Harvard Under Water Is A Bad Thing?

So you want segregation and discriminatory racial laws back? I will give that LBJ made a mess of Vietnam like Kennedy. though. o_O

Kennedy never 'backed down to the Soviets', he after all waged war in Vietnam, and carried out the Bay of Pigs invasion against Castro. So kind of a mute point.

The Soviet Union put the missiles in Cuba without the knowledge of the US military to begin with, so it isn't as if it was his fault for Soviet deception. In actuality the US traded old missiles in Turkey for Soviet missiles out of Cuba, and that's what ended the missile crisis. The US got more out of it than the Soviets, and it was in fact the Soviets that backed down in private discussions with Kennedy's administration.

:lol: I'm STUNNED you even know about our MIRVs in Turkey....somebody must have been asleep at your school that day or you wouldn't. FYI, the Ivans were terrified of those missiles and staged the whole Cuba fiasco as a trading ploy....it worked because Kennedy spit the bit, not Khrushchev.
Might want to peruse the Venona projects papers that were released...
Anti-intellectualism can be especially dangerous, as it can promote an ideological 'purity' that denounces all criticisms of society as 'treason' i.e. like during McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

McCarthy got the communists out of Hollywood and our classrooms at a critical point in history...he should have a statue on the Mall. As for the "red scare", it was very real as anybody who lived in those years clearly knows.
Wrong. McCarthy was a demagogue, who used the fear and paranoia over Communism to propel his political career.

He wasn't even part of the House Un-American Activities Committee that went after communists, but mostly ended up targeting innocent people.

McCarthy was eventually censored, as trying to claim all his Congressional critics were communists and defaming the US military was the last straw.

President Eisenhower couldn't stand McCarthy and denounced him in private.
It appears mamooth has left the building. :lol:

Given how thoroughly you debunked yourself, I didn't see the need to pile on. That would have been cruel. But since you insist ...

Abdussamotov is a Russian denier crank who declare the greenhouse effect doesn't exist. And that the sun was warming Earth and Mars, but next year would switch to cooling and cause a new ice age. He said that in 2007. Still no ice age. Every deniers avoid citing that guy.

You know what this means now. You have to get more even desperate and pathetic with your frantic cherrypicking. And it still won't help, because you debunked it all with the link you gave.
It appears mamooth has left the building. :lol:

Given how thoroughly you debunked yourself, I didn't see the need to pile on. That would have been cruel. But since you insist ...

Abdussamotov is a Russian denier crank who declare the greenhouse effect doesn't exist. And that the sun was warming Earth and Mars, but next year would switch to cooling and cause a new ice age. He said that in 2007. Still no ice age. Every deniers avoid citing that guy.

You know what this means now. You have to get more even desperate and pathetic with your frantic cherrypicking. And it still won't help, because you debunked it all with the link you gave.

"frantic"? "cherry picking"? You ran because you couldn't face the music....the data about Mars comes from NASA, not the russian. Typical of your church of the absurd to attack the messenger instead of the message while claiming it's being done to you. Incidentally, when did y'all realize Fat Albert was a train wreck? :lol:
Wrong. McCarthy was a demagogue, who used the fear and paranoia over Communism to propel his political career.

He wasn't even part of the House Un-American Activities Committee that went after communists, but mostly ended up targeting innocent people.

McCarthy was eventually censored, as trying to claim all his Congressional critics were communists and defaming the US military was the last straw.

President Eisenhower couldn't stand McCarthy and denounced him in private.

I don't expect a brainwashed prog like yourself to know the truth about "Doorgunner Joe"...just the usual garbage flung at him by your ilk, He got several admitted communists black-listed and away from writing movies glorifying Stalin and his butchers. He was a WW2 Vet and never "demeaned" the US Military...more garbage you have no idea why you believe. Ike saw Joe as a political threat more than a menace and got him bushwacked but not before he'd rid Gollywood and the public schools of the red trash.
I don't expect a partisan hack to know his history.

McCarthy was NEVER part of the House Un-American Affairs Committee, which went after Hollywood and such, instead he went after the US military in the Army hearings: McCarthy Army hearings begin - Apr 22 1954 - HISTORY.com
The climax came when McCarthy slandered an associate of the Army’s chief counsel, Joseph Welch. Welch fixed McCarthy with a steady glare and declared evenly, “Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness…Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last?”
He was eventually condemned for his conduct by the US Senate: McCarthy condemned by Senate - Dec 02 1954 - HISTORY.com
On December 2, after a heated debate, the Senate voted to condemn McCarthy for conduct “contrary to senatorial traditions.” By the time of his death from alcoholism in 1957, the influence of Senator Joseph McCarthy in Congress was negligible.
He was a demagogue that preyed on people and the political atmosphere to boost his career.
He was a WW2 Vet
Eisenhower served during WW1 (which was when McCarthy was still a child): Military career of Dwight D. Eisenhower - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Shortly after the entry of the United States into the First World War, Eisenhower was promoted to captain in May 1917.
Then served in the US military during WW2 - later becoming Supreme Commander.

Fortunately America had a highly respected former general as President at the time that could handle the likes of McCarthy, and the Senate didn't stand for his antics either.
This thread is your anti-intellectual tirade. Many former US Presidents, including Republican Presidents, went to Harvard.

Harvard is hardly an "intellectual" institution if Barry Obozo could get in....it's a snob school for the nation's wealthy and used as a resume builder to take their elders' place in power....We wouldn't miss a beat if it was underwater.
Might want to peruse the Venona projects papers that were released...
Anti-intellectualism can be especially dangerous, as it can promote an ideological 'purity' that denounces all criticisms of society as 'treason' i.e. like during McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

McCarthy got the communists out of Hollywood and our classrooms at a critical point in history...he should have a statue on the Mall. As for the "red scare", it was very real as anybody who lived in those years clearly knows.
Wrong. McCarthy was a demagogue, who used the fear and paranoia over Communism to propel his political career.

He wasn't even part of the House Un-American Activities Committee that went after communists, but mostly ended up targeting innocent people.

McCarthy was eventually censored, as trying to claim all his Congressional critics were communists and defaming the US military was the last straw.

President Eisenhower couldn't stand McCarthy and denounced him in private.
McCarthy was not involved with Project Verona, or with HUAC and the FBI, who prosecuted such cases. So not seeing what your point is here.
Here you go, to make it simple for you-
Lesson 1 Soviet Espionage in America EDSITEment
from the NEH.gov site

Under Venona, thousands of communications between Moscow and its agents in the United States during the 1940s had been intercepted and decoded, giving critical insights into the Soviet espionage network and, in many cases, revealing the identities of the spies themselves. However, because the FBI was unwilling to release this information at the time (it seems as though not even President Truman was aware of it), it was never used to prosecute the individuals involved. Whatever one might think of the tactics of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the late 1940s, or those of Joseph McCarthy in the early 1950s, there is little doubt today that the Soviet spy network in America existed, and that it was extensive.

Might want to peruse the Venona projects papers that were released...
Anti-intellectualism can be especially dangerous, as it can promote an ideological 'purity' that denounces all criticisms of society as 'treason' i.e. like during McCarthyism and the Red Scare.

McCarthy got the communists out of Hollywood and our classrooms at a critical point in history...he should have a statue on the Mall. As for the "red scare", it was very real as anybody who lived in those years clearly knows.
Wrong. McCarthy was a demagogue, who used the fear and paranoia over Communism to propel his political career.

He wasn't even part of the House Un-American Activities Committee that went after communists, but mostly ended up targeting innocent people.

McCarthy was eventually censored, as trying to claim all his Congressional critics were communists and defaming the US military was the last straw.

President Eisenhower couldn't stand McCarthy and denounced him in private.
McCarthy was not involved with Project Verona, or with HUAC and the FBI, who prosecuted such cases. So not seeing what your point is here.

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