Has America has seen it's last Free and Fair and Honest Presidential election

Trump lost all his court cases across America, you said these judges were "bought and paid for", therefor that would mean about 60 federal judges all the way up to the Supreme court, were all "bought and paid for" because they all ruled against Trump and all said Trump's lies about election fraud had no merit at all.

you have told so many lies you can't even keep them straight, your web if lies is coming unraveled.

Trump can tell you any lie at all and you believe them all like a total gullible sucka with a giant bulls eye on your back.
If Trump told you Biden was a chupacabra you'd believe it because you are that gullible.
This is what pure insanity looks like. Why can't you stop yapping about trump? You must be obsessed with him. You never shut up about him. Ever.
2008 the world was ready to collapse due to GOP incompetence so the DEM won by 10M votes.
2020 the GOP again drives the world into a ditch so voters again turn to DEMS in massive numbers.
Hopefully the electorate has learned its lesson about voting for GOP incompetence.
Before Fau-Chi's Covid pandemic the US economy was running fine under Trump.

When you look at Biden's numbers, they are awful. 75% wrong track.

The LA governor's race (and the polls) show that 2024 will be a Republican year.
This is what pure insanity looks like. Why can't you stop yapping about trump? You must be obsessed with him. You never shut up about him. Ever.

More like I have destroyed you and you have no response at all beyond diversions.

None of you people can debate me at all on these issues and I have feasted on your stupidity.
Trump got 11,000,000 more votes in 2020 than in 2016, so that is 11,000,000 votes that Joe Biden couldn't get.

NFW Joe Biden won legitimately. 81m votes my ass.

(If Trump got fewer votes than in 2016, I might say Joe won fairly)
80 million people decided not to vote in 2016.

There were 20 million more eligible voters in 2020 than in 2016.

“NFW” isn’t a logical argument. It’s just emotions.

More like I have destroyed you and you have no response at all beyond diversions.

None of you people can debate me at all on these issues and I have feasted on your stupidity.
No one wants to debate you. All you do is Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.
You would love that! Large uneducated blue cities could just continue to vote for more, and more welfare benefits for their votes.
Rural communities are the welfare queens. Cities are the major economic engines of the country.

But that’s not the point. Everyone should get to vote and everyone’s vote should count the same.
So get rid of the electoral college and make it a national popular vote. It would be all but impossible to steal an election.

And even without the insanity, the Republican party would cease to exist since only the large population states would determine the winner. The last time I look, the Dems had that locked up with just 3 states.
Just looking at the number of votes its OBVIOUS that the 2020 election was a actually coup.

I won't go into all of the FBI's illegal activities, but lets just look at their hiding the Hunter Biden laptop crimes.
Then their paying Twitter to censor it, read about the Twitter Files.
The 51 traitors who said it was "Russian Disinformation" to mislead voters, etc.

Now lets look at the votes:

View attachment 843758

So 2020 had about 25,000,000 more votes than would have been expected based on historic norms. Why?


TRUMP GOT 11,000,000 MORE VOTES THAN HE GOT IN 2016. NFW Biden got 81,000,000 legitimate votes. NFW.
For the record I do not believe Hillary actually won the popular vote either
The reason why we will never see another legitimate Presidential election is very simple.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The Democrats know this now. They know they can use Democrat big city shithole districts in swing states to produce enough fraudulent ballots to carry the Democrats.

Just like we saw in 2020 when the districts shut down when Trump was ahead and opened later magically with enough ballots to put Potatohead ahead.

Democracy is dependent upon honesty at the polls and that ship has sailed here in the US.
Rural communities are the welfare queens. Cities are the major economic engines of the country.

But that’s not the point. Everyone should get to vote and everyone’s vote should count the same.
Cool only people not being supported by the Government should vote. No welfare recipients get to vote. Urban blue cities take the majority of welfare, they are the new plantation, they group them together in government housing to make it easier to bus them to the polling stations, and all the checks can go to one place.
The reason why we will never see another legitimate Presidential election is very simple.

Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The Democrats know this now. They know they can use Democrat big city shithole districts in swing states to produce enough fraudulent ballots to carry the Democrats.

Just like we saw in 2020 when the districts shut down when Trump was ahead and opened later magically with enough ballots to put Potatohead ahead.

Democracy is dependent upon honesty at the polls and that ship has sailed here in the US.
You would love that! Large uneducated blue cities could just continue to vote for more, and more welfare benefits for their votes.
Red states are the welfare states. How do you not know that?
Also the least educated.
More of that unlimited Kool-Aid.
Cool only people not being supported by the Government should vote. No welfare recipients get to vote. Urban blue cities take the majority of welfare, they are the new plantation, they group them together in government housing to make it easier to bus them to the polling stations, and all the checks can go to one place.
"Unafraid of leftists?"
LOL. Nice self own. Near perfect.
Cool only people not being supported by the Government should vote. No welfare recipients get to vote. Urban blue cities take the majority of welfare, they are the new plantation, they group them together in government housing to make it easier to bus them to the polling stations, and all the checks can go to one place.
Let’s define welfare.

Should we consider farm subsidies to be welfare?

Should we consider government flood insurance to be welfare?

What about Medicare payment bonuses to rural underserved areas?

Rural red communities are pumped full of government money because they are economically stagnant.

You dont know what you’re talking about.

But more to the point, denying poor people the right to vote because they’re poor is the kind of fascist bullshit our country fights against.

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