Harvard law professor: Twitter cannot violate the First Amendment

A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

And who gets to decide when a ban is for violations of the TOS and when its for 'political reasons'?

See, your argument is falling into the same pitfall again, where you assume your personal opinion is legally enforceable and binds Twitter to your judgment.

When in reality, Twitter is the arbitrator of its own TOS and your judgement has no role, legally or otherwise.

No one ever should be able to ban anything for any political reason.
The only legal rational for restricting anything is when it would otherwise harm individual rights.
Which is not the case here.
In fact, occupying congress harmed the individual rights of NO ONE!

Sure my opinion has no bearing, but there is an FCC review board, and they should likely be the arbiter.
And after that, the courts.
Twitter is not just a private company, but a front end for the public Internet, which demands fair use under FCC laws.
So it is illegal for Twitter to use apply a personal political bias.
Thought Ronnie Raygun got rid of the Fair Use Doctrine?
First off, the internet is not on the "public airwaves" which is what the FCC has control over. Just like cable TV isn't under FCC control.
I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service

Thats a problem when Apple & Google completely control the ability to compete. They are the gatekeepers protecting their attack dogs.

Again.......Are you against Capitalism ?
You WANT the government to step in and dictate what businesses can do more than they already do? I DON'T.

If people do not like Facebook or Twitter......LEAVE !!!!!

I've been saying over and over for 5 years now....THE RIGHT NEEDS TO CREATE THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.

But NO. The Right clings to the leftwing sites like their life depends on it, crying and moaning the whole time. Who's the FOOL ?
These decisions are being made as political persecution. It has NOTHING to do with capitalism and everything to do with discrimination
Maybe Trump should take Twitter to court and lose a gazillion times like he did with the made-up fraud thing.

Twitter should and likely would lose.

Nah, Twitter has a contract with Trump that Trump violated: the Twitter TOS. And that contracts makes Twitter the arbiter of violations of its own TOS.

Twitter would easily win. Which is why Trump doesn't bother.

They do not get to censor based on their opinion.

Twitter has 15 categories of speech that will get you banned. And per their TOS, they get to decide when their Terms of Service have been violated.

So they most definitely have the authority to ban anyone who violates their terms of service. As Trump's ban demonstrates elegantly.

That would result in a dictatorship of the worst kind.

I don't think 'dictatorship' means what you think it means. These are private companies restricting access to a private website. Dictatorship has nothing to do with it.

When it comes to the Internet, the FCC is the arbiter, not Twitter, and NEVER is it legal for any company like Twitter to be it own arbiter, and Twitter would have to prove in court that Trump violated those terms, which I don't he did. And even if he did, it would still be a crime by Twitter because they allow much more provocative Tweets all the time.

There's no FCC court for Twitter bans, Rigby.

You've imagined that.....like most of your pseudo-legal nonsense.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS per the TOS that Trump agreed to. And Twitter has found a TOS violation. They banned Trump accordingly.

And it is you who do not understand what a dictatorship is.

Given that you keep making up your own definitions for things and randomly add words to the 14th amendment and incorporation doctrine of the Supreme Court, along with making up entire Supreme Court rulings that never happened....

......maybe you should tell us what you mean by 'dictatorship'. As I'm referring to government ruled by a dictator. With a dictator being a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government.

What definition have you imagined up for us?

And again, these are NOT private companies but the means by which the public is allowed access to the public internet, so has to be very strongly regulated against discrimination or partisan censorship.

Yes, they are private companies. And no, they're not that strongly regulated. Show us the last time the FCC overturned a Twitter ban.

Per your logic, it should be happening hundreds of times a day. Show us......3 in the last week. Or 5 in the last month.

Demonstrate that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,/QUOTE]
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

I cant speak to the illegal part, but its clear they broke their agreement they made when they got their license and protections,,,

Broke their agreement.....according to who?

See, this is a huge sticking point. As per the TOS that say, Trump agreed to with Twitter.....Twitter is the arbiter of the violations of its own TOS. And Trump agreed to these terms.

You guys keep trying to push your personal opinions as legally enforcible judgements that define violations of the law. And they don't. The binding agreement between Trump and Twitter.....is the TOS. Over which Twitter is the arbiter in terms of TOS violations.

As a monopoly on a public utility, Twitter does not get to be its own arbiter no matter what a coercive contract may say.
In fact, I have never heard of any contract where a private company gets to arbitrariy decide, as ever being remotely legal?
That is totally and inherently in violation of the law.
But even more so in thise case since for Twitter to be allowed to use the internet, Twitter had to sign a contract that is would never illegally censor based on political discrimination.
The FCC regulations have the force of law, Twitter has nothing.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

And who gets to decide when a ban is for violations of the TOS and when its for 'political reasons'?

See, your argument is falling into the same pitfall again, where you assume your personal opinion is legally enforceable and binds Twitter to your judgment.

When in reality, Twitter is the arbitrator of its own TOS and your judgement has no role, legally or otherwise.

No one ever should be able to ban anything for any political reason.

That's a personal opinion. That is not a legally enforceable perspective.

If such where the case, then the entire concept of private property goes right out the window...as all I have to say is 'political reason', and I can use anything you own as my own to express my personal political beliefs.

Your home, your car, your computer, your website, your business....its all mine to use as I wish to express any political beleif I have. And you get no say, nor can restrict me in any way.

That's not how it works. Contrary to your wild misunderstandings of the Bill of Rights and the 14th Amendment, neither applied their restrictions to individual people. But instead to the Federal and State governments.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,/QUOTE]
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

I cant speak to the illegal part, but its clear they broke their agreement they made when they got their license and protections,,,

Broke their agreement.....according to who?

See, this is a huge sticking point. As per the TOS that say, Trump agreed to with Twitter.....Twitter is the arbiter of the violations of its own TOS. And Trump agreed to these terms.

You guys keep trying to push your personal opinions as legally enforcible judgements that define violations of the law. And they don't. The binding agreement between Trump and Twitter.....is the TOS. Over which Twitter is the arbiter in terms of TOS violations.

As a monopoly on a public utility, Twitter does not get to be its own arbiter no matter what a coercive contract may say.

Twitter isn't a monopoly.

Next strawman, please.
Twitter is not just a private company, but a front end for the public Internet, which demands fair use under FCC laws.
So it is illegal for Twitter to use apply a personal political bias.
Thought Ronnie Raygun got rid of the Fair Use Doctrine?
First off, the internet is not on the "public airwaves" which is what the FCC has control over. Just like cable TV isn't under FCC control.

Totally and completely wrong.
The FCC has jurisdiction over all communications media, like phone lines, etc.
But much MORE so over the Internet because the government designed and implemented the entire internet, and still maintains much of it.
It does NOT belong to Twitter or anyone who profits from its use.
I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service

Thats a problem when Apple & Google completely control the ability to compete. They are the gatekeepers protecting their attack dogs.

Again.......Are you against Capitalism ?
You WANT the government to step in and dictate what businesses can do more than they already do? I DON'T.

If people do not like Facebook or Twitter......LEAVE !!!!!

I've been saying over and over for 5 years now....THE RIGHT NEEDS TO CREATE THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.

But NO. The Right clings to the leftwing sites like their life depends on it, crying and moaning the whole time. Who's the FOOL ?
These decisions are being made as political persecution. It has NOTHING to do with capitalism and everything to do with discrimination
Maybe Trump should take Twitter to court and lose a gazillion times like he did with the made-up fraud thing.

Twitter should and likely would lose.

Nah, Twitter has a contract with Trump that Trump violated: the Twitter TOS. And that contracts makes Twitter the arbiter of violations of its own TOS.

Twitter would easily win. Which is why Trump doesn't bother.

They do not get to censor based on their opinion.

Twitter has 15 categories of speech that will get you banned. And per their TOS, they get to decide when their Terms of Service have been violated.

So they most definitely have the authority to ban anyone who violates their terms of service. As Trump's ban demonstrates elegantly.

That would result in a dictatorship of the worst kind.

I don't think 'dictatorship' means what you think it means. These are private companies restricting access to a private website. Dictatorship has nothing to do with it.

When it comes to the Internet, the FCC is the arbiter, not Twitter, and NEVER is it legal for any company like Twitter to be it own arbiter, and Twitter would have to prove in court that Trump violated those terms, which I don't he did. And even if he did, it would still be a crime by Twitter because they allow much more provocative Tweets all the time.

There's no FCC court for Twitter bans, Rigby.

You've imagined that.....like most of your pseudo-legal nonsense.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS per the TOS that Trump agreed to. And Twitter has found a TOS violation. They banned Trump accordingly.

And it is you who do not understand what a dictatorship is.

Given that you keep making up your own definitions for things and randomly add words to the 14th amendment and incorporation doctrine of the Supreme Court, along with making up entire Supreme Court rulings that never happened....

......maybe you should tell us what you mean by 'dictatorship'. As I'm referring to government ruled by a dictator. With a dictator being a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government.

What definition have you imagined up for us?

And again, these are NOT private companies but the means by which the public is allowed access to the public internet, so has to be very strongly regulated against discrimination or partisan censorship.

Yes, they are private companies. And no, they're not that strongly regulated. Show us the last time the FCC overturned a Twitter ban.

Per your logic, it should be happening hundreds of times a day. Show us......3 in the last week. Or 5 in the last month.

Demonstrate that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

You are totally wrong because without free and open media, the country is and will remain a dictatorship.
Do I need to remind you how recently it was that the public was lied to and fooled into the murder of half a million innocent Iraqi civilians over false WMD lies?
We already have a dictatorship, but what you suggest would permanently damn us all to hell.
If only the "chosen" are allowed to tell us what hear and think, we will always be a dictatorship.
Polls indicated that 68% of the population falsely believed Saddam was behind the 9/11 attack.
How could that happen unless we already were a dictatorship?

And yes, there is an FCC review board, and courts do cut off companies like Twitter who illegally discriminate in the violation of FCC regulations, and the law.
It is true the size and scope of the internet makes is very loosely regulated, but if the law were to be followed, Twitter would be out on its ear.
The only reason it has not happened before of any significance, is that MOST companies are smart enough NOT to illegally ban people.
But the fact these crimes are rare, does not mean the laws and regulations do not exist.
I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service

Thats a problem when Apple & Google completely control the ability to compete. They are the gatekeepers protecting their attack dogs.

Again.......Are you against Capitalism ?
You WANT the government to step in and dictate what businesses can do more than they already do? I DON'T.

If people do not like Facebook or Twitter......LEAVE !!!!!

I've been saying over and over for 5 years now....THE RIGHT NEEDS TO CREATE THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.

But NO. The Right clings to the leftwing sites like their life depends on it, crying and moaning the whole time. Who's the FOOL ?
These decisions are being made as political persecution. It has NOTHING to do with capitalism and everything to do with discrimination
Maybe Trump should take Twitter to court and lose a gazillion times like he did with the made-up fraud thing.

Twitter should and likely would lose.

Nah, Twitter has a contract with Trump that Trump violated: the Twitter TOS. And that contracts makes Twitter the arbiter of violations of its own TOS.

Twitter would easily win. Which is why Trump doesn't bother.

They do not get to censor based on their opinion.

Twitter has 15 categories of speech that will get you banned. And per their TOS, they get to decide when their Terms of Service have been violated.

So they most definitely have the authority to ban anyone who violates their terms of service. As Trump's ban demonstrates elegantly.

That would result in a dictatorship of the worst kind.

I don't think 'dictatorship' means what you think it means. These are private companies restricting access to a private website. Dictatorship has nothing to do with it.

When it comes to the Internet, the FCC is the arbiter, not Twitter, and NEVER is it legal for any company like Twitter to be it own arbiter, and Twitter would have to prove in court that Trump violated those terms, which I don't he did. And even if he did, it would still be a crime by Twitter because they allow much more provocative Tweets all the time.

There's no FCC court for Twitter bans, Rigby.

You've imagined that.....like most of your pseudo-legal nonsense.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS per the TOS that Trump agreed to. And Twitter has found a TOS violation. They banned Trump accordingly.

And it is you who do not understand what a dictatorship is.

Given that you keep making up your own definitions for things and randomly add words to the 14th amendment and incorporation doctrine of the Supreme Court, along with making up entire Supreme Court rulings that never happened....

......maybe you should tell us what you mean by 'dictatorship'. As I'm referring to government ruled by a dictator. With a dictator being a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government.

What definition have you imagined up for us?

And again, these are NOT private companies but the means by which the public is allowed access to the public internet, so has to be very strongly regulated against discrimination or partisan censorship.

Yes, they are private companies. And no, they're not that strongly regulated. Show us the last time the FCC overturned a Twitter ban.

Per your logic, it should be happening hundreds of times a day. Show us......3 in the last week. Or 5 in the last month.

Demonstrate that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

You are totally wrong because without free and open media, the country is and will remain a dictatorship.

Again, what do you mean by 'dictatorship'? Because I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Are you using some personal definition? Or some obscure colloquialism?

Do I need to remind you how recently it was that the public was lied to and fooled into the murder of half a million innocent Iraqi civilians over false WMD lies?
We already have a dictatorship, but what you suggest would permanently damn us all to hell.
If only the "chosen" are allowed to tell us what hear and think, we will always be a dictatorship.
Polls indicated that 68% of the population falsely believed Saddam was behind the 9/11 attack.
How could that happen unless we already were a dictatorship?

And yes, there is an FCC review board, and courts do cut off companies like Twitter who illegally discriminate in the violation of FCC regulations, and the law.
It is true the size and scope of the internet makes is very loosely regulated, but if the law were to be followed, Twitter would be out on its ear.
The only reason it has not happened before of any significance, is that MOST companies are smart enough NOT to illegally ban people.
But the fact these crimes are rare, does not mean the laws and regulations do not exist.

As for the rest of your Truther bullshit, we've got conspiracy boards for that.

In this thread, we're discussing Twitter, the law, the first amendment, etc.
Twitter and Facebook should be able to block anyone and everyone they desire.

However, it reveals their intolerance of opposing viewpoints to do so.
they should be required to apply their rules equally across the board,,

I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service.
Twitter is only obligated to it's board of directors and shareholders (less so)

But the real problem is MUCH deeper.

The left also owns the entire Internet....all the cellular Networks....and all the Media.

That's in question. I thought there was a precedent set back in the 1880's, about that sort of

When we discuss "public utilities" they are under Federal Guidelines and have to answer
to the Federal and/or State government...but they are all privately owned companies.

All these places like facebook...twiiter, whatever...are means of communicating with
each other. USMB, might just be considered a opinion outlet. Twitter is the modern day
phone...telegraph. I don't care who owns the phone company they cannot listen into
my phone calls without legal permission.

This could be the perfect case for SCOTUS to finally reel in these idiots.
Twitter and Facebook should be able to block anyone and everyone they desire.

However, it reveals their intolerance of opposing viewpoints to do so.
they should be required to apply their rules equally across the board,,

I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service.
Twitter is only obligated to it's board of directors and shareholders (less so)

But the real problem is MUCH deeper.

The left also owns the entire Internet....all the cellular Networks....and all the Media.

That's in question. I thought there was a precedent set back in the 1880's, about that sort of

When we discuss "public utilities" they are under Federal Guidelines and have to answer
to the Federal and/or State government...but they are all privately owned companies.

All these places like facebook...twiiter, whatever...are means of communicating with
each other. USMB, might just be considered a opinion outlet. Twitter is the modern day
phone...telegraph. I don't care who owns the phone company they cannot listen into
my phone calls without legal permission.

This could be the perfect case for SCOTUS to finally reel in these idiots.

USMB fits the definition of an 'interactive computer service' to a T.

Anything you do to Twitter, you do to this board.

The law doesn't change just because you made up an opinion.

You're too reliant on the concept that anything you imagine is as valid as actual evidence. Its the crippling influence of OANN and NewMaxx that feeds you a steady diet of personal opinion as fact. Alas, it isn't, especially in the context of the law.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS. And absolutely has the authority to restrict speech on its platform. Twitter has 15 distinct categories of speech with about 50 different specific types of speech that will violate its TOS.

The idea that Twitter lacks the authority to restrict any speech on its platform is provably false.

NO, Twitter is not and can never be the arbiter of is content.
Sure Twitter has to restrict speech on its platform, but that can ONLY be through legal means, such as when it would violate rights, like slander, or would be inappropriate for a particular atmosphere that it is marketed for and dependent upon.
Twitter has to follow FCC regulations as well as general fairness laws that do not allow for political discrimination of any kind.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,/QUOTE]
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

I cant speak to the illegal part, but its clear they broke their agreement they made when they got their license and protections,,,

Broke their agreement.....according to who?

See, this is a huge sticking point. As per the TOS that say, Trump agreed to with Twitter.....Twitter is the arbiter of the violations of its own TOS. And Trump agreed to these terms.

You guys keep trying to push your personal opinions as legally enforcible judgements that define violations of the law. And they don't. The binding agreement between Trump and Twitter.....is the TOS. Over which Twitter is the arbiter in terms of TOS violations.

As a monopoly on a public utility, Twitter does not get to be its own arbiter no matter what a coercive contract may say.

Twitter isn't a monopoly.

Next strawman, please.

Of course Twitter is a monopoly.
There are lots of things that can make something a monopoly.
Anything large and therefore powerful, can easily be a monopoly.
But you yourself are claiming they are their own arbiter, and that by definition makes them a monopoly.

The law doesn't change just because you made up an opinion.

You're too reliant on the concept that anything you imagine is as valid as actual evidence. Its the crippling influence of OANN and NewMaxx that feeds you a steady diet of personal opinion as fact. Alas, it isn't, especially in the context of the law.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS. And absolutely has the authority to restrict speech on its platform. Twitter has 15 distinct categories of speech with about 50 different specific types of speech that will violate its TOS.

The idea that Twitter lacks the authority to restrict any speech on its platform is provably false.

NO, Twitter is not and can never be the arbiter of is content.
Except of course, it is and it does.

Here's all 15 categories of speech on twitter that will get you banned:

And the arbiter of when those violations have occured, is Twitter.

As demonstrated elegantly by Trump's banning, that's definitely something that Twitter has the power to do.

Sure Twitter has to restrict speech on its platform, but that can ONLY be through legal means, such as when it would violate rights, like slander, or would be inappropriate for a particular atmosphere that it is marketed for and dependent upon.

Your personal opinion doesn't define legality. The binding agreement between Trump and Twitter....is the Twitter Terms of Service. And Twitter is the arbiter of those terms of service.

And there is no FCC court for Twitter bans.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
Yes, they have the legal right. It just shows what fascists they are.
This forum does the same. That would mean this forum is fascist, according to you. Why do you participate in what you believe is a fascist site?
no they dont so stop lying,,,/QUOTE]
You're a moron. This site bans members and deletes posts for rules violations just as Twitter does.

Sites legally ban people for making personal attacks, against board rules intended to protect people.
Twitter is censoring a whole spectrum of legal political believe, which is totally different and illegal.

I cant speak to the illegal part, but its clear they broke their agreement they made when they got their license and protections,,,

Broke their agreement.....according to who?

See, this is a huge sticking point. As per the TOS that say, Trump agreed to with Twitter.....Twitter is the arbiter of the violations of its own TOS. And Trump agreed to these terms.

You guys keep trying to push your personal opinions as legally enforcible judgements that define violations of the law. And they don't. The binding agreement between Trump and Twitter.....is the TOS. Over which Twitter is the arbiter in terms of TOS violations.

As a monopoly on a public utility, Twitter does not get to be its own arbiter no matter what a coercive contract may say.

Twitter isn't a monopoly.

Next strawman, please.

Of course Twitter is a monopoly.

Not by any legal definition. As Parler demonstrates elegantly.

Your personal definitions have no relevance to a discussion about the law.

Next strawman.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
its more about free speech than the 1st amendment,, most people dont know the difference,,,

the issue with twiiter is they dont apply their rules equally and base it on political leanings favoring one side over the other,,

If conservatives didn't lie, threaten and promote authoritarian platforms, they wouldn't have a problem.
shut up you scabbed up useless whore from canada

My, my, some ignorant asshole is certainly triggered today. Hunting ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.
A basic lesson about free speech from Laurence Tribe:
To begin with, the First Amendment applies to the government — not to private actors like Twitter. So, when the company adds warnings to tweets or even — going a step further for users other than Trump — removes tweets, it can’t possibly violate the First Amendment, because it simply isn’t a governmental entity. You can love or hate how Twitter is regulating its own private platform — but you can’t call it a First Amendment violation.
its more about free speech than the 1st amendment,, most people dont know the difference,,,

the issue with twiiter is they dont apply their rules equally and base it on political leanings favoring one side over the other,,

If conservatives didn't lie, threaten and promote authoritarian platforms, they wouldn't have a problem.
shut up you scabbed up useless whore from canada

My, my, some ignorant asshole is certainly triggered today. Hunting ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun.

Goddamn. I didn't see that hysteric tantrum.

Its clearly not 'wabbit season'.
I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service

Thats a problem when Apple & Google completely control the ability to compete. They are the gatekeepers protecting their attack dogs.

Again.......Are you against Capitalism ?
You WANT the government to step in and dictate what businesses can do more than they already do? I DON'T.

If people do not like Facebook or Twitter......LEAVE !!!!!

I've been saying over and over for 5 years now....THE RIGHT NEEDS TO CREATE THEIR OWN SOCIAL MEDIA SITES.

But NO. The Right clings to the leftwing sites like their life depends on it, crying and moaning the whole time. Who's the FOOL ?
These decisions are being made as political persecution. It has NOTHING to do with capitalism and everything to do with discrimination
Maybe Trump should take Twitter to court and lose a gazillion times like he did with the made-up fraud thing.

Twitter should and likely would lose.

Nah, Twitter has a contract with Trump that Trump violated: the Twitter TOS. And that contracts makes Twitter the arbiter of violations of its own TOS.

Twitter would easily win. Which is why Trump doesn't bother.

They do not get to censor based on their opinion.

Twitter has 15 categories of speech that will get you banned. And per their TOS, they get to decide when their Terms of Service have been violated.

So they most definitely have the authority to ban anyone who violates their terms of service. As Trump's ban demonstrates elegantly.

That would result in a dictatorship of the worst kind.

I don't think 'dictatorship' means what you think it means. These are private companies restricting access to a private website. Dictatorship has nothing to do with it.

When it comes to the Internet, the FCC is the arbiter, not Twitter, and NEVER is it legal for any company like Twitter to be it own arbiter, and Twitter would have to prove in court that Trump violated those terms, which I don't he did. And even if he did, it would still be a crime by Twitter because they allow much more provocative Tweets all the time.

There's no FCC court for Twitter bans, Rigby.

You've imagined that.....like most of your pseudo-legal nonsense.

Twitter is the arbiter of its own TOS per the TOS that Trump agreed to. And Twitter has found a TOS violation. They banned Trump accordingly.

And it is you who do not understand what a dictatorship is.

Given that you keep making up your own definitions for things and randomly add words to the 14th amendment and incorporation doctrine of the Supreme Court, along with making up entire Supreme Court rulings that never happened....

......maybe you should tell us what you mean by 'dictatorship'. As I'm referring to government ruled by a dictator. With a dictator being a person exercising absolute power, especially a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government.

What definition have you imagined up for us?

And again, these are NOT private companies but the means by which the public is allowed access to the public internet, so has to be very strongly regulated against discrimination or partisan censorship.

Yes, they are private companies. And no, they're not that strongly regulated. Show us the last time the FCC overturned a Twitter ban.

Per your logic, it should be happening hundreds of times a day. Show us......3 in the last week. Or 5 in the last month.

Demonstrate that you have the slightest clue what you're talking about.

You are totally wrong because without free and open media, the country is and will remain a dictatorship.

Again, what do you mean by 'dictatorship'? Because I don't think that word means what you think it means.

Are you using some personal definition? Or some obscure colloquialism?

Do I need to remind you how recently it was that the public was lied to and fooled into the murder of half a million innocent Iraqi civilians over false WMD lies?
We already have a dictatorship, but what you suggest would permanently damn us all to hell.
If only the "chosen" are allowed to tell us what hear and think, we will always be a dictatorship.
Polls indicated that 68% of the population falsely believed Saddam was behind the 9/11 attack.
How could that happen unless we already were a dictatorship?

And yes, there is an FCC review board, and courts do cut off companies like Twitter who illegally discriminate in the violation of FCC regulations, and the law.
It is true the size and scope of the internet makes is very loosely regulated, but if the law were to be followed, Twitter would be out on its ear.
The only reason it has not happened before of any significance, is that MOST companies are smart enough NOT to illegally ban people.
But the fact these crimes are rare, does not mean the laws and regulations do not exist.

As for the rest of your Truther bullshit, we've got conspiracy boards for that.

In this thread, we're discussing Twitter, the law, the first amendment, etc.

Its pretty clear you have no idea what a dictatorship is.
Look at WWII Germany.
Were the people in Germany doing what Hitler wanted because they were afraid of him?
Not at all.
They were doing what he dictated because he controlled what they heard and thought, so that they thought they were doing good when they actually were doing bad.
Anyone with control of media automatically is a dictator.

And again, the FCC normally does not have to over turn Twitter bans because normally Twitter does not ban based on political content. This likely is the very FIRST time that violation has ever occurred.
The internet has always been extremely loose and people not banned even after they have caused harm and should have been banned. This is the first time Twitter has banned without cause. They have never done this before, ever.
Its pretty clear you have no idea what a dictatorship is.

Or, I'm citing the dictionary on what a dictatorship is. And you're citing yourself.

Dictatorship is governance by a dictator. A dictator is a leader exercising absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Nothing we've discussed today even remotely resembles that.

Your argument is disintegrating into incoherence.
And again, the FCC normally does not have to over turn Twitter bans because normally Twitter does not ban based on political content. This likely is the very FIRST time that violation has ever occurred.

Who said that Twitter banned based on political content? Twitter banned Trump for TOS violations.

You're still stuck at square one......as your 'evidence' is merely your personal opinion. Which has no legal authority with the FCC, Twitter, or any one else.

Is this it? Just you citing your personal opinion as the law?
Twitter and Facebook should be able to block anyone and everyone they desire.

However, it reveals their intolerance of opposing viewpoints to do so.
they should be required to apply their rules equally across the board,,

I disagree.
You are not required to use Facebook OR Twitter.
It's not their fault that you didn't create or patronize a competing service.
Twitter is only obligated to it's board of directors and shareholders (less so)

But the real problem is MUCH deeper.

The left also owns the entire Internet....all the cellular Networks....and all the Media.

That's in question. I thought there was a precedent set back in the 1880's, about that sort of

When we discuss "public utilities" they are under Federal Guidelines and have to answer
to the Federal and/or State government...but they are all privately owned companies.

All these places like facebook...twiiter, whatever...are means of communicating with
each other. USMB, might just be considered a opinion outlet. Twitter is the modern day
phone...telegraph. I don't care who owns the phone company they cannot listen into
my phone calls without legal permission.

This could be the perfect case for SCOTUS to finally reel in these idiots.

USMB fits the definition of an 'interactive computer service' to a T.

Anything you do to Twitter, you do to this board.

The fact it is hard, costly, and not worth it to litigate against a small board like USMB, does not mean it may not be worth it to litigate against something larger like Twitter.
Size increases impact, which changes the need.
And it has happened in the past.
Companies like Twitter, and even USMB, can not legally discriminate based on political beliefs.

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