Harvard President Gay Resigns

This is top tier level bullshit right here! She knows she has to leave because her fraudulent academic life has been exposed. So why not use this necessity to build racial animus based on her resignation. I GUARANTEE you this was coordinated. She got everyone onboard, race hustlers and leftist fiends, so that this event could be exploited to its fullest potential. These are garbage people.
It's the norm to say it's because of racial prejudice. No lady, it's because you are a dumb butt ugly commie thief who hates Jews. And, Harvard still wants to be relevant and has lost that because of you. If someone says they graduated from Harvard, now the response is EWWWUUUUU!!!! I'm sorry for you!!!
It is not racists threatening her if anybody has threatened her. But that's the narrative they want published out there for the gullible and race baiting folk to repeat, comment on, post, state as fact. She can't very well name people who can prove they didn't do anything of the sort. :)
I think it vital to show the context of the racism.

Not all racism can be condemned just like Claudine could not condemn the students for chanting for genocide of the Jews. It's all about context.
Of course the racist white supremacists threatened her.

That's how they roll!


Of course you want to make excuses for a diversity hire who wasn't qualified for the job.

Typical for the Dems / Socialists. You're in your safe space amid liars, cheaters, mediocrity, plagiarists, just like Joe Biden and dishonest hacks
I think it vital to show the context of the racism.

Not all racism can be condemned just like Claudine could not condemn the students for chanting for genocide of the Jews. It's all about context.
I can condemn racism in all contexts though some is understandable while other is just evil.

The white kid who is bullied time and time again by black thugs and has never known good hearted, honorable black people is very likely to harbor racist feelings about black people.

The black person who has encountered only hateful white people likewise will have a very different impression of white people than those who encounter more decent sorts.

I can sympathize with a black person walking in some neighborhoods and hears someone running behind him and when he turns is relieved to see that it is a white man. He knows that white person is very unlikely to give him any grief but he knows the dangers from the black gangs in the area.

One time when I was washing my car in a self service booth. At the far end of the car wash a group of black guys pulled up to wash their car. They had dreadlocks and were dressed sort of gangsterish and looked pretty rough. And when they all came at me I was genuinely concerned and trying to decide what to do until they smiled and wished me good morning and chamoised off my car for me. I still wonder was I justified in my initial fear or should I feel ashamed of it.

In the case of those who feel entitled just because of their skin color however, or who capitalize on that to force others to provide them with things or do what they demand, I see them and all who support that mentality as just as racist as any other form of racism.
Now the racists are happy. Meanwhile the white MAGA anti semitic racist Presidents of other universities will not be pressured.
Maybe they are not racial diversity cheaters who steal other people’s work
Of course you want to make excuses for a diversity hire who wasn't qualified for the job.

Typical for the Dems / Socialists. You're in your safe space amid liars, cheaters, mediocrity, plagiarists, just like Joe Biden and dishonest hacks
Your style seems familiar. I know I have seen it before

I just can't place it.

I knew it! I figured she would resign quietly once the brewhaha died down a bit.....Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Well ,this is what affirmative Action and DEI accomplish. Brings everyone down to their level.
She should apologize for allowing anti-semitism on the Harvard campus.
No. Then Jews would have to apologize for calling for the genocide of all white Europeans. We all know about "amalek" now. Jews have to apologize.
Of course you want to make excuses for a diversity hire who wasn't qualified for the job.

Typical for the Dems / Socialists. You're in your safe space amid liars, cheaters, mediocrity, plagiarists, just like Joe Biden and dishonest hacks
Jew billionaires, who told you to hate white, take down a Jew AA hire who was indoctrinated in anti white marxism. It's hilarious.
Nope, no disdain for Jews at all, but Zionists (Jewish/Israeli nationalists) are forever shaping the narrative of the Israel-Palestine conflict in favor of Israeli settlement expansion and Zionist ethno-nationalism. And the richer are more politically connected ones use their influence to mute criticism of Israel, and punish anyone they believe either isn't pro-Israel enough or is too pro-Palestine.
What is happening over there especially after Oct 7th has NOTHING to do with Publicity calling out for death and violence against Jews worldwide to the extent of Jews being afraid for their Physical Safety or.bring publicly harassed and bullied or are you too STUPID to understand that?

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