Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.
Why do you support woman hating Muslims, you fake sock puppet?

I hate all moon-worshiping Koranimals, which is why I refuse to allow Christ-stain manpigs like MACAULAY reframe the debate into "we LET our fymynyne property do XYZ, so we're better!" No manpig is inherently above any other, except President Obama. The rest of you are bigoted scum.
Back the fuck up.

"[W]e let our wives drive and vote"? "Let"? Really?

This is the mindset of the American manpig. They don't recognize strong, independent womyn as equals--they thynk of all of us as property that they can control, or at best as chyldryn that they "let" have "special privileges" like driving and voting.

Absolutely disgusting.
Why do you support woman hating Muslims, you fake sock puppet?

I hate all moon-worshiping Koranimals, which is why I refuse to allow Christ-stain manpigs like MACAULAY reframe the debate into "we LET our fymynyne property do XYZ, so we're better!" No manpig is inherently above any other, except President Obama. The rest of you are bigoted scum.

President Obama has made it harder for women to start businesses, grow businesses, or provide for their families. Through Obamacare he has severed the relationship between many women and their doctors. In the Obama White House women get paid less than men.
You are an ignorant sock and an anti feminisit sent here by your frat brothers in AL to discredit feminists.
I wonder why the all powerful allah is having such a difficult time getting rid of little tiny Israel.

I mean, surrounded by millions of people, and countries that insist allah is the true almighty, you would think one of them would say to themselves....."Hey, we have been around since 632AD. We have been murdering and stoning women just like the prophet said the great all powerful allah told him to. We also hate Israel like the prophet told us to. We have been murdering countless infidels just like the prophet told us allah told him to do......

WHY IS ISRAEL STILL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do any of them ask that of themselves?
Bull shit.
That is never "standard practice" to execute POWs.
Who are you afraid of?
My uncle was in WWII as a Marine and fought the Japanese on several islands.

It was standard practice to shoot any captured Japs after questioning for information. .. :cool:

Sunni Man YOU wrote "I do not know of any innocent men being killed in Iraq" in response to the fact Sunni ISIS are executing Iraqi Shia police and military POWs.

When confronted with the fact there ARE innocent men being executed in Iraq you come back with your spin of "In many civil wars, or sometimes WAR IN GENERAL, executing enemy soldiers is standard practice."

Then you state that your uncle was fighting the Japanese and it was standard practice to shoot the Japanese after questioning.
My father was over there for 3 years and it was not "standard practice" as rarely, if ever, did any Japanese ever get "questioned" as they never surrendered.

That was a dishonor to them.

Fact is INNOCENT men are being slaughtered by ISIS SUNNI.
NOT because they are POWs, but because they ARE SHIA.

That is how you folks operate over there Sunni. Not claiming you would do that but yout SILENCE on it is CONDONING IT.
Muslims are slaughtering EACH OTHER and you call that "standard practice".
You don't believe that. Making it up are covering it up.
I wonder why the all powerful allah is having such a difficult time getting rid of little tiny Israel.

I mean, surrounded by millions of people, and countries that insist allah is the true almighty, you would think one of them would say to themselves....."Hey, we have been around since 632AD. We have been murdering and stoning women just like the prophet said the great all powerful allah told him to. We also hate Israel like the prophet told us to. We have been murdering countless infidels just like the prophet told us allah told him to do......

WHY IS ISRAEL STILL THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do any of them ask that of themselves?

Because they hate each other far more than they do Israel.
The anti Israel cry was started by the Arab monarchies to keep the religious crazies over there busy killing each other instead of focusing on their own problems.
Beg to differ Sweety - they don't recognize mentally damaged twats with vaginal fixations ..... basically walking menstrual clots, such as yourself, to be equals - because you're not an equal - your a walking parrot, and a comical one at that.

You, my dear, despite your pompously inflated high self opinion are pretty much the furthest thing from a "Strong Independent Woman" there is. You want to see Strong Independent Woman ???

These are Girls capable of thinking for themselves -they don't need a man to formulate their opinions for them and they most certainly don't need to have socio-fascism drilled into heir heads - for four years by "Academia Nut" professors - with subjects such as "Womans Studies"


Did they teach you History in that socio-fascist institution of higher indoctrination that shot you out of its rancid vagina ? You're so ready and wound up , like a friggin little wind up toy, to pounce on anything you can possibly distort and misconstrue to be sexist that you attack MACAULAY for a verb he used .... That's right Bitch - he said LET - .... society LETS you be an equal. In the context in which he used it - in copmparison to a Islamic Society - what he said was factual - American Society recognizes Women as equals .

Conservative women think with their brains.
Liberal women think with their *****.

Yes, many conservative women think with their brains as Laura Bush does when she has no problem with gay marriage and many other liberal ideas.
Lumping everyone in the same basket making blanket statements is for partisan hacks only.
Do not be one.

Nice Post Gadawg - Re: Laura Bush /Partisan Hacks/ Gay Marriage I had to google it to be certain you weren't making it up, as you have done on other issues in the past . Opposition to Gay Marriage is a loosing proposition, I personally venomously oppose the Gay Agenda , but the Marriage Issue - regardless how mentally depraved gays are , you can't deny them their Rights as Free Americans - which includes the right to marry the consenting adult of their choice.
Laura Bush is not a conservative woman.
Neither was her husband a conservative.

Define Conservative

She is Not a Loony Leftist
She is Republican
She Thinks Independently
She Supports America
She Supports Israel

She's not an Ultra Conservative, and not a member of the Conservative Party - but she is IMHO a "conservative"
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The anti Israel cry was started by the Arab monarchies to keep the religious crazies over there busy killing each other instead of focusing on their own problems.

It started when the Jews started killing muslims and stealing muslim land.

And it's the duty for all muslims to try and help their brothers when attacked by infidels. .... :cool:
The anti Israel cry was started by the Arab monarchies to keep the religious crazies over there busy killing each other instead of focusing on their own problems.

It started when the Jews started killing muslims and stealing muslim land.

And it's the duty for all muslims to try and help their brothers when attacked by infidels. .... :cool:

JEws never killed Muslims until Muslims started killing jews
Jews paid for land
Jews arent infidels but Ahl al Kitab
The Muslims doing this stuff are ignorant of Islam and committing total haram.
You are an ibd.
Then you state that your uncle was fighting the Japanese and it was standard practice to shoot the Japanese after questioning.
My father was over there for 3 years and it was not "standard practice" as rarely, if ever, did any Japanese ever get "questioned" as they never surrendered.
Which is why I used the word "captured" and not "surrendered" .. :cool:
The anti Israel cry was started by the Arab monarchies to keep the religious crazies over there busy killing each other instead of focusing on their own problems.

It started when the Jews started killing muslims and stealing muslim land.

And it's the duty for all muslims to try and help their brothers when attacked by infidels. .... :cool:

No argument here that Jewish settlers conned, manipulated and took advantage of Palestinians and Arabs.
Same as the Arab countries and monarchies have always done to the Palestinians and most all Arabs.
What is the excuse of Muslims slaughtering each other because of religious differences ONLY?
Then you state that your uncle was fighting the Japanese and it was standard practice to shoot the Japanese after questioning.
My father was over there for 3 years and it was not "standard practice" as rarely, if ever, did any Japanese ever get "questioned" as they never surrendered.
Which is why I used the word "captured" and not "surrendered" .. :cool:

Thanks to your uncle as he was a great American and Marine.
Japanese was a hard language and few if any Japanese translators existed so few if any were ever questioned and fewer were captured. Japanese would kill themselves first.
The anti Israel cry was started by the Arab monarchies to keep the religious crazies over there busy killing each other instead of focusing on their own problems.

It started when the Jews started killing muslims and stealing muslim land.

And it's the duty for all muslims to try and help their brothers when attacked by infidels. .... :cool:

No argument here that Jewish settlers conned, manipulated and took advantage of Palestinians and Arabs.
Same as the Arab countries and monarchies have always done to the Palestinians and most all Arabs.
What is the excuse of Muslims slaughtering each other because of religious differences ONLY?

Jewish settlers raised money to purchase land from Arabs. How is that conning anyone? I'd suggest you need a trip to a library.
Pro Hamas = pro destruction of Israel, as that's what Hamas seeks.
How can anyone who believes in demoracy and liberty be pro-Hamas?

Liberals believe in totalitarian governments run by nonwhites.

Does the left take any responsibility for the Khmer Rouge? Of course not. A liberal taking responsibility? Joke.

I know, I know. America trying to prevent the spread of communism was so wrong.

Anyway, the left blames everything on America (white Christians), Israel,and capitalism for al of the wrongs in the world. Yes, they are that ridiculous.

It started when the Jews started killing muslims and stealing muslim land.

And it's the duty for all muslims to try and help their brothers when attacked by infidels. .... :cool:

No argument here that Jewish settlers conned, manipulated and took advantage of Palestinians and Arabs.
Same as the Arab countries and monarchies have always done to the Palestinians and most all Arabs.
What is the excuse of Muslims slaughtering each other because of religious differences ONLY?

Jewish settlers raised money to purchase land from Arabs. How is that conning anyone? I'd suggest you need a trip to a library.

I agree with that and then what happened when they got a foothold?
They manipulated and conned a lot of them out of their land and houses buying it at rock bottom prices.
And the West Bank land captured after the '67 war, how was that bought?
Part of the agreement ending that was for Palestinians to get a homeland as part of a 2 nation solution. No doubt both sides did honor the entire agreement and Israeli security has to be a priority.
America and England provided Jews with a homeland as WITHOUT our assistance, and am glad we did it, there would be NO Israel.

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