Harvard President Gay Resigns

Yeah, yeah...some woke lib-prog get chased off. Congrats.

I really don't give a fuck either way other than pointing out what really happened and what this is really all about. Gay will find another job and Harvard will find another President. Billionaire AIPAC members will start throwing money back into the endowment and all will be well.
But their antisemitic students won’t be allowed to keep calling for the genocide of the Jews without the president being forced to take action - or the Jewish dollars will dry up again, as they should.
Without even looking the temp prez at Harvard is 99% likely a jew. Let me know if I am right.

I have no idea, don't care. I don't necessarily care that she was fired - it was pretty obviously coming once they started coming out with her numerous instances of plagiarism and improper citation. She's a sloppy academic and could be fired or demoted on those grounds. I just think it's fair to point out that what's really driving this is a desire for academic integrity, it's the hyper-partisan politics of MAGA and pro-Israeli nationalism.
Without even looking the temp prez at Harvard is 99% likely a jew. Let me know if I am right.
What’s wrong with having a Jewish president of Harvard? Perhaps it will give some relief to the Jewish students who have been bullied and threatened by the violent pro-Palestinian thugs that there isn’t an anntisemite apologist in office.
I have no idea, don't care. I don't necessarily care that she was fired - it was pretty obviously coming once they started coming out with her numerous instances of plagiarism and improper citation. She's a sloppy academic and could be fired or demoted on those grounds. I just think it's fair to point out that what's really driving this is a desire for academic integrity, it's the hyper-partisan politics of MAGA and pro-Israeli nationalism.

"Sloppy" lol...the ^^^CNN shill dutifully parroting CNN language. Good boy.

Why why she so unwilling to say that the students calling for the genocide of Jews was unacceptable? She didn’t deny that they were doing that. She just refused to condemn it.

Okay, so no quote then. Fine.

And there you go with the “Zionist” smear again. You are smearing 95% of American Jews.

I'm not talking about 95% of Jews. I have Jewish ancestry myself and Jewish cousins via marriage. I'm not self-hating and I don't hate my extended family. Have made numerous Jewish friends over the years, including a few with dual Israeli-US citizenship. I've told them my views on certain things - respectfully. They often don't agree but we leave it at that. I'm not even talking about any of them, though.

I'm talking about people who are Zionist political activists, particularly the ones who side with Bibi Netanyahu and the Israeli far-right. Zionism isn't a dirty word. It's the movement that founded modern-day Israel.

And finally, why should wealthy Jewish donors continue to fund Harvard when the president says that calling for the genocide of Jews can be acceptable, depending on context? In what context IS calling for another Holocaust of Jews acceptable?

The former head of Harvard said none of that. I'll reply again when you're better informed.
Tell us how it was racism that forced her to resign?
He’s mad that Jews didn’t give a pass to the antisemitic apologist because….you know….she‘s black and all. Her race shouldn’t hav protected her from her indefensible attitude and statements, and it didn’t.
Okay, so no quote then. Fine.

I'm not talking about 95% of Jews. I have Jewish ancestry myself and Jewish cousins via marriage. I'm not self-hating and I don't hate my extended family. Have made numerous Jewish friends over the years, including a few with dual Israeli-US citizenship. I've told them my views on certain things - respectfully. They often don't agree but we leave it at that. I'm not even talking about any of them, though.

I'm talking about people who are Zionist political activists, particularly the ones who side with Bibi Netanyahu and the Israeli far-right. Zionism isn't a dirty word. It's the movement that founded modern-day Israel.

The former head of Harvard said none of that. I'll reply again when you're better informed.
Did you listen to Elise Stefanik question her about the calls from Gay’s students to genocide the Jews, and how she was unwilling to say that such as wrong?
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"Sloppy" lol...the ^^^CNN shill dutifully parroting CNN language. Good boy.

I hardly ever watch CNN. Maybe when they have their little "debates" or "town hall" thingies but rarely watch it anymore, or any major network. My assessment of her academic violations is based on nearly 2 decades in higher ed. There's technical plagiarism such as improper citation, and then there's academic fraud or theft. Just like there's math errors or forgetting one or two lawns you mowed, and then there's hiding money in the Caymans.
What’s wrong with having a Jewish president of Harvard? Perhaps it will give some relief to the Jewish students who have been bullied and threatened by the violent pro-Palestinian thugs that there isn’t an anntisemite apologist in office.
Nothing, likely most Ivy prez's are Jewish. Do you find it ironic the only reason this retard was promoted was due to anti white critical theories created by Jews?
She should apologize for allowing anti-semitism on the Harvard campus.
Trump had an EO that withheld federal funds from any campus that allowed antisemitism to fester. The Republicans wanted to make it permanent legislation, but the Democrats - including Schumer - were concerned it might offend Muslims.

IOW, leftists are more willing to tolerate actual physical harassment against Jews than they are anything that might hurt Muslims’ feelings. That’s the Left for you.
Did you listen to StefaniK question her about the calls from Gay’s students to genocide the Jews, and how she was willing to say that such as wrong?

I already answered that: her response was poorly prepared - she's guilty of that. She was trying to give a nuanced, precise, accurate, academic answer, which was stupid. She didn't realize that she was about to be lynched on social media.
All DEI hires are bad. This one was no exception.

Hire a dumbass lying uppity affirmative action Negro and then wonder why she did dumbass Negro things like plagiarism and hating on the Jews? Come on Man!
Nothing, likely most Ivy prez's are Jewish. Do you find it ironic the only reason this retard was promoted was due to anti white critical theories created by Jews?
I find it both ironic and tragic that leftist Jews are so driven by their radical-Left ideology that they are willing to tolerate - even promote - antisemitism. So the answer to your question is “yes.”

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