Has America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest Presidential election

it’s no secret I hate the EC. It’s archaic and serves no functional purpose other than introduce potential vulnerabilities into the electoral system.
So Marener, your all in for 2 wolves and a sheep voting on "what"s for dinner."
So Marener, your all in for 2 wolves and a sheep voting on "what"s for dinner."
Did the electoral college prevent that? Seems like it was designed to give the wolves (slavers) more political power at the the expense of the sheep, (slaves).
How is that any different with the electoral college?

You actually think this is a good point, don’t you.
It's an analogy to your conversation. :rolleyes-41:
Might have to think about it a little deeper.
The U.S. Constitution, put it in to the hands of the individual states, with only very minor responsibility at the federal level, to PRESERVE the sanctity of the vote, and our Republic.....
Not, to degrade it.

If the feds were in charge, and the crooks in federal govt decided to cheat, or defraud the voters, it would be for the entire nation!

if a crooked state govt decided to set up some sort of cheating, it would be only in that one state....leaving the rest of the state elections clean....and measures are written on how an individual state can be disqualified from being counted.

it would also be easier to identify election fraud on a state level....
At least (hopefully) it would get shed of things like early voting, ranked choice, and no excuse absentee. It would also require photo ID to vote.

IMHO.....Vote on election day or fuck the hell off.
It's an analogy to your conversation. :rolleyes-41:
Might have to think about it a little deeper.
I think you are the one that needs to think about it a little deeper. The electoral college does nothing to mitigate the problem you allude to.
it’s no secret I hate the EC. It’s archaic and serves no functional purpose other than introduce potential vulnerabilities into the electoral system.
Problem with that is you guarandamntee permanent far Left one party rule because only the urban shitholes will get to decide the POTUS. Oh, and you need a fucking CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to change that, and it ain't gonna happen.
Problem with that is you guarandamntee permanent far Left one party rule because only the urban shitholes will get to decide the POTUS. Oh, and you need a fucking CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to change that, and it ain't gonna happen.
I know it’ll take a constitutional amendment, but it’s still the right thing to do.

And you’re factually wrong. The election won’t “only” be decided by urban areas since everyone gets to vote. The election will be decided by everyone.
I think you are the one that needs to think about it a little deeper. The electoral college does nothing to mitigate the problem you allude to.
:laughing0301: At least all states get represented as it should be. Not just the states on the left side and east side with high populations.
Shoot, even Wyoming gets represented. :eusa_whistle:

But, that may be the problem with you, you don't want all states represented, just the 7-8 states that
could sway elections cycle after cycle.
:laughing0301: At least all states get represented as it should be. Not just the states on the left side and east side with high populations.
Shoot, even Wyoming gets represented. :eusa_whistle:

But, that may be the problem with you, you don't want all states represented, just the 7-8 states that
could sway elections cycle after cycle.
The people of Wyoming are also represented in a national popular vote. What would change is that they would stop being OVERREPRESENTED.

Wake up. 7-8 states already determine all our elections. They’re called swing states.
The people of Wyoming are also represented in a national popular vote. What would change is that they would stop being OVERREPRESENTED.

Wake up. 7-8 states already determine all our elections. They’re called swing states.
There would be no swing states under your mob rule.
So you ARE for states not being represented. Good to know.
And you have slim to no chance to change the Amendment....and Slim just left the building.
The people of Wyoming are also represented in a national popular vote. What would change is that they would stop being OVERREPRESENTED.

Wake up. 7-8 states already determine all our elections. They’re called swing states.
Not quite quick on the uptake these Republicans. The EC has only been around since the existence of this country.....
I think that. America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest election…. Donald Trump was the last Fairly elected president that this generation will ever see.
I’m rooting for a military coup, with the American equivalent of Maximus from “Gladiator” leading the charge, followed by Baghdad purple finger elections from there on out
There would be no swing states under your mob rule.
So you ARE for states not being represented. Good to know.
And you have slim to no chance to change the Amendment....and Slim just left the building.
I’m for people being represented. The same. All over. One man, one vote. Right? That’s not what we currently have.

I think swing states are stupid. Why should random collection of not all that highly populated states decide every election? It distorts politics. That’s why we are so obsessed with manufacturing in this country. Swing states tend to be in the rust belt.
I’m for people being represented. The same. All over. One man, one vote. Right? That’s not what we currently have.

I think swing states are stupid. Why should random collection of not all that highly populated states decide every election? It distorts politics. That’s why we are so obsessed with manufacturing in this country. Swing states tend to be in the rust belt.
That's mob rule.....We already know that's what you want.
Half of America and our Amendments think differently.
That's where the rubber meets the road Marener.

There would be no swing states with mob rule, remember?
That's mob rule.....We already know that's what you want.
Half of America and our Amendments think differently.
That's where the rubber meets the road Marener.

There would be no swing states with mob rule, remember?
Majority rule, but only to the extent constitutionally permitted. The EC doesn’t protect minorities (it probably harms them), the constitution does.

Correct. No swing states with national popular vote. Swing states distort politics. They make the needs of a handful of arbitrary states more important than the great majority of the nation.
I’m for people being represented. The same. All over. One man, one vote. Right? That’s not what we currently have.

I think swing states are stupid. Why should random collection of not all that highly populated states decide every election? It distorts politics. That’s why we are so obsessed with manufacturing in this country. Swing states tend to be in the rust belt.

BS, we just saw in 2020 they used 4-Big Chocolate cities to rig the vote. That was not enough so they added a Brown, PHX. Do you really expect Clean Wyoming or SD to allow a Big City to corrupt the vote? Then the criminals receive DEM favors? No one will go after them either. Pitiful R or RINO afraid of labeled racist? Courts won't allow any look in ATL? Many Elected "R" are actually "D" in these corrupt cities.
1. Fau-Chi killed ~900,000 Americans with his "gain of function" bat virus at the Wuhan Lab. Not Trump.

Rump didn't do a complete isolation of people entering from China and the virus was spread like most will

2. Trump saved US lives by stopping flights from China.

Rump didn't stop all the flights. We still had over 40,000 People (Americans) fly directly from China to the USA. In order to take credit by Rump, it would have to have ALL people coming from China

3. The medical experts crashed the economy with their shutdown of everything.
Which helped to deny the virus ways of spreading.

4. Dems didn't save the day, Trump and "Warp Speed" did, developing a vaccine and putting shots in arms in 10-months when experts said it might happen in 4-yuears.
The virus plan to use the Military to get the vaccines to the right people in a timely manner wasn't invented by Rump. It was implemented for the Spanish Flu in 1919. And it was used for every President until Rump who destroyed the manual. It wasn't Rump that had anything to do with. It was the Military that knew what needed to be done. All Rump did was give it his own name so he could take credit for it.

Your partisan history sucks.

Your MAGAt history sucks.
First they RIGGED local elections. Then they RIGGED state elections. Now they are RIGGING national presidential elections. This is what government mooching parasites do while spending $7 trillion dollars a year. :oops:
When did it see its first dishonest one?...oh yeah..that's right. The savior who was elected by a whisker in 2016 lost in 2020 because he turned out to be a shitty President.
But..it must be fraud. It just has to be. All those just and righteous white people voted for him. Look at his crowds. They LOVED him!

In..before..the..lock. :)
Trump was a “shitty President”?

Of course you will say Joe Biden is a wonderful President.

Sheeple are so loyal to the Democratic Plantation.

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