Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.


Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

Nancy Pelosi thinks Hamas is a humanitarian organization... Go figure.

They fire rockets into Israel constantly hoping to hit something of value.
They seem to have built hundreds of tunnels into Israel...Hey Nancy WTF do you think they are for?
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

I know a precious Jewish woman who survived the death camp, Auschwitz, although her family did not survive it. She told me something once that has never left me. She told me that she had never hated a single person in her entire life. Imagine it. This woman who had suffered beyond what most humans could ever suffer could honestly say she never hated another human. What beauty I saw in that womans soul. I knew immediately she had spoken the truth. What kept her heart from hatred? Only God. It takes God to love and to take pity upon our enemies.

Hatred is a most terrible disease of the heart. What misery it brings to itself and those around them. I am so thankful it never defiled my friends heart. She is most precious to me.
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Ironic the people supporting Hamas and Islam when they'll be put against the wall right next to Jews if they ever got their way.

BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.


Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.


West is an idiot. He no longer teaches at Harvard, please correct this error, Summers got rid of him, he "instructs" somewhere in New York.

for once i do agree with that statement.
The seething cauldron of hatred being poured out against Jews and Christians right now is utterly satanic. It is as if all hell has united against Jews and Christians. Very disturbing report. Thank you, TheOwl32, for posting the thread and photo. As they say, A picture is worth a thousand words.

West is not part of Harvard University(.)
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

What is way beyond of difficult to understand, what is totally and completely incomprehensible to anyone with a mind that that has any relation to common sense and logic, is that Jews and Negroes vote almost by block, Democrat.

Blacks I understand. Jews, not so much.
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:

That is disgracful, and I know three people who saw the evidence. Once again, Cornel West is not associated with Harvard, GOOD RIDDANCE.
If Cornell West ever drew a check as a professor at Harvard, then the damage is done---the school is forever tainted.
Black socialists have always hated the Jews, it's some Nazi gene in their system.
It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:

You are mistaken. This Jewish man, Mel Mermelstein won a lawsuit proving the gas chambers both existed and were used in the cold blooded murder of the Jews.

Mel Mermelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1980, the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) promised a $50,000 reward to anyone who could prove that Jews were gassed at Auschwitz.

Mermelstein wrote a letter to the editors of the LA Times and others including The Jerusalem Post. The Institute for Historical Review wrote back, offering him $50,000 for proof that Jews were, in fact, gassed in the gas chambers at Auschwitz. Mermelstein, in turn, submitted a notarized account of his internment at Auschwitz and how he witnessed Nazi guards ushering his mother and two sisters and others towards (as he learned later) gas chamber number five.

Despite this, the IHR refused to pay the reward. Represented by public interest attorney William John Cox, Mermelstein subsequently sued the IHR in the Superior Court of Los Angeles County for breach of contract, anticipatory repudiation, libel, injurious denial of established fact, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and declaratory relief (see case no. C 356 542). On October 9, 1981, both parties in the Mermelstein case filed motions for summary judgment in consideration of which Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County took "judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944,"[1][2] judicial notice meaning that the court treated the gas chambers as common knowledge, and therefore did not require evidence that the gas chambers existed. On August 5, 1985, Judge Robert A. Wenke entered a judgment based upon the Stipulation for Entry of Judgment agreed upon by the parties on July 22, 1985. The judgment required IHR and other defendants to pay $90,000 to Mermelstein and to issue a letter of apology to "Mr. Mel Mermelstein, a survivor of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buchenwald, and all other survivors of Auschwitz" for "pain, anguish and suffering" caused to them.[2]

In a pre-trial determination, Judge Thomas T. Johnson declared:

"This court does take judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944. It is not reasonably subject to dispute. And it is capable of immediate and accurate determination by resort to sources of reasonably indisputable accuracy. It is simply a fact."[2]
Mel won the case. The gas chambers are a proven fact.
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Shitstain....I've been to a concentration camp in southern Germany and there are mass graves where the Nazis dumped the ashes near the ovens, you stupid inbred pile of shit.

Burn in hell with your false idol.

It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:
Black socialists have always hated the Jews, it's some Nazi gene in their system.
Blacks have a good reason to dislike the Jews.

1) Dutch Jews started and owned the slave trade and ships bringing blacks to America.

2) Israel was the only country to still sell apartheid South Africa goods and weapons after the world wide embargo.
Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.
The ovens in Auschwitz were used to bake bread for the thousands of prisoners and guards at the camp.

They were way too little and inefficient to cremate the millions of bodies as alleged in the official story. ... :cool:

You are mistaken. This Jewish man, Mel Mermelstein won a lawsuit proving the gas chambers both existed and were used in the cold blooded murder of the Jews.

Mel Mermelstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

3,000 TONS of evidence was produced at the Nuremburg trials, my father & uncle SAW the evidence left behind in Germany. A law school professor of mine lived through the war years in Germany. Again, West has not been associated wsith Harvard for twelve years.
On October 9, 1981, both parties in the Mermelstein case filed motions for summary judgment in consideration of which Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County took "judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944," judicial notice meaning that the court treated the gas chambers as common knowledge, and therefore did not require evidence that the gas chambers existed.
A conviction based on......zero evidence. ... :cool:
Here are the photographs of the gas chambers which holocaust deniers claim never existed. Thank God for the evidence provided by pictures. As I said earlier, A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case? Words which cannot begin to describe the horror, the terror these people suffered. If we do not speak up for these Jews, who shall speak up for us?

Mermelstein: By Bread alone

Background information on Mel Mermelstein:

Mel Mermelstein is a Holocaust survivor who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gross Rosen, and Buchenwald. Mr. Mermelstein’s father, mother, two sisters and a brother all died during the Holocaust, simply because they were Jewish. Mermelstein is the only Holocaust survivor in his immediate family. Mr. Melmelstein’s autobiography, By Bread Alone, describes the importance that bread symbolized in his life. Bread was his lifeline. It was filling and nourishing, and it also held a religious significance. Bread was seen as the manna from heaven which was sent from God (By Bread Alone, page 123). In the camps, bread and shoes were key elements needed in order to survive. Bread was traded, savored, and treasured.

For more information about Mel Mermelstein, read his autobiography entitled: By Bread Alone.

Open the link to see the photographs of how the nazis murdered the Jews. There is no denying the gas chambers and ovens of Auschwitz. The truth is something that cannot be denied. Also learn more about Mel's book, "By Bread Alone". Thank you for reading and viewing the link.
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You scumbag muslims have dirtier hands regarding enslaving and killing blacks compared to "the Jews."

Hell....you shitbags are killing and enslaving blacks today in Nigeria, Sudan, etc. :eusa_whistle:

Black socialists have always hated the Jews, it's some Nazi gene in their system.
Blacks have a good reason to dislike the Jews.

1) Dutch Jews started and owned the slave trade and ships bringing blacks to America.

2) Israel was the only country to still sell apartheid South Africa goods and weapons after the world wide embargo.
Little known story from Auschwitz....

The Max Kolbe Story

The person he traded his life for lived till the age of 93 and died in 1995. Franciszek Gajowniczek
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As usual the juden have created more problems by their behavior and now want to cry victim. .. :cuckoo:

You folks have enough problems of your own without having to find someone to blame it on, namely the Jews.
ISIS rebels slaughtering 1500 innocent men with a gun shot to the back of their heads for one. Plenty of video out there ISIS put out showing it.
Men being led to their execution in chains, one video is they are led to a concrete pad and shot in the back of the head and pushed into a river, the concrete pad soaked in blood and another with them laying down head first being shot in the head.
Sunni attacks on Shia and Shia attacks on Sunni on and on and on. You can never, ever reach an agreement on a damn thing with folks of the same religion.
Sunni in power with Hussein as the murderer and then Shia come in with our help, which was a massive fuck up, and they go with the anti Sunni campaign so ISIS comes in.
Start with figuring out that mess and get back to us.
But good as always hearing from ya!

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