Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

Oi vey, why do those nazi palestinian goy think they have the right to respond to Israeli attacks by firing rockets? Self-defense is terrorism, fighting back against G-d's chosen people is a sin on level with the Shoah.

Self defense is what the Israelis are doing. As for the terrorist organization Hamas which you defend - they are putting the lives of arab men, women and children at risk - in Gaza - because their hatred of the Jews is greater than their love for their own children, wives, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, family, fellow citizens. It is just that simple. Awful but true.

I heard that the palestinian children at the UN school had rockets with the capacity to kill 6 million Israelis each. They needed to drop the nail bombs on civilians to defend themselves from another Holocaust.

Israel using flechette shells in Gaza | World news | theguardian.com

Who do these goy think they are to fight back when they get bombed by the IDF? They have no right to fight back against G-d's People. I agree, palestinians civilians are fair game for the IDF until Hamas surrenders, we must collectively punish civilians because some decided to resist Israeli occupation.
Of course not! He reminds me of that coward Nasrallah! Two Mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The Israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and Nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * Hasan Nasrallah is the former head of Hezbollah
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of course not! He reminds me of that coward nasrallah! Two mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * hasan nasrallah is the former head of hezbollah

why is the leader of hamas hiding in qatar while children remain in the line of fire?
Of course The Rabbi is aware of his own history. So what is your motive in trying to revise it? Israel belongs to the Jews. Get over it, Penelope, and get back on topic. The topic discussion is Jews rescued from pro - Hamas rally gathering - anti - semitic speech in front of White House. Address it or move on.

No Israel does not belong to the Jews, and no one called it Israel but the Jews. It was known as Palestine and then Judea, but never did the Israelites ever have full control of Palestine.

No I have nothing more to say. Semitic involves Arabs and others , once again false information. Semitic does not mean Jews.

There is a saying which, apparently, you inspired:
Better to remain silent and be thought an ignorant fool than to post here and remove all doubt.
Since you never seem to remember to post the sources of your "knowledge" the best guess is small voices in your microwave.
of course not! He reminds me of that coward nasrallah! Two mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * hasan nasrallah is the former head of hezbollah

why is the leader of hamas hiding in qatar while children remain in the line of fire?

The wicked flee when no one is chasing them...... I believe that pretty well identifies who they are. Wicked. Cowards. Hiding while leaving their children, their mothers, their grandparents, their wives are left behind in a warzone they created - yes the family members are left to fend for themselves - meanwhile they don't mind their followers using their loved ones as human shields. What could be more selfish? Than to let children die in your place because you do not have the courage to face the consequences of return fire? I do not blame the others here for going silent. I'd be embarrassed to defend that too. There is no defense for it!

What can the Arabs in Gaza do? What they should have done long ago. Admit Hamas are spineless cowards that should have been kicked out of Gaza long ago. Come to their senses, take hold of a new future and move on to Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, out of Gaza for good - and if they won't allow them to return to their arab lands? Go to the UN. At least they'll have a legitimate complaint for once and they should do it while the tv cameras are rolling!
of course not! He reminds me of that coward nasrallah! Two mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * hasan nasrallah is the former head of hezbollah

why is the leader of hamas hiding in qatar while children remain in the line of fire?

What is PM BiBi doing , watching from his million dollar home looking over protective edge with a telescope ?
Addressing the matter of Hamas & pro - Hamas voices such as this one at the rally:

It is a terrible predicament the arabs in Gaza find themselves in. For one, they have become complicit in a lie that has them bound. They are not Palestinians nor have they ever been Palestinians. The Palestinians have always been the Israeli Jews but they never went by the name - Palestinian. The Arabs saw an opportunity to confuse the question of claim to the land and seized upon the name. No time prior to 1948 will you ever find any documentation of an arab calling themselves a Palestinian. Add to this the matter of the arab people who have been used as pawns by these terrorist groups in order to make a case for driving the Jews into the Med Sea and at once they succeed in removing the real reason for their refusal to acknowledge Israel as a nation - as a Jewish state - their religion of Islam - from the equation. It is time to realize that the real root cause of anti semitic speeches from Hamas, from Hamas supporters is not based on some land dispute but rather on a rabid hatred of the Jewish people. How else would one explain the Grand Mufti's close friendship with Hitler, the fact that Mein Kampf has been a best seller in the Middle East - second only to the Qur'an - how else to explain the teachings of Issa coming back to hunt down Jews and Christians - no this entire matter of anti semitism, ant - zionism is wrapped up in a matter called - Islam. This is the point that must be addressed and yet is continually avoided for the sake of "political correctness", "tolerance", peace, love, and understanding." Tell me when was the word "tolerance" meant on one end but not the other - not to be reciprocated both ways, when did political correctness become not speaking truth or sanitizing the words used in describing what enemy western civilization and indeed the entire world is now confronted with? It is a war of words. When you cannot even use the correct words to identify the enemy exactly how far do you expect to get in resolving the problem?

Is Hamas on the State Dept. Terrorist List or not? What is going on in Washington and why was such a rally permitted in the first place?
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Of course not! He reminds me of that coward Nasrallah! Two Mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The Israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and Nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * Hasan Nasrallah is the former head of Hezbollah
The poisoning happened to another man not Nasrallah you freakin nitwit.

Besides, as a Christian should you be condoning murder by poisoning a person?? ... :cool:
If we are going to have a rally outside in front of the White House why not rally for the Department of Justice head, Eric Holder, to do his job and get busy on the unfinished paperwork he has on his desk since 2009?

There are 108 un-indicted co - conspirators from the Holy Land Foundations - still awaiting prosecution. When shall we expect Mr. Holder to do his job and move forward here? What is the hold up here, Mr. Holder? Maybe that should be the next rally out in front of the White House. How about that?
If we are going to have a rally outside in front of the White House why not rally for the Department of Justice head, Eric Holder, to do his job and get busy on the unfinished paperwork he has on his desk since 2009?

There are 108 un-indicted co - conspirators from the Holy Land Foundations - still awaiting prosecution. When shall we expect Mr. Holder to do his job and move forward here? What is the hold up here, Mr. Holder? Maybe that should be the next rally out in front of the White House. How about that?
Get a grip retard.

That case was closed a long time ago. ... :cuckoo:
Of course not! He reminds me of that coward Nasrallah! Two Mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The Israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and Nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * Hasan Nasrallah is the former head of Hezbollah
The poisoning happened to another man not Nasrallah you freakin nitwit.

Besides, as a Christian should you be condoning murder by poisoning a person?? ... :cool:

It was Nasrallah, Sunni Man. I can understand your humiliation because truly Nasrallah is nothing to be proud of.

If it were not for my being a Christian I'd say I understood your denying it but there can be no excuse for deception. Most definitely not in the name of religion.

Did you miss Dietrich Boenhoffer's testimony of his attempt to assassinate Adolph Hitler in order to save the lives of the Jews? When did you ever come to the idea that the Jews should lie down and die why the head of Hezbollah - Nasrallah - plotted the mass murder of the Israelis? Surely you are not serious!! Haman wasn't the last man to plot the assassination of the Jews. Not by far. His spirit is on the earth today dwelling inside the likes of men such as Nasrallah. I find no fault with the Mossad for their attempts to save their own people from such a monster. None whatsoever.
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why is the leader of hamas hiding in qatar while children remain in the line of fire?
He is not hiding in Qatar.

He is the main fund raiser for Hamas and the Palestinian people.

Without his efforts the people couldn't survive the brutal Israeli blockade. ... :cool:

Fund raising while civilians die, how.........brave:doubt:
If we are going to have a rally outside in front of the White House why not rally for the Department of Justice head, Eric Holder, to do his job and get busy on the unfinished paperwork he has on his desk since 2009?

There are 108 un-indicted co - conspirators from the Holy Land Foundations - still awaiting prosecution. When shall we expect Mr. Holder to do his job and move forward here? What is the hold up here, Mr. Holder? Maybe that should be the next rally out in front of the White House. How about that?
Get a grip retard.

That case was closed a long time ago. ... :cuckoo:

No, it isn't. Eric Holder is stalling but the 108 un - indicted co - conspirators are still unfinished business. You seem to be a bit unsettled, Sunni Man. Are you alright? Has the truth set you on edge or perhaps the idea of putting it out there in front of the White House in the form of a rally? If there can be a pro-Hamas rally why not a pro- do your job rally? I realize it is a novel idea for some but nevertheless.... this is a matter that has yet to be handled. Time is being wasted.
It was Nasrallah, Sunni Man. I can understand your humiliation because truly Nasrallah is nothing to be proud of.
Here is the man in the attempted Israeli poisoning incident: Khaled Mashal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your apology is accepted. .. :cool:

btw As a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

I'll be waiting for your answer.........

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I didn't apologise nor will I, Sunni Man. I am speaking of this assassination attempt and he got the antidote before he died. He's still denying it and claiming is was psychological warfare. The wikipedia page with his name ( which I see you avoided pulling up ) even speaks of the assassination attempt. See the interview here. While in the Marshal assassination attempt there were two Mossad agents so there were two in the attempt on Nasrallah in the original report many years ago. It wouldn't surprise me that there is no trace of it now - things disappear occasionally. As for the attempt on Nasrallah - even though he publicly denied it - the Iranians knew what happened and decided to replace him - Hezbollah was founded by the Iranians back in the 70's and they called it on who stayed and who went. I do recall clearly that the poison used on Nasrallah was a black tar like substance - which was smeared on his neck - that was the original report as I recall and no, there is no conflict in my personal christian beliefs to see a mass murderer like Nasrallah who openly called for the extinction of Israel - to be removed from the earth. Not at all.

assassination attempt on Nasrallah - Bing Videos

So with this video there is another one available and also the story of the assassination attempt from Wikipedia if you will look up Nasrallah you will find it at the bottom under "assassination attempt" Yes. Right there on the wiki page. Getting back on topic I believe that there was a dispute going on between Hamas and Hizbollah this past year - wasn't there? So I do not suppose Hizbollah would have attended the rally in support of Mr. West's "passionate speech"... One can only wonder what the content of the speech was to incite the listeners to set an Israeli flag on fire. Thanks for the reading, Sunni. It has been an interesting day learning of your interest in the holocaust, gas chambers and all the rest. I see you changed your avatar. Perhaps your attitude shall be next. Good night. - Jeremiah
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I didn't apologise nor will I, Sunni Man. I am speaking of this assassination attempt and he got the antidote before he died. He's still denying it and claiming is was psychological warfare. The wikipedia page with his name ( which I see you avoided pulling up ) even speaks of the assassination attempt. See the interview here.
Jeremiah, as a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

Still waiting for your answer.........
It was Nasrallah, Sunni Man. I can understand your humiliation because truly Nasrallah is nothing to be proud of.
Here is the man in the attempted Israeli poisoning incident: Khaled Mashal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your apology is accepted. .. :cool:

btw As a self proclaimed Christian should you be condoning the murder of a man by poisoning?

I'll be waiting for your answer.........


Your right he was in a comma and Clinton told Bibi to send the vaccine but the doctors had given him Narcon just in time. He was born in the West Bank and after the 6 day war his family had to move to Kuwait due to financial problems. The founder of Hamas also was born in Palestine, became a quad when what about 14, and Mossad shot him from a plane while he was in a WC being carried out to prayer, the next leader, was riding in his car and was shot also was born in Palestine. That is when Mashal became the leader. See the land of Palestine has meaning to all these people, they were all born there.
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Of course not! He reminds me of that coward Nasrallah! Two Mossad agents smeared him on the neck with a poison that would kill him within 24 hours. This man gave speeches to his own followers about dying for the cause - yet he cried like a baby demanding the antidote in exchange for the return of the two agents which they had taken captive. The Israelis agreed for the life of their agents, the antidote was given and Nasrallah hung onto his life. The word coward simply cannot be over - emphasized. * Hasan Nasrallah is the former head of Hezbollah

What a coward, he should be thankful he was poisoned by God's chosen people.

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