid off by taxpayers

Are you so dumb you don't understand the difference between a program that was voted into law by Congress and a unilateral order from the "president"?

Surely you aren't that dumb, right?
Just a little. LOL

The President has the right to do it. That much I understand.

If so many in Congress got their PPP debts TOTALY forgiven....and by the Millions, what is the problem with people who do need to have their debt a little bit forgiven?
What is $10,000 to $20,000 compared to those Millions?

And are all of those former students supposed to pay for their debt via help from their churches, or go fund me, or donations? Isn't that also Tax Payer, and non tax payer's money, as it is from people who live in the country, anyway?

Covid caused a lot of these people to lose their jobs, their cars, their businesses, their homes.

It is ok to DONATE, if some people want to, but it is a, what......crime?????
for the government to help them a little bit, when all of those in Congress got so much more forgiven ?

Here again, for those who can understand what it says is the article :


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