Harvard President Gay Resigns

Maybe it's time some of these Ivy League colleges reflect on how far down the rabbit hole they have gone.
Their big mistake was agreeing to testify before Congress unprepared. Claudine Gay wasn't fired for plagiarism, she was fired for not being Zionist enough.
No, she was criticized for saying that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews on her campus. Harvard cannot afford to have as their president someone who condones Nazi-era antisemitism.
No, she was criticized for saying that it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews on her campus.

Quote me where she said that.

Harvard cannot afford to have as their president someone who condones Nazi-era antisemitism.

Harvard bent to pro-Zionist and pro-MAGA activist pressure. Billionaire Zionist plutocrats started pulling money out of Harvard (or threatening to) and that was that.
Good news.

Affirmative action antisemitic vermin have no business heading ANY university, much less Harvard.
I wish more Jews would stop tolerating horrific antisemitism in the leftist Ivies and halt all their donations.

That Affirmative Action antisemite apologist sure cost Harvard a bundle, didn‘t she. Maybe they should put Dershowitz in.
Or agreeing to testify.
They were compelled to testify. No choice.

The only other option to the question “does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard’s code of conduct?” would have been “I take the fifth.” That’s just as bad.
Wow. Can you reveal your disdain for Jews any more clearly?

Nope, no disdain for Jews at all, but Zionists (Jewish/Israeli nationalists) are forever shaping the narrative of the Israel-Palestine conflict in favor of Israeli settlement expansion and Zionist ethno-nationalism. And the richer are more politically connected ones use their influence to mute criticism of Israel, and punish anyone they believe either isn't pro-Israel enough or is too pro-Palestine.
Or agreeing to testify.

I don't think they had any idea what kind of shit pile they were about to step into when they visited Capitol Hill. They probably cluelessly thought they were just going to show up and answer questions. Someone in their school's public affairs office should have had the brains to see the trap that was being laid and warned them - they should probably be fired, too.
Nope, no disdain for Jews at all, but Zionists (Jewish/Israeli nationalists) are forever shaping the narrative of the Israel-Palestine conflict in favor of Israeli settlement expansion and Zionist ethno-nationalism. And the richer are more politically connected ones use their influence to mute criticism of Israel, and punish anyone they believe either isn't pro-Israel enough or is too pro-Palestine.
You don’t even know the meaning of Zionist. You are condemning 95% of all American Jews.
I don't think they had any idea what kind of shit pile they were about to step into when they visited Capitol Hill. They probably cluelessly thought they were just going to show up and answer questions. Someone in their school's public affairs office should have had the brains to see the trap that was being laid and warned them - they should probably be fired, too.
The trap was asking if they’re OK with their antisemitic students marching around screaming “Death to Jews”? How DARE they trap them like that, and get them to admit they’re fine with the calls to genocide Jews.

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