Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

I know a precious Jewish woman who survived the death camp, Auschwitz, although her family did not survive it. She told me something once that has never left me. She told me that she had never hated a single person in her entire life. Imagine it. This woman who had suffered beyond what most humans could ever suffer could honestly say she never hated another human. What beauty I saw in that womans soul. I knew immediately she had spoken the truth. What kept her heart from hatred? Only God. It takes God to love and to take pity upon our enemies.

Hatred is a most terrible disease of the heart. What misery it brings to itself and those around them. I am so thankful it never defiled my friends heart. She is most precious to me.

Well then she wasn't in a "death camp" was she? What did the Doctor die from, typhus, TB, starvation, Malaria?

Yes. She was in a death camp. That is what we call places like Auschwitz, Penelope. Death camps. You know why? Because the Jews were put to death there.

It is important to say, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

The price was so great, so enormous, that it cannot be counted - this is why the Jews are "Never going to forget", Why the Christians who stand with the Jews are "Never going to forget", why all good Americans who love their freedom and the values we share with Jews and with our ally Israel, are "never going to forget" and together we shall stand til' death do we part.

In other words, Penelope, Israel is there to stay and anyone who does not think so has yet to realize the price she paid to be brought back in 1948.

Thanks for reading, Penelope!
Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

I know a precious Jewish woman who survived the death camp, Auschwitz, although her family did not survive it. She told me something once that has never left me. She told me that she had never hated a single person in her entire life. Imagine it. This woman who had suffered beyond what most humans could ever suffer could honestly say she never hated another human. What beauty I saw in that womans soul. I knew immediately she had spoken the truth. What kept her heart from hatred? Only God. It takes God to love and to take pity upon our enemies.

Hatred is a most terrible disease of the heart. What misery it brings to itself and those around them. I am so thankful it never defiled my friends heart. She is most precious to me.

Well then she wasn't in a "death camp" was she? What did the Doctor die from, typhus, TB, starvation, Malaria?

Yes. She was in a death camp. That is what we call places like Auschwitz, Penelope. Death camps. You know why? Because the Jews were put to death there.

It is important to say, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

The price was so great, so enormous, that it cannot be counted - this is why the Jews are "Never going to forget", Why the Christians who stand with the Jews are "Never going to forget", why all good Americans who love their freedom and the values we share with Jews and with our ally Israel, are "never going to forget" and together we shall stand til' death do we part.

In other words, Penelope, Israel is there to stay and anyone who does not think so has yet to realize the price she paid to be brought back in 1948.

Thanks for reading, Penelope!

Oh yes, they were labor, Pows, and well concentration camps. I'm sure many died and she seen it. Do you know most people do not want to discuss their time in WWII and we all have relatives who lost lifes in WWII. Many suffered , but not for one minute do I believe the fables of gass chambers , except for delousing humans and clothes.

No Jews died there, there were not put to death, although some may of been executed.
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Well then she wasn't in a "death camp" was she? What did the Doctor die from, typhus, TB, starvation, Malaria?

Yes. She was in a death camp. That is what we call places like Auschwitz, Penelope. Death camps. You know why? Because the Jews were put to death there.

It is important to say, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

The price was so great, so enormous, that it cannot be counted - this is why the Jews are "Never going to forget", Why the Christians who stand with the Jews are "Never going to forget", why all good Americans who love their freedom and the values we share with Jews and with our ally Israel, are "never going to forget" and together we shall stand til' death do we part.

In other words, Penelope, Israel is there to stay and anyone who does not think so has yet to realize the price she paid to be brought back in 1948.

Thanks for reading, Penelope!

Oh yes, they were labor, Pows, and well concentration camps. I'm sure many died and she seen it. Do you know most people do not want to discuss their time in WWII and we all have relatives who lost lifes in WWII. Many suffered , but not for one minute do I believe the fables of gass chambers , except for delousing humans and clothes.

No Jews died there, there were not put to death, although some may of been executed.

You are grossly ignorant. The Germans created death camps specifically for Jews. They had a systematic program to exterminate Jews. The camps at Auscwitz (there was more than one) were among those. The gas chambers still stand, they still have marks from finger nails desperately trying to claw their way out.
Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

That's not the only mystery. Since the collapse of the old Soviet Union...for some reason...they seem to have decided they love Socialism. Well, that one can at least be explained by their interest in buying votes with Free Stuff.

But, Muslims?

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Democrats do nothing but whore for votes. That's why the Border is open to invasion. They see hoards needing Free Stuff and from that...they see Votes.

But, I don't understand them whoring for Muslim votes. Muslims are just not going to make very good Democrats. Very religious when Democrats think its cool to be Athiests....hate gays...oppress women.

And you just can't trust a man who thinks he will get to bed 72 virgins in Paradise if...when he blows himself up...he takes a few Americans with him.

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdCsl98naqM]Hamas terrorists Kill PalestinIans - A MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! - YouTube[/ame]

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

The typical run of the Mill Liberal is incapable of Independent Thought.

Unfortunately they are all run-of-the-mill.
Is that the railroad entering Auschwitz death camp on your avatar, Sunni Man? If so, it could be that is why you do not understand why Americans support Israel. You see, Sunni Man, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

I know a precious Jewish woman who survived the death camp, Auschwitz, although her family did not survive it. She told me something once that has never left me. She told me that she had never hated a single person in her entire life. Imagine it. This woman who had suffered beyond what most humans could ever suffer could honestly say she never hated another human. What beauty I saw in that womans soul. I knew immediately she had spoken the truth. What kept her heart from hatred? Only God. It takes God to love and to take pity upon our enemies.

Hatred is a most terrible disease of the heart. What misery it brings to itself and those around them. I am so thankful it never defiled my friends heart. She is most precious to me.

Well then she wasn't in a "death camp" was she? What did the Doctor die from, typhus, TB, starvation, Malaria?

Yes. She was in a death camp. That is what we call places like Auschwitz, Penelope. Death camps. You know why? Because the Jews were put to death there.

It is important to say, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

The price was so great, so enormous, that it cannot be counted - this is why the Jews are "Never going to forget", Why the Christians who stand with the Jews are "Never going to forget", why all good Americans who love their freedom and the values we share with Jews and with our ally Israel, are "never going to forget" and together we shall stand til' death do we part.

In other words, Penelope, Israel is there to stay and anyone who does not think so has yet to realize the price she paid to be brought back in 1948.

Thanks for reading, Penelope!

No humans should ever forget, lest it happen again.
Oi vey, Cornell West, literally Hitler. Doesn't he know Gazans are committing a second holocaust by responding to Israeli attacks with home made dud rockets? Israel is protecting themselves by bombing UN schools, markets, and hospitals. Palestinian children are potential nazis and must be eliminated.
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The seething cauldron of hatred being poured out against Jews and Christians right now is utterly satanic. It is as if all hell has united against Jews and Christians. Very disturbing report. Thank you, TheOwl32, for posting the thread and photo. As they say, A picture is worth a thousand words.

thousand words you are reading into that picture. The connotation does not speak well for you fulfilling Christ's admonitions in John 13:34-35;

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

You do know that West is a practicing Christian don't you Jeri? Better be careful of the liars and deceivers you congregate with and the haters you embrace lest you endanger your own salvation.
You are grossly ignorant. The Germans created death camps specifically for Jews. They had a systematic program to exterminate Jews. The camps at Auscwitz (there was more than one) were among those. The gas chambers still stand, they still have marks from finger nails desperately trying to claw their way out.
The Russian's remodeled the so called gas chamber buildings in 1948 and added the gas nozzles and other fixtures as part of a propaganda show against the Germans. .. :cool:
That isn't the report I am hearing. I heard that Hamas had launched 560 rockets into Israel in 3 days alone this past month ( July ) All of which were destroyed by Iron Dome Defense or missed their targets.

Since 2001 Hamas has launched 16,000 missiles ( deadly missiles not duds ) with no guidance and no warning into Israeli territory. Of the 780 launches Israel hit all 780 and gave calls or fired warning shots to warn Gazans they were going to launch in order to minimize loss of life and also drops leaflets from the skies to warn Gazans to evacuate.

While Israel does all they can to protect these civilians in Gaza, Hamas does not reciprocate with warnings. Furthermore, the story of what Hamas does to their own people is quite horrific.

Hamas forces the women and their children to stay there with them to become human shields and sand bags so that they do not suffer injury. These men are cowardly terrorists. In that order, mind you.

Furthermore, in the month of July just in two days 3 million Jews had to run to bomb shelter with only 15-45 seconds warning to run for their life.

One Gaza rocket landed in city of Hideron, 20 miles north of Tel Aviv which is 50 miles from border according to valid sources and you want to talk about home made dud missiles? Those are not homemade missiles. Those are missiles being smuggled into Gaza by terrorists using tunnels, waterways, any which way they can smuggle these weapons in. Iran has supplied many weapons to them.

Your information is faulty. You need to get up to speed here with the the truth. If you cannot remember what is reported? Write it down. It works for me!
That isn't the report I am hearing. I heard that Hamas had launched 560 rockets into Israel in 3 days alone this past month ( July ) All of which were destroyed by Iron Dome Defense or missed their targets.

Since 2001 Hamas has launched 16,000 missiles ( deadly missiles not duds ) with no guidance and no warning into Israeli territory. Of the 780 launches Israel hit all 780 and gave calls or fired warning shots to warn Gazans they were going to launch in order to minimize loss of life and also drops leaflets from the skies to warn Gazans to evacuate.

While Israel does all they can to protect these civilians in Gaza, Hamas does not reciprocate with warnings. Furthermore, the story of what Hamas does to their own people is quite horrific.

Hamas forces the women and their children to stay there with them to become human shields and sand bags so that they do not suffer injury. These men are cowardly terrorists. In that order, mind you.

Furthermore, in the month of July just in two days 3 million Jews had to run to bomb shelter with only 15-45 seconds warning to run for their life.

One Gaza rocket landed in city of Hideron, 20 miles north of Tel Aviv which is 50 miles from border according to valid sources and you want to talk about home made dud missiles? Those are not homemade missiles. Those are missiles being smuggled into Gaza by terrorists using tunnels, waterways, any which way they can smuggle these weapons in. Iran has supplied many weapons to them.

Your information is faulty. You need to get up to speed here with the the truth. If you cannot remember what is reported? Write it down. It works for me!

It looks more & more as if Hamas has to both attack Israel, and control its "subjects"; the latest news does not help the situation:

US calls Israeli attack on UN school ?disgraceful? - The Washington Post
The seething cauldron of hatred being poured out against Jews and Christians right now is utterly satanic. It is as if all hell has united against Jews and Christians. Very disturbing report. Thank you, TheOwl32, for posting the thread and photo. As they say, A picture is worth a thousand words.

thousand words you are reading into that picture. The connotation does not speak well for you fulfilling Christ's admonitions in John 13:34-35;

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

You do know that West is a practicing Christian don't you Jeri? Better be careful of the liars and deceivers you congregate with and the haters you embrace lest you endanger your own salvation.

I have a reality check for you, Smedley. Not everyone who says they are a Christian are speaking the truth. By their fruits ye shall know them. If Mr. West were a Christian he would be speaking up for pro Israeli people who had to be taken away in protective custody by way of police vans not the ones who were accosting them ( pro - Hamas group ).

Furthermore, if Mr. West were a Christian he would not dare step onto a platform to give a "passionate speech" for Pro - Hamas terrorists and their supporters. Not on his life. His actions betray his own claim of Christianity. Indeed, I find no evidence of it at all!
Yes. She was in a death camp. That is what we call places like Auschwitz, Penelope. Death camps. You know why? Because the Jews were put to death there.

It is important to say, Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auschwitz.

The price was so great, so enormous, that it cannot be counted - this is why the Jews are "Never going to forget", Why the Christians who stand with the Jews are "Never going to forget", why all good Americans who love their freedom and the values we share with Jews and with our ally Israel, are "never going to forget" and together we shall stand til' death do we part.

In other words, Penelope, Israel is there to stay and anyone who does not think so has yet to realize the price she paid to be brought back in 1948.

Thanks for reading, Penelope!

Oh yes, they were labor, Pows, and well concentration camps. I'm sure many died and she seen it. Do you know most people do not want to discuss their time in WWII and we all have relatives who lost lifes in WWII. Many suffered , but not for one minute do I believe the fables of gass chambers , except for delousing humans and clothes.

No Jews died there, there were not put to death, although some may of been executed.

You are grossly ignorant. The Germans created death camps specifically for Jews. They had a systematic program to exterminate Jews. The camps at Auscwitz (there was more than one) were among those. The gas chambers still stand, they still have marks from finger nails desperately trying to claw their way out.

Oh course, its the same as the US built special places out west , work camps for the Japanese and any militants that may cause problems during the war. Everyone did.
Since "Judea declared War on Germany in 1933" headlines of NY Times, Hitler was certainty aware of the trouble they could cause. Warsaw ghetto uprising. That is why he tried to get as many Jewish out of Germany as he could, the British would only take so many, a German ship with 1000 Jewish on was denied entry at Miami, so Hitler did make a deal with Ben- Gurion (Sp) (the 1st PM of Israel) with the transfer agreement, then the had to make the Jews goes to Palestine, who wanted to go to an undeveloped country when they had it good in Germany up till now. So that was going on but had to quit once the war got going. No one wanted more mouths to feed , as there was no imports or exports.

You know all this , why am I telling you. You must be aware of your won history.
That isn't the report I am hearing. I heard that Hamas had launched 560 rockets into Israel in 3 days alone this past month ( July ) All of which were destroyed by Iron Dome Defense or missed their targets.

Since 2001 Hamas has launched 16,000 missiles ( deadly missiles not duds ) with no guidance and no warning into Israeli territory. Of the 780 launches Israel hit all 780 and gave calls or fired warning shots to warn Gazans they were going to launch in order to minimize loss of life and also drops leaflets from the skies to warn Gazans to evacuate.

While Israel does all they can to protect these civilians in Gaza, Hamas does not reciprocate with warnings. Furthermore, the story of what Hamas does to their own people is quite horrific.

Hamas forces the women and their children to stay there with them to become human shields and sand bags so that they do not suffer injury. These men are cowardly terrorists. In that order, mind you.

Furthermore, in the month of July just in two days 3 million Jews had to run to bomb shelter with only 15-45 seconds warning to run for their life.

One Gaza rocket landed in city of Hideron, 20 miles north of Tel Aviv which is 50 miles from border according to valid sources and you want to talk about home made dud missiles? Those are not homemade missiles. Those are missiles being smuggled into Gaza by terrorists using tunnels, waterways, any which way they can smuggle these weapons in. Iran has supplied many weapons to them.

Your information is faulty. You need to get up to speed here with the the truth. If you cannot remember what is reported? Write it down. It works for me!

Right two different military scientist came out and said this, one from MIT and one is an Israeli one. I use to watch it and tell my husband what happens to the rocket it hits, the just disappear, turns out they just blow up pretending to hit something. Every article I've read about it, its a different no of rockets it has stopped. We know most rocket shot by Hamas were lucky to make it out of Gaza. Oh boy if this is true, and we just sent more money to Israel for this fake fireworks, its not going to sit well, that is for sure.
Oi vey, why do those nazi palestinian goy think they have the right to respond to Israeli attacks by firing rockets? Self-defense is terrorism, fighting back against G-d's chosen people is a sin on level with the Shoah.
Of course The Rabbi is aware of his own history. So what is your motive in trying to revise it? Israel belongs to the Jews. Get over it, Penelope, and get back on topic. The topic discussion is Jews rescued from pro - Hamas rally gathering - anti - semitic speech in front of White House. Address it or move on.
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the leader of Hamas speaks from......Qaear:

Hamas' political leader, who lives in Qatar, sat down with CNN for an exclusive interview.
Khaled Meshaal, a 58-year-old former teacher, has had the role since 2004, after Hamas' then-leader, Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi, was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Meshaal is known as Hamas' external deal-maker, raising money from supporters in the region. He spoke with CNN's Nic Robertson. Here are highlights from CNN's translation of the interview.

CNN exclusive: Inside the mind of Hamas' political head - CNN.com

That says a lot about Hamas, children stay in the line of fire, leadership skips the region.
Oi vey, why do those nazi palestinian goy think they have the right to respond to Israeli attacks by firing rockets? Self-defense is terrorism, fighting back against G-d's chosen people is a sin on level with the Shoah.

Self defense is what the Israelis are doing. As for the terrorist organization Hamas which you defend - they are putting the lives of arab men, women and children at risk - in Gaza - because their hatred of the Jews is greater than their love for their own children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family, fellow citizens. It is just that simple. Awful but true.
Oi vey, why do those nazi palestinian goy think they have the right to respond to Israeli attacks by firing rockets? Self-defense is terrorism, fighting back against G-d's chosen people is a sin on level with the Shoah.

Self defense is what the Israelis are doing. As for the terrorist organization Hamas which you defend - they are putting the lives of arab men, women and children at risk - in Gaza - because their hatred of the Jews is greater than their love for their own children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family, fellow citizens. It is just that simple. Awful but true.

The leader of Hamas is nowhere near the danger:

CNN exclusive: Inside the mind of Hamas' political head - CNN.com
Of course The Rabbi is aware of his own history. So what is your motive in trying to revise it? Israel belongs to the Jews. Get over it, Penelope, and get back on topic. The topic discussion is Jews rescued from pro - Hamas rally gathering - anti - semitic speech in front of White House. Address it or move on.

No Israel does not belong to the Jews, and no one called it Israel but the Jews. It was known as Palestine and then Judea, but never did the Israelites ever have full control of Palestine.

No I have nothing more to say. Semitic involves Arabs and others , once again false information. Semitic does not mean Jews.

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