Harvard President Gay Resigns

If that's the case, it shows that Harvard isn't serious about academic rigor. I have a daughter in college. If my daughter did what Claudine was caught doing, she would be on a one-way ticket to Expulsionville.

It depends, though I agree that there's often inconsistent application of the standard. My experience, though, is that faculty and faculty executives will make a distinction between an oopsie such as a citation error and outright theft of intellectual property. It's basically similar to making the distinction between a simple error or two on your tax return and committing tax fraud.
It depends, though I agree that there's often inconsistent application of the standard. My experience, though, is that faculty and faculty executives will make a distinction between an oopsie such as a citation error and outright theft of intellectual property. It's basically similar to making the distinction between a simple error or two on your tax return and committing tax fraud.
Supposedly, there are cases where she lifted nearly whole paragraphs from other people into her works, including her PhD dissertation. There are degrees, but it appears that she went beyond the pale.
Supposedly, there are cases where she lifted nearly whole paragraphs from other people into her works, including her PhD dissertation. There are degrees, but it appears that she went beyond the pale.

Yes, whole paragraphs. She would have gotten away with it, too, but she pushed too far on the Jew-hatred and support for Hamas.

Supposedly, there are cases where she lifted nearly whole paragraphs from other people into her works, including her PhD dissertation. There are degrees, but it appears that she went beyond the pale.
Amazing what could have been avoided with a few properly referenced footnotes. A couple here or there can be plea bargained as oversight but when it's pervasive, there just isn't any way to conceal it effectively.
Nah, she just got hoist upon her own intersectionality campaign. Havad was losing too much $ as a result of letting the worst of the hateful freaks run riot in public.
Yep, like I said....racism at work.
It's about "Cotton Picking" time! Now if we can get that plagiarist Usurper in the oval office to resign. What ya want to bet she sues Harvard over racism forcing her to resign?

Two down, one to go.
The sad part is that she will show up in government or a leftist "think tank" someplace.....The Ivy League pipeline looks after their own no matter how disgraced they are.
Claudine figured she better resign now before they found out more dirt on her, like the fact that she was really Obama dressed in drag.

That was a close one.

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