Harvard Pro Hamas Supporters Terrorize Jewish Student

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
The ethnic Intimidation continues. The "professor" needs to be fired, the students expelled, and all of them criminally charged. This kind of terrorism cannot be allowed in a civilized society

The ethnic Intimidation continues. The "professor" needs to be fired, the students expelled, and all of them criminally charged. This kind of terrorism cannot be allowed in a civilized society

Yeah, to heck with that First Amendment thing... A Jew had his feelings hurt.

It's not only allowed in our civilized society ... it's encouraged.

Encouraged by people who believe Jews will be an easy target.

Or just people who aren't buying the Zionist propaganda anymore.

And what’s the Biden’s strategy to these shameful displays of antisemitism on liberal college campuses? To develop a strategy to combat Islamophobia.
Well, maybe your Zionist buddies should stop murdering women and children in Gaza.
Yeah, to heck with that First Amendment thing... A Jew had his feelings hurt.

Or just people who aren't buying the Zionist propaganda anymore.

Well, maybe your Zionist buddies should stop murdering women and children in Gaza.
^ Win.
a mob of students at the left wing bastion of enlightenment Harvard surrounded and Harassed a Jewish student .. antisemitism is growing on college campuses .

Yeah, to heck with that First Amendment thing... A Jew had his feelings hurt.

Or just people who aren't buying the Zionist propaganda anymore.

Well, maybe your Zionist buddies should stop murdering women and children in Gaza.
STFU you racist, criminal loving, terrorist loving, Anti-Semitic asshole. Of course you encourage violence against Jewish students. News flash: Nobody buys the crap coming from you Anti-Semites anymore. Maybe you should go join your Hamas buddies in Gaza.
And what’s the Biden’s strategy to these shameful displays of antisemitism on liberal college campuses? To develop a strategy to combat Islamophobia.
Don’t forget the threat from right wing terrorists too.
Don’t forget the threat from right wing terrorists too.

As you can imagine, I am typically, but more particularly now, sensitive to anti-Semitic speech and tropes, especially those connected to the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.

I do see such anti-Semitic speech from people here who identify as right-wing.

But, whenever this conflict escalates, there is a surge from of anti-Jewish hate speech from those who regularly claim to be leftists.

Currently, as is reflected in my ignore list, the members on the left who spouting this tripe vastly outnumber those on the right.

Also, and perhaps most importantly, outside of this forum, you will see a marked increase in anti-Semitism from those in positions of power or public trust, such as members of Congress, news readers, and faculty of universities... ALL of whom identify with The Left.
Yeah, to heck with that First Amendment thing... A Jew had his feelings hurt.
You think it is appropriate to suppress the teaching of Charles Murray, Jared Taylor, and Professor's Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein, and J. Philippe Rushton to keep Negroes from having their feelings hurt.
Jared Taylor has said, and I agree, "Jews look white to me."
They may look White, but they aren't White. Ever notice that Jews are only White when they're the villains? E.g. George Zimmerman, Harvey Weinstein, Son of Sam, Charlie Rose, Louis C.K., Stan Lee, James Franco, Meyer Lansky, Mickey Cohen, Bugsy Siegel, Matt Lauer, Madeleine Albright, Frank Collin (a.k.a. Frank Cohen), Travis Kalanick, James Toback, Jeffrey Epstein, Neil Portnow, Jeffrey Tambor, and Al Franken, to name just a few.

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