Has America become numb to the lies of this POTUS?

Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

better question is why does the OP troll have an obsession over trump and ignore the traiterous actions of obama and Bush?:rolleyes:
I personally could give a rats fuck about this lying bitch and his lies...what pisses me the fuck off and what should piss everybody off, is that this SAME FUCKIN congress is the exact same congress that slaughtered Obama for a lie, who slaughtered Obama for his deficit spending, who slaughtered Obama with 8 years of Hillary hearings, spent 4 million tax dollars and got nothing to show for it, but whined about spending less than a gotdamn year on that lying corrupt whore Trump...that's the shit that should piss us all off.
So you're saying that either side will bitch, moan and complain about the other using the exact same tactics in order to get power? I'm utterly shocked.
Yea, yea
Every politician stretches the truth now and then

The difference is that because of the ease at which Trump lies, he has no credibility at home or abroad
Then you, and anyone for that matter, shouldn't be worried about what he says.

Should we worry that we cannot believe anything our president is telling us?
Be honest: do you want Trump out of office because of his lies or his policy? If it's the latter, then his lies don't really matter much, you want him out anyway. If it's the former, then you'd have a problem with every single politician because they all lie, to some degree. Is Trump just the first to break some mystical lie threshold?
All politicians have lied, but non as frequently and blatently on a daily as this one, even over trivial matters like crowd sizes. People need to quit attempting to normalize it and recognize it for the aboration it is.

or we can just not care about it.
I think you should. You used to.

Progressives have made political a zero sum game, they don't get to cry about it when it goes against them.

Sorry, but if I have to deal with a pompous ass like Trump to prevent Hillary from being president and to slow the downfall of our country via progressive politics, well that's a cross my more noble side will have to bear.
I'll see your Gorsuch and 1.5 trillion added to the deficit (corporations and the top 2% were doing just fine thank you) and raise you this:
Opinion | They Were Bad. He May Be Worse.

In addition, the man is an international embarrassment who has lowered our standing and influence in the world.
U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership
We're in the realm of opinion man. You can disagree.

I don't put much stock at all in what a bunch of depraved world leaders think about us though. If your own opinion is influenced by consensus of the majority then you're not thinking for yourself.
Be honest: do you want Trump out of office because of his lies or his policy? If it's the latter, then his lies don't really matter much, you want him out anyway. If it's the former, then you'd have a problem with every single politician because they all lie, to some degree. Is Trump just the first to break some mystical lie threshold?
I agree with you that a lot of the objection to Trump is, at heart, a distaste for his policies. However, it doesn't make all the criticism invalid. He lies like a rug. No one can trust what he says and I just tune him out most of the time because what's the sense? Never forget what happened yesterday in Sweden, folks!
What happened in Sweden? I must have forgot
Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.​

Trumps base is unique. They only care about overturning roe v wade, and preserving an unregulated 2nd amendment. As long as Trump touts those two things, he can do anything else he wants.​
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics
Trump lies faster than we can fact check

By the time we have provided the correct information, Trump has already told two more lies
The Conservative playbook is less than a single page. You’ll see it in action next time we have a Democrat president when the right starts complaining again about how the president is lying about this or that; or that the president travels too much; or the president plays too much golf; and too many Americans are out of the workforce; the debt is too high; the deficit is too high; real unemployment; thinks he’s a dictator by signing too many executive orders. Or that we need an independent counsel to investigate him. Then those things will matter again.
So Trump keeps you busy looking down rabbit holes while he goes the opposite way and does good things for the country. I've said this again and again and left nutters don't catch on.

What has he done - SERIOUSLY that is "good for the country"?
Lowered the corporate tax rate so American-based companies can more effectively compete on the world stage. Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Had a sizable hand in forcing North Korea to the negotiating table. Appointed Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court.

There's plenty of bad too, but there's some good.

Lowered the corporate tax rate so American-based companies can more effectively compete on the world stage. Compete in what world? He's all but isolated the fuckin country. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do recall stock numbers edging quite high long before the whore lowered their taxes...they seemed to be doing pretty good.
Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Can't wait for that shit to happen, you think the sand niggas are mad now, just wait and see this next round of attacks.
Had a sizable hand in forcing North Korea to the negotiating table. Oh, so calling a fat yellow fuck, rocket man via a fuckin tweet, is his sizable hand in the deal? Damn your stupid
Appointed Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court. LOLOLOL, dude, we have got to get you a hobby!!

Should we worry that we cannot believe anything our president is telling us?
I'm saying you don't have to like it, but you have to live with it. If i were on the left, i'd calmly point out the lies, the mis-steps, the hypocrisy and use it to damage the credibility of the republicans for the next election. They've decided to go full-on hysteria about Trump which just damages their own credibility and drives people to yes, normalize abnormal behavior.
Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.​

Trumps base is unique. They only care about overturning roe v wade, and preserving an unregulated 2nd amendment. As long as Trump touts those two things, he can do anything else he wants.​

Agree - including shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue. They honestly don't care about anything except abortion, undoing everything the Black Guy did and unregulated firearms.
Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.​

Trumps base is unique. They only care about overturning roe v wade, and preserving an unregulated 2nd amendment. As long as Trump touts those two things, he can do anything else he wants.​
The Trump base is nothing but a bunch angry bitter white whores, high off of hooch, ignorant as hell and racist....History has shown time and time and time again.....who comes out on the losing end when you side with the devil, but these red white and vomit lice balls, never learned to read!!
Trump heads to N Korea in a few weeks

What will be the impact of his constant lies? Trumps words and assurances cannot be trusted. He is likely to quickly reverse any deal he may make. He will say one thing to your face and then the opposite a few hours later when talking to his base

This is the man we have representing us in crucial negotiations
I don't put much stock at all in what a bunch of depraved world leaders think about us though. If your own opinion is influenced by consensus of the majority then you're not thinking for yourself.

The only world leaders as depraved as are own might be murderous autocrats like Duterte, Erdogan, Putin and Assad. If that's the route you wanna take, then Donald is definitely your guy!
Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.​

Trumps base is unique. They only care about overturning roe v wade, and preserving an unregulated 2nd amendment. As long as Trump touts those two things, he can do anything else he wants.​

Agree - including shooting someone in the middle of 5th Avenue. They honestly don't care about anything except abortion, undoing everything the Black Guy did and unregulated firearms.
One thing these fools will never undo and that is the reverence and respect we have for Obama and how we all wish he could have ran a 3rd term.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

They actually have become numb to the relentless MSM assault on him and his supporters.

You idiots have been crying wolf since the day after the election, so most people who disagree with you have tuned you out, and most of the people who do agree with you have become tired of the constant rhetoric and just can't keep up the repeating 2 minute hates scheduled by the MSM.
They actually have become numb to the relentless MSM assault on him and his supporters.
Yes, that too, as well as numb to Trump's babble.

Some of us are less concerned about him talking like the blowhard we knew he was, and more concerned about what he can do policy-wise.
The cable stations are really the only ones scheduling 2 minute hates. There is a lot of general interest in the stuff getting spewed by Giuliani, which has opened about ten cans of worms at once, but otherwise the national news is not dedicated to criticizing the Pres. At least I haven't seen that.
Trump heads to N Korea in a few weeks

What will be the impact of his constant lies? Trumps words and assurances cannot be trusted. He is likely to quickly reverse any deal he may make. He will say one thing to your face and then the opposite a few hours later when talking to his base

This is the man we have representing us in crucial negotiations

He'll also go into that meeting woefully unprepared since he doesn't read or listen to anyone of substance.

And of course, this Saturday he'll likely tear up the Iran deal.

How will that play with Lil Kim other than tell him America's word isn't worth a plug nickel?
Lowered the corporate tax rate so American-based companies can more effectively compete on the world stage. Compete in what world? He's all but isolated the fuckin country. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do recall stock numbers edging quite high long before the whore lowered their taxes...they seemed to be doing pretty good.
Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Can't wait for that shit to happen, you think the sand niggas are mad now, just wait and see this next round of attacks.
Had a sizable hand in forcing North Korea to the negotiating table. Oh, so calling a fat yellow fuck, rocket man via a fuckin tweet, is his sizable hand in the deal? Damn your stupid
Appointed Neil Gorsuch to the supreme court. LOLOLOL, dude, we have got to get you a hobby!!
The economy has seen some pretty staggering GDP growth under Trump. How has he isolated the country really? He's done nothing of the sort, you're just buying into the media hysteria.

Your reasoning behind not doing what's right by Israel and taking a step toward curbing the violence in the middle east is because "just wait and see what the sand niggas are going to do now?" Tell me, are you a fan of being extorted for "protection fees" from your local mafia?

That's part of it. His complete lack of eloquence aside, carrying the big stick and showing a willingness to use it if necessary is a part of it. Pressuring China to back sanctions is something else Trump did. But, i suppose you think Moon Jae-In doesn't have any credibility when he says Trump should get the Nobel Peace prize?

Do tell why Gorsuch was a bad pick. He seems to be the best pick available based on evaluating the constitution and just ruled against the Trump admin in an immigration law case because the law was too vague. What's not to like about that?
America has become numb to the Media, and Democrat's lies. They've also noticed Trump's policies are working. Tax cuts, less regulations, lower unemployment, more border security, better economy, and optimism that we haven't seen since Reagan.
Indeed, Trump divines his own truth seemingly without consequences. And Americans have become largely indifferent to the daily barrage of lies and scandals. Sad :(

Washington (CNN) Donald Trump has learned he can get away with anything.

While the President has always profited from creating his own reality, the impact of having a commander in chief who so frequently bends fact is only beginning to be understood.

Before Trump, the idea of having a President who habitually fails to tell the truth and survives would have been unthinkable. But it's becoming clear that Trump's tenure is not just a lesson in fractured presidential convention. It amounts to a unique challenge to the office of the presidency itself, to the institutions that underpin American democracy and the long-held idea that government can only function effectively if it has the trust of the governed.

The most shocking aspect of the President's latest flurry of untruths in recent days relating to events before the 2016 election is that they were not at all shocking to a nation numbed by his barrage of easily disprovable claims and statements.

Revelations that Trump dictated a doctor's report on his health before voters went to the polls and his ever-shifting story on a hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels might have been a debilitating blow to any normal politician.

In Trump's case, they were simply more of the same flurry of daily controversies that characterize his presidency. While his critics reacted with outrage, his supporters saw media fact checks as just more "fake news."​


Trump divines his own truth without consequences - CNNPolitics

better question is why does the OP troll have an obsession over trump and ignore the traiterous actions of obama and Bush?:rolleyes:
Most people know better than to beat a dead horse. Then there's you.

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