Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

It' difficult to understand how any patriotic red blooded American who loves freedom and democracy can support a fascist apartheid country like Israel?? ... :doubt:

What is way beyond of difficult to understand, what is totally and completely incomprehensible to anyone with a mind that that has any relation to common sense and logic, is that Jews and Negroes vote almost by block, Democrat.

Blacks I understand. Jews, not so much.

Most of the ones I've known, Jews and Blacks, were intelligent enough to know that republicans represent the wealthiest among us period. Jews and blacks also have a history of being persecuted and discriminated against, and can smell a rat (republican) a mile away.
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Thanks for the reading, Sunni. It has been an interesting day learning of your interest in the holocaust, gas chambers and all the rest. I see you changed your avatar. Perhaps your attitude shall be next. Good night. - Jeremiah
Notice how the coward Jeremiah fled the scene when I ask her a difficult pointed question.

She is one of the most dishonest posters on the board. .. :doubt:

Thanks for the reading, Sunni. It has been an interesting day learning of your interest in the holocaust, gas chambers and all the rest. I see you changed your avatar. Perhaps your attitude shall be next. Good night. - Jeremiah
Notice how the coward Jeremiah fled the scene when I ask her a difficult pointed question.

She is one of the most dishonest posters on the board. .. :doubt:


Jews want to boil Jesus in his own excrement for eternity according to the Talmud. They certainly hate Christians. So I wouldn't expect their lackeys like Jeremiah to care what Jesus thinks
It was Nasrallah, Sunni Man. I can understand your humiliation because truly Nasrallah is nothing to be proud of.
Here is the man in the attempted Israeli poisoning incident: Khaled Mashal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your apology is accepted. .. :cool:

btw As a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

I'll be waiting for your answer.........


Your right he was in a comma and Clinton told Bibi to send the vaccine but the doctors had given him Narcon just in time. He was born in the West Bank and after the 6 day war his family had to move to Kuwait due to financial problems. The founder of Hamas also was born in Palestine, became a quad when what about 14, and Mossad shot him from a plane while he was in a WC being carried out to prayer, the next leader, was riding in his car and was shot also was born in Palestine. That is when Mashal became the leader. See the land of Palestine has meaning to all these people, they were all born there.

Of course I'm right, Penelope, although you are mistaken in calling it a vaccine - it was an antidote for poison, not a vaccine. I'll assume that was a typo on your part - - - as to Sunni's request for an answer - - - if you would please read my response word for word to him he'll find I did answer his question. Thanks.

P.S. You're wrong about the arabs having any claim to the land. You could be born in Buckingham Palace -one of the servants children - but you still have no claim to the title deed or the crown. Amen? Make sure and put in a request for the do your job rally in Washington - who knows that Holder isn't reading tonight!

Good night - J.
Here is the man in the attempted Israeli poisoning incident: Khaled Mashal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your apology is accepted. .. :cool:

btw As a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

I'll be waiting for your answer.........


Your right he was in a comma and Clinton told Bibi to send the vaccine but the doctors had given him Narcon just in time. He was born in the West Bank and after the 6 day war his family had to move to Kuwait due to financial problems. The founder of Hamas also was born in Palestine, became a quad when what about 14, and Mossad shot him from a plane while he was in a WC being carried out to prayer, the next leader, was riding in his car and was shot also was born in Palestine. That is when Mashal became the leader. See the land of Palestine has meaning to all these people, they were all born there.

Of course I'm right, Penelope, although you are mistaken in calling it a vaccine - it was an antidote for poison, not a vaccine. I'll assume that was a typo on your part - - - as to Sunni's request for an answer - - - if you would please read my response word for word to him he'll find I did answer his question. Thanks.

P.S. You're wrong about the arabs having any claim to the land. You could be born in Buckingham Palace -one of the servants children - but you still have no claim to the title deed or the crown. Amen? Make sure and put in a request for the do your job rally in Washington - who knows that Holder isn't reading tonight!

Good night - J.
This is your second Good Night lie.......which is how you cowardly fled the scene the last time.

And No, you didn't answer my question. So I will ask it in a different way.

"As a Christian would Jesus agree with your condoning the murder of a man by poisoning him or say your that attitude is sinful?"

We will all be waiting for your answer........ :cool:
Here is the man in the attempted Israeli poisoning incident: Khaled Mashal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your apology is accepted. .. :cool:

btw As a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

I'll be waiting for your answer.........


Your right he was in a comma and Clinton told Bibi to send the vaccine but the doctors had given him Narcon just in time. He was born in the West Bank and after the 6 day war his family had to move to Kuwait due to financial problems. The founder of Hamas also was born in Palestine, became a quad when what about 14, and Mossad shot him from a plane while he was in a WC being carried out to prayer, the next leader, was riding in his car and was shot also was born in Palestine. That is when Mashal became the leader. See the land of Palestine has meaning to all these people, they were all born there.

Of course I'm right, Penelope, although you are mistaken in calling it a vaccine - it was an antidote for poison, not a vaccine. I'll assume that was a typo on your part - - - as to Sunni's request for an answer - - - if you would please read my response word for word to him he'll find I did answer his question. Thanks.

P.S. You're wrong about the arabs having any claim to the land. You could be born in Buckingham Palace -one of the servants children - but you still have no claim to the title deed or the crown. Amen? Make sure and put in a request for the do your job rally in Washington - who knows that Holder isn't reading tonight!

Good night - J.

I was responding to Sunni man, he is right. Vaccine or antidote, irrelevant , it was known to be Mossad. Obviously the Israelites had to fight for the land so someone was there before them.
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I have disagreed with Summers on sone issues, but never doubted he did was best for Harvard, as he believed, much like Derek Bok.
Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

That's not the only mystery. Since the collapse of the old Soviet Union...for some reason...they seem to have decided they love Socialism. Well, that one can at least be explained by their interest in buying votes with Free Stuff.

But, Muslims?

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Democrats do nothing but whore for votes. That's why the Border is open to invasion. They see hoards needing Free Stuff and from that...they see Votes.

But, I don't understand them whoring for Muslim votes. Muslims are just not going to make very good Democrats. Very religious when Democrats think its cool to be Athiests....hate gays...oppress women.

And you just can't trust a man who thinks he will get to bed 72 virgins in Paradise if...when he blows himself up...he takes a few Americans with him.

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdCsl98naqM]Hamas terrorists Kill PalestinIans - A MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! - YouTube[/ame]

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

The typical run of the Mill Liberal is incapable of Independent Thought.

that lets them off too easy
The seething cauldron of hatred being poured out against Jews and Christians right now is utterly satanic. It is as if all hell has united against Jews and Christians. Very disturbing report. Thank you, TheOwl32, for posting the thread and photo. As they say, A picture is worth a thousand words.

thousand words you are reading into that picture. The connotation does not speak well for you fulfilling Christ's admonitions in John 13:34-35;

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

You do know that West is a practicing Christian don't you Jeri? Better be careful of the liars and deceivers you congregate with and the haters you embrace lest you endanger your own salvation.

I have a reality check for you, Smedley. Not everyone who says they are a Christian are speaking the truth. By their fruits ye shall know them. If Mr. West were a Christian he would be speaking up for pro Israeli people who had to be taken away in protective custody by way of police vans not the ones who were accosting them ( pro - Hamas group ).

Furthermore, if Mr. West were a Christian he would not dare step onto a platform to give a "passionate speech" for Pro - Hamas terrorists and their supporters. Not on his life. His actions betray his own claim of Christianity. Indeed, I find no evidence of it at all!

To characterize it as pro-Hamas amounts to a lie. Good people of faith or no faith could attend a rally in support of innocent victims. Of course you could not say that of support for Hamas. There may have been extremists there from both sides, the good people shouldn't be tarred with the same brush.

I didn't hear what West said at this rally, I don't think you did or theowl did either. To say he "Spewed hate" is therefore another lie. Have you heard West speak before? I can't imagine him spewing hate. You could listen to this clip in which he says he values "precious palestinian ol lives" as much as he does "precious Israeli lives". I'm sure his politics are not compatible with yours, he is definitely a leftist. Does that automatically negate his humanity? Have a listen if you're interested in his true beliefs and not just the version cranked out by the haters.

The Pro-Zionist posters here should move to Stormfront or Free Republic, those forums support the IDF and their arab exterminationist policy.
Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.

A figure of speech I believe, rephrased: "Women can vote, drive vehicles, and run corporations in the USA".

I accept his statement as what he meant and as revelatory of deep-rooted Patriarchal sentiments. The alternative wording you put in his mouth absolves him of any moral fault. I'll wait for his own revision if he thinks one is neccessary.
Your right he was in a comma and Clinton told Bibi to send the vaccine but the doctors had given him Narcon just in time. He was born in the West Bank and after the 6 day war his family had to move to Kuwait due to financial problems. The founder of Hamas also was born in Palestine, became a quad when what about 14, and Mossad shot him from a plane while he was in a WC being carried out to prayer, the next leader, was riding in his car and was shot also was born in Palestine. That is when Mashal became the leader. See the land of Palestine has meaning to all these people, they were all born there.

Of course I'm right, Penelope, although you are mistaken in calling it a vaccine - it was an antidote for poison, not a vaccine. I'll assume that was a typo on your part - - - as to Sunni's request for an answer - - - if you would please read my response word for word to him he'll find I did answer his question. Thanks.

P.S. You're wrong about the arabs having any claim to the land. You could be born in Buckingham Palace -one of the servants children - but you still have no claim to the title deed or the crown. Amen? Make sure and put in a request for the do your job rally in Washington - who knows that Holder isn't reading tonight!

Good night - J.

I was responding to Sunni man, he is right. Vaccine or antidote, irrelevant , it was known to be Mossad. Obviously the Israelites had to fight for the land so someone was there before them.

Most of the Worlds Real Estate was once occuppied by "someone else" b4 it's current occupants conquered it .
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Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals

Beg to differ Sweety - they don't recognize mentally damaged twats with vaginal fixations ..... basically walking menstrual clots, such as yourself, to be equals - because you're not an equal - your a walking parrot, and a comical one at that.

You, my dear, despite your pompously inflated high self opinion are pretty much the furthest thing from a "Strong Independent Woman" there is. You want to see Strong Independent Woman ???

These are Girls capable of thinking for themselves -they don't need a man to formulate their opinions for them and they most certainly don't need to have socio-fascism drilled into heir heads - for four years by "Academia Nut" professors - with subjects such as "Womans Studies"


Did they teach you History in that socio-fascist institution of higher indoctrination that shot you out of its rancid vagina ? You're so ready and wound up , like a friggin little wind up toy, to pounce on anything you can possibly distort and misconstrue to be sexist that you attack MACAULAY for a verb he used .... That's right Bitch - he said LET - .... society LETS you be an equal. In the context in which he used it - in copmparison to a Islamic Society - what he said was factual - American Society recognizes Women as equals .
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Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals

Beg to differ Sweety - they don't recognize mentally damaged twats with vaginal fixations ..... basically walking menstrual clots, such as yourself, to be equals - because you're not an equal - your a walking parrot, and a comical one at that.

You, my dear, despite your pompously inflated high self opinion are pretty much the furthest thing from a "Strong Independent Woman" there is. You want to see Strong Independent Woman ???

These are Girls capable of thinking for themselves -they don't need a man to formulate their opinions for them and they most certainly don't need to have socio-fascism drilled into heir heads - for four years by "Academia Nut" professors - with subjects such as "Womans Studies"


Did they teach you History in that socio-fascist institution of higher indoctrination that shot you out of its rancid vagina ? You're so ready and wound up , like a friggin little wind up toy, to pounce on anything you can possibly distort and misconstrue to be sexist that you attack MACAULAY for a verb he used .... That's right Bitch - he said LET - .... society LETS you be an equal. In the context in which he used it - in copmparison to a Islamic Society - what he said was factual - American Society recognizes Women as equals .

Conservative women think with their brains.
Liberal women think with their *****.
Although off topic....I do not know of any innocent men being killed in Iraq.

Iraq is in the middle of a civil war and men have to take sides..

And as you know civil war is the most brutal type of conflict, and there is no geneva convention to be enforced. ... :cool:

So rounding up men and shooting them in the back of the head is not considered executing innocent men?
You are either in denial or do not know the facts.

Do you support ISIS and their slaughter of men in chains?
Taking sides does not constitute mass murder.
ISIS took Zumar today. How many men will the line up and shoot in the back of the head today?
Who are you afraid of that you will not admit the truth? Have you not seen the videos released by ISIS.
NOT off topic. Evidence of the mass chaos Muslims have without any Jewish interference.
In many civil wars, or sometimes war in general, executing captured enemy soldiers is standard practice. .. :cool:

Bull shit.
That is never "standard practice" to execute POWs.
Who are you afraid of?
Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals

Beg to differ Sweety - they don't recognize mentally damaged twats with vaginal fixations ..... basically walking menstrual clots, such as yourself, to be equals - because you're not an equal - your a walking parrot, and a comical one at that.

You, my dear, despite your pompously inflated high self opinion are pretty much the furthest thing from a "Strong Independent Woman" there is. You want to see Strong Independent Woman ???

These are Girls capable of thinking for themselves -they don't need a man to formulate their opinions for them and they most certainly don't need to have socio-fascism drilled into heir heads - for four years by "Academia Nut" professors - with subjects such as "Womans Studies"


Did they teach you History in that socio-fascist institution of higher indoctrination that shot you out of its rancid vagina ? You're so ready and wound up , like a friggin little wind up toy, to pounce on anything you can possibly distort and misconstrue to be sexist that you attack MACAULAY for a verb he used .... That's right Bitch - he said LET - .... society LETS you be an equal. In the context in which he used it - in copmparison to a Islamic Society - what he said was factual - American Society recognizes Women as equals .

Conservative women think with their brains.
Liberal women think with their *****.

Yes, many conservative women think with their brains as Laura Bush does when she has no problem with gay marriage and many other liberal ideas.
Lumping everyone in the same basket making blanket statements is for partisan hacks only.
Do not be one.

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