Harvey Weinstein Hypocrisy

Mark Foley? Lefties are notorious for having no sense of historical perspective but Mark Foley was big news back in 2006. Here's how the democrat dirty tricks operatives worked it. Foley was a notorious homosexual and republicans couldn't touch him for that reason. Democrat operatives waited until it was too late for republicans to field a candidate for the upcoming election and dropped the bomb and pretended to be outraged and horrified about Foley's "sexting" messages to male pages. Democrats never resign but republicans do and Foley was out. Harvey Weinstein is in a different category. He is a wealthy Hollywood power broker who helped elect democrats for years and in turn high profile democrats protected him from the scandal related to world class sexual abuse.
Grasping at whatever you can, in desperation.. ROTFLMAO..... what a fucking loser....

Seriously show me exactly what the lefts are doing to protect this jerk... ? left actors are calling him out....You ninny...

I post 3 videos going back some years, all during that time the left was accusing the right of having a War on Women. Yeah right.

Grasping at whatever you can, in desperation.. ROTFLMAO..... what a fucking loser....

Seriously show me exactly what the lefts are doing to protect this jerk... ? left actors are calling him out....You ninny...

I post 3 videos going back some years, all during that time the left was accusing the right of having a War on Women. Yeah right.

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Going back some years Bill Cosby was considered The Father Figure of the country... Yet because of the truth he is a scumbag..

No one is trying to protect him...

I think more people will be coming out against him,but many are afraid to talk in order to keep their jobs..

Solid actors are going to bring him down just like Cosby..

Heck yea, he's got to follow the Democrat mantra, deny, deny, deny.

Should I post a pic of Bill denying? Poor Dem's they are screwed, any attempt to attack Trump now on women's issues gets obliterated with the Weinstein counter.

Liberals: Trump's war on women...

Trump: Lets talk about Weinstein and all the money you took from him.

Since the Trumptards voted for Trump anyhow, what's lost by losing the Trump the Groper issue?

Just when I was getting tired of laughing at Dem's for losing to Trump, now I can laugh at Dem's for another year as their abuse of women becomes painfully obvious. :laugh:

This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Dang, NY can smoke in there?

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.
Heck yea, he's got to follow the Democrat mantra, deny, deny, deny.

Should I post a pic of Bill denying? Poor Dem's they are screwed, any attempt to attack Trump now on women's issues gets obliterated with the Weinstein counter.

Liberals: Trump's war on women...

Trump: Lets talk about Weinstein and all the money you took from him.

Since the Trumptards voted for Trump anyhow, what's lost by losing the Trump the Groper issue?

Just when I was getting tired of laughing at Dem's for losing to Trump, now I can laugh at Dem's for another year as their abuse of women becomes painfully obvious. :laugh:

This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Distancing themselves, as opposed to you people getting Trump elected? That's your big contrast? lolol

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.

So when do you reckon Trump will be brought to justice, or is he like Hillary and untouchable?
I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years
Weinstein is no worse than Fox News president Roger Ailes
I watched 45 min. of FIX news yesterday, it was amazing how much air time they devoted to Harvey Weinstein. I didn't see much FIX news air time devoted to Mark Sanford, Mark Foley, Richard Curtis, Jim West, Bob Packwood, and countless other prominent Republicans caught with under age boys, girls, cheerleaders, cocktail waitresses and and just about anyone other than their own wives. Let someone from show business or a Liberal step out of line, and FIX News, and others here (are you listening Trump supporters) pounce on the story like a hen on a june bug. Yes, Harvey Weinstein is probably a sexual predator, but what do they say about those who live in glass houses?

19 Republican Politicians Brought Down By Big Gay Sex Scandals

Rating the Greatest GOP Sex Scandals of the Past 20 Years
You forgot child molester and former Republican Speaker of the House Denny Hastert
Should I post a pic of Bill denying? Poor Dem's they are screwed, any attempt to attack Trump now on women's issues gets obliterated with the Weinstein counter.

Liberals: Trump's war on women...

Trump: Lets talk about Weinstein and all the money you took from him.

Since the Trumptards voted for Trump anyhow, what's lost by losing the Trump the Groper issue?

Just when I was getting tired of laughing at Dem's for losing to Trump, now I can laugh at Dem's for another year as their abuse of women becomes painfully obvious. :laugh:

This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Distancing themselves, as opposed to you people getting Trump elected? That's your big contrast? lolol

Rush is having a field day today with the left shitting themselves over Weinstein, liberals are running for the exits :laugh:

I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy.

So when do you reckon Trump will be brought to justice, or is he like Hillary and untouchable?
And here is the submissive tard mindset in action. "Trump can be a pig and lie to me and do anything he wants, because Hillary."

I feel sorry for you tards. I really do. Such low self esteem. Sad.
Since the Trumptards voted for Trump anyhow, what's lost by losing the Trump the Groper issue?

Just when I was getting tired of laughing at Dem's for losing to Trump, now I can laugh at Dem's for another year as their abuse of women becomes painfully obvious. :laugh:

This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Distancing themselves, as opposed to you people getting Trump elected? That's your big contrast? lolol

Rush is having a field day today with the left shitting themselves over Weinstein, liberals are running for the exits :laugh:

Where is Rush still a thing?
Just when I was getting tired of laughing at Dem's for losing to Trump, now I can laugh at Dem's for another year as their abuse of women becomes painfully obvious. :laugh:

This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Distancing themselves, as opposed to you people getting Trump elected? That's your big contrast? lolol

Rush is having a field day today with the left shitting themselves over Weinstein, liberals are running for the exits :laugh:

Where is Rush still a thing?

Rent free in your head lib.
"I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

The tards hoaxed themselves into bleeving the New York huckster was going to drain the swamp.
This won't hurt them at all. Not with the Groper in the Whitehouse.

What are you smoking lib, its 24/7 news and liberals across the board are trying to distance themselves from this serial women abuser.

Distancing themselves, as opposed to you people getting Trump elected? That's your big contrast? lolol

Rush is having a field day today with the left shitting themselves over Weinstein, liberals are running for the exits :laugh:

Where is Rush still a thing?

Rent free in your head lib.

You're the one sitting around listening to him, not me.
After 9 years of Democrats foaming at the mouth about the GOP's war on women Dem's have major rapist egg on their faces.

Uh, for the record, Weinstein has denied the actual rape accusations.

As did Trump.

Lib please its liberal women accusing him, go ahead defend Weinstein I love that.
I love how they have to compare his dirt against someone else to make it seem less dirty, instead of just denouncing the dude. It is only a libturd world to them.
"I just start kissing them. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy."

The tards hoaxed themselves into bleeving the New York huckster was going to drain the swamp.
why can't you just denounce the scum called Weinstein? why you trying to compare him? so you think he's a good guy eh?

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