Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

I am not going to get into a debate with you about common knowledge; which is subjective and far from conclusive, and many times based on the prejudices of the times in which it exists.

example: 100 years ago it was common knowledge that blacks and women were not intelligent enough to vote. ... :cool:

There is no debate. I just gave you the definition from the dictionary. You can admit your are wrong or stay in denial over the matter. What you cannot do is divert the subject by bringing up what black women were not able to do a hundred years ago.
You are a very dishonest poster.....I never should never have responded to your nonsense.....I won't make that mistake again. ... :cool:

I am not a dishonest poster but I do appreciate your realizing it was a mistake to respond to me, Sunni. ( your dishonesty has been exposed)
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Why weren't the pro-Hamas people who set fire to the Israeli flag and threatened the safety of the pro Israel people taken away in police vans instead? I realize it is a novel idea for some, to actually enforce the law but there is always a first! In front of the White House might be a good place to begin! Ya think?

Better questions.

Why isn't a news outlet like MSNBC (NBC) ever brought up on charges for inciting violence and deaths of children when they deliberately omit the facts that hamas is deliberately firing into Israel from schools and mosques so that Israel kills the women and children and they can use that to manipulate the western media?

By attacking Netanyahu on Meet the Press with the asshole David Gregory, they make the plan that hamas had a success and only incited them to keep on using their children as shields. Since.....it is working.

Check out the asshole.

Another better question:

Why do nearly 80% of Jewish Americans vote democrat when they are supposedly Jewish people who are supposedly loyal to their land of Canaan?
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Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

They don't, they are just scared of them. They know they can 'perform' their hateful histrionics about Jews and Christians because Jews and Christians won't kill them for it. The far left hates all religion except unquestioned worship of the state, but they're scared to death of Muslims so they take up that banner because it gives them an excuse to spit their bile at Jews and Christians (and 'the West' in general) without risking anything.
Why weren't the pro-Hamas people who set fire to the Israeli flag and threatened the safety of the pro Israel people taken away in police vans instead? I realize it is a novel idea for some, to actually enforce the law but there is always a first! In front of the White House might be a good place to begin! Ya think?

Better questions.

Why isn't a news outlet like MSNBC (NBC) ever brought up on charges for inciting violence and deaths of children when they deliberately omit the facts that hamas is deliberately firing into Israel from schools and mosques so that Israel kills the women and children and they can use that to manipulate the western media?

By attacking Netanyahu on Meet the Press with the asshole David Gregory, they make the plan that hamas had a success and only incited them to keep on using their children as shields. Since.....it is working.

Check out the asshole.

Another better question:

Why do nearly 80% of Jewish Americans vote democrat when they are supposedly Jewish people who are supposedly loyal to their land of Canaan?

I am glad I ignore most NBC stuff, again; Jewish Americans are not a monolith, never have been, and I doubt Jewish Americans can be swayed by any one party.
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Shitstain....I've been to a concentration camp in southern Germany and there are mass graves where the Nazis dumped the ashes near the ovens, you stupid inbred pile of shit.

Burn in hell with your false idol.

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:

Oh yes many mass graves in Germany, Britain and Russia, due to typhus, starvation and disease mainly.

That person i the above story , learned later it was a gas chamber, once again, most Jews who talked about the gas chambers, heard about it, or seen then in the movies, never seen them.

Funny how they have to offer money and one judge makes the case. If truly there were gas chambers there would be no question. People would of known it during the war.
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Why weren't the pro-Hamas people who set fire to the Israeli flag and threatened the safety of the pro Israel people taken away in police vans instead? I realize it is a novel idea for some, to actually enforce the law but there is always a first! In front of the White House might be a good place to begin! Ya think?

Better questions.

Why isn't a news outlet like MSNBC (NBC) ever brought up on charges for inciting violence and deaths of children when they deliberately omit the facts that hamas is deliberately firing into Israel from schools and mosques so that Israel kills the women and children and they can use that to manipulate the western media?

By attacking Netanyahu on Meet the Press with the asshole David Gregory, they make the plan that hamas had a success and only incited them to keep on using their children as shields. Since.....it is working.

Check out the asshole.

Another better question:

Why do nearly 80% of Jewish Americans vote democrat when they are supposedly Jewish people who are supposedly loyal to their land of Canaan?

I am glad I ignore most NBC stuff, again; Jewish Americans are not a monolith, never have been, and I doubt Jewish Americans can be swayed by any one party.

Well, my answer is they are not Jewish at all. They may be "circumcised," but they are not Jewish. They are certainly not kosher. They know little to nothing about the Torah. They do not observe anything from the Mosaic Law, and hardly any of them attend Temple.

They are as Jewish as obama is Christian.

Therefore, most of them (Jewish Americans) are truly more related to the group that built and danced and worshiped the golden calf. Prophets warned over and over again for centuries of the wolves in sheeps clothing. Just because they where the yamaka a few times a year, or they may have had their Bar Mitzvah, they are not Jewish.

The true enemies to the land of Canaan are these wolves in sheeps clothing. The enemies of the Lord, are all of those that speak out against God's people. Notice, how the godless are not on the side of people of the true God.

Coincidence? Please.
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You're an idiot that can't even type normal coherent sentences. :cuckoo: :badgrin:

Shitstain....I've been to a concentration camp in southern Germany and there are mass graves where the Nazis dumped the ashes near the ovens, you stupid inbred pile of shit.

Burn in hell with your false idol.

The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:

Oh yes many mass graves in Germany, Britain and Russia, due to typhus, starvation and disease mainly.

That person i the above story , learned later it was a gas chamber, once again, most Jews who talked about the gas chambers, heard about it, or seen then in the movies, never seen them.

Funny how they have to offer money and one judge makes the case. If truly there were gas chambers there would be no question. People would of known it during the war.
not sure it didn't come from this charming Rabbi. I think the book is outlawed in Israel so they say and also his school is shut down so they say, but he has a huge following. Also there is one of his schools in the US or one with the same name.

Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lives in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva

In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder".

In October 2010, he urged Israel Defense Forces soldiers to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, claiming that it was against "true Jewish values" for a soldier to endanger his life for the sake of enemy soldiers or civilians.[15]

Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I would like to add many of the RAbbi's teach this stuff, from the Babylon Talmud, not all but many and many of them have a huge following, like the one who just died in Israel, he said the Jews in WWII were sinners in a past life and they were reincarnated to pay for their sins.

why do I watch the Jewish news and newspapers , because they are in charge of the ACLU, chair of the Fed Reserve last 30 years, ADL, AIPAC is strongest lobby in Wash., and if a congressman says anything neg about Israel he is not in congress for long or is mainly just taking up space, the media here and the movies are owed and run by the Jewish, and whats important to really learn is their ideology is to read the opinions on their newspapers sites. Israel Hayom is a good one for lots of opinions, and I find their opinions even say bad things about the US of which our tax dollars go to them.
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not sure it didn't come from this charming Rabbi. I think the book is outlawed in Israel so they say and also his school is shut down so they say, but he has a huge following. Also there is one of his schools in the US or one with the same name.

Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lives in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva

In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder".

In October 2010, he urged Israel Defense Forces soldiers to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, claiming that it was against "true Jewish values" for a soldier to endanger his life for the sake of enemy soldiers or civilians.[15]

Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is your point exactly? He's a marginal figure from a marginal group. It's like saying every American supports the Westboro Baptists.
not sure it didn't come from this charming Rabbi. I think the book is outlawed in Israel so they say and also his school is shut down so they say, but he has a huge following. Also there is one of his schools in the US or one with the same name.

Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lives in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva

In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder".

In October 2010, he urged Israel Defense Forces soldiers to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, claiming that it was against "true Jewish values" for a soldier to endanger his life for the sake of enemy soldiers or civilians.[15]

Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did the Marquis de Sade speak for ALL Frenchmen?
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not sure it didn't come from this charming Rabbi. I think the book is outlawed in Israel so they say and also his school is shut down so they say, but he has a huge following. Also there is one of his schools in the US or one with the same name.

Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lives in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva

In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder".

In October 2010, he urged Israel Defense Forces soldiers to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, claiming that it was against "true Jewish values" for a soldier to endanger his life for the sake of enemy soldiers or civilians.[15]

Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is your point exactly? He's a marginal figure from a marginal group. It's like saying every American supports the Westboro Baptists.

His "huge following" is in the media, not in Israel.
not sure it didn't come from this charming Rabbi. I think the book is outlawed in Israel so they say and also his school is shut down so they say, but he has a huge following. Also there is one of his schools in the US or one with the same name.

Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lives in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva

In 2009 he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder".

In October 2010, he urged Israel Defense Forces soldiers to use Palestinian civilians as human shields, claiming that it was against "true Jewish values" for a soldier to endanger his life for the sake of enemy soldiers or civilians.[15]

Yitzhak Shapira - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is your point exactly? He's a marginal figure from a marginal group. It's like saying every American supports the Westboro Baptists.

His "huge following" is in the media, not in Israel.

never heard it in the media , just in an Jewish newspaper. Yes he has a huge following or had one. Have you ever heard of him?? Oh which one, the one who wrote the Kings Torah or the one who died a couple years ago and half of Israel went to his funeral??
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I am glad I ignore most NBC stuff, again; Jewish Americans are not a monolith, never have been, and I doubt Jewish Americans can be swayed by any one party.
It's a known fact that jews overwhelmingly vote Democrat. .. :cool:

Every election, federal, state & local? I doubt that.

Yes look at the Hollywood voters. Israel is really about 1/2 or better secular and rather liberal. Abortions are easy to get there and they have a huge gay parade in Tel Avi every year, so yes.

The Democratic Israel Lobby is larger than the Republican Israel Lobby, but anyone who wants to make it big in Politics kiss up to Israel.

Clinton and Obama each got the majority of Jewish vote.
BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.


Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

Wonder how much those cuff links cost Mr. Marxist? Perhaps a gift from Jesse or Al...two other common men of the people.
BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.


Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

Wait...I got a partial transcript of his speech! "Kill's dem Jews! C-I-L-L dem Jewey honkies! "
Not a Harvard professor for a long time; the universty is better off without him.
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

I know a precious Jewish woman who survived the death camp, Auschwitz, although her family did not survive it. She told me something once that has never left me. She told me that she had never hated a single person in her entire life. Imagine it. This woman who had suffered beyond what most humans could ever suffer could honestly say she never hated another human. What beauty I saw in that womans soul. I knew immediately she had spoken the truth. What kept her heart from hatred? Only God. It takes God to love and to take pity upon our enemies.

Hatred is a most terrible disease of the heart. What misery it brings to itself and those around them. I am so thankful it never defiled my friends heart. She is most precious to me.

Well then she wasn't in a "death camp" was she? What did the Doctor die from, typhus, TB, starvation, Malaria?

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