Harvard study confirms trump's culpability for the J6 Capitol attack

“One thing is perfectly clear at this point: people either support Donald Trump or they support the United States of America. There’s no overlap.”


And conservatives have clearly made their choice to support Trump and not the United States of America.
And you're entirely full of shit but this is America and you have the right to be full of shit.
The greatest threat to America’s democracy is the naïve, wrongheaded belief that the 1/6 rightwing terrorist attack was an ‘isolated incident,’ that it won’t happen again, and that America’s democracy isn’t under attack.

The right’s war on America’s democracy is ongoing.
yea thats the greatest threat....talk about being naive......
Trump wasn't in a theater.
Some say he is the anointed one who will save the Constitution that was written by our amazing Founders who loved God and were determined to create a society of human beings who were free to believe in God as they and their loved ones saw fit. All of them that signed the Declaration of Independence and their families and properties suffered terribly by the Red Coats who were horrified at the thought of losing the wealth people their King refused association with and thought that taxation without representation was fitting of those they diminished in thought, word, and deed. God bless those precious people we know as "Founders" who lost health, limb, family members, and life itself to bring the common people who lived here freedom. The Brits targeted their properties, burned and pillaged their businesses, killed their immediate family members and frequently tortured their extended families, friends and associates with deterrents of the physical to shut them up for once and for all. It didn't work. Our barefoot soldiers and their leaders, who'd never fought a winning war in their earlier lives, took that light of God's love and pity, and fought like nobody else ever fought in the world, and sent the RedCoats packing after a few futile years of fighting for freedom that they agreed to, prayed about, and with God's guidance, they won first place in his heart, just like Jacob did thousands of years ago, like Jesus did, having died and risen to save those who humble themselves to God's teachings and word. Long live the founders gift to us as we battle the most dervish Communism down to its rotten and self-serving core.
Criticize? You Nazi fucks want to determine who we can or can't elect.

Duhmobacracy, the Reich tells us who we can vote for. Not Trump - the Reich fears him..

No doubt you Nazis say we can't vote for DeSantis either.

You'll provide two democrats we can chose from.
Sure, drama queen. Go find a mirror and chant "lock her up!" some more, you trransparent fraud.
Hey Nazi,

who is the Republican choice for Senate in the Nazi paradise of California?

Oh that's right - you only get a "choice" between two Reich members when democrats rule.
You mean, when they win more votes. Yes, we know how you don't have much use for that idea.

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