Has America Learned Its Lesson????

Voting in kneejerk fashion for Republicans when conservatism has done NOT a thing for the American voter in over four decades?
I hope we've learned that lesson. But, I would guess we haven't. So we'll take yet another turn on the right wing merry-go-round of
tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, bloated defense budgets, descent into culture wars, and racial division pimping. Just more of
the same for Republicans. :)

Queue the bot response copy and paste in 3..2..1....Go! :)

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.

Answer the question.

You can have a chance to prove that you are an imbecile......or you vote "in kneejerk fashion".....appropriate, as you are known as a jerk.

Let's check: The one-question IQ test.



.....Or this.....

Unfortunately, not.

The neo-fascist authoritarian right will likely win control of one or both Houses of Congress.

America’s democracy remains very much in jeopardy to consequence of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.

Did you say 'tyranny, C_Chamber_Pot????

Yet you vote for the Nazis.

.....or, how many times must Lucy pull the football from Charlie Brown (you)?????

1.The lesson is that the only intelligent vote is based on the policies that the vote is designed to bring. Not the face at the top of the ticket.

This is the graphic of the mistake:

View attachment 628743

2. This is the punishment for that mistake:

3. Once the Democrats trick you into voting for faces rather than policies, their insurance is as follows: Biden is not the problem.....Democrat policies are. It would be the same no matter the face they put on top of the ticket.
They will allow all the pins you wish in the voo-doo doll that is Joe Biden, and then toss him under the bus......just as they now admit that Bill Clinton is a rapist.......and simply put another Nazi....er, Democrat on the ticket.

4. Need proof??? Here, from the April issue of Vanity Fair: “PLAN B IS COMPLETE F**KING CHAOS”: WHAT WILL DEMS DO IF BIDEN DOESN’T RUN?

With 2024 looming, Democrats are already feeling out their options. Pete Buttigieg? Kamala Harris? THE ROCK?!” “Plan B Is Complete Fucking Chaos”: What Will Dems Do If Biden Doesn’t Run?

View attachment 628745

In the article, Chris Smith gives a run-down on the possible/probable replacements......'faces' will change.....but the failed policies won't.

We'll see in November if you are as stupid as they believe you to be.


Ideally, we have both (a) a healthy and achievable agenda and (b) a sane and effective Servant of the People.

With your Orange Baboon-God we had (a) but not (b).

With Sleepy Old Uncle Joe we have (b) but not (a)... and Uncle Joe does, indeed, seem to be slipping, in more ways than one.

YOUR trouble is that your Orange-colored POS was an ignoramus, coward, unthinking big-talker, and a traitorous villain willing to overthrow the Republic.

The Dems trouble is that while Old Joe talks a good game, he's fairly INeffective and a variety of potential corruption scandals may be on the horizen.

Find us someone who can (a) advance much of the Trump agenda but (b) doesn't carry the stink and stigma of Trump, and you may actually WIN in 2024.

Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Hitler eliminated unemployment and resurrected his economy.

It's not about 'mean tweets'... that's the simple-minded retort... it's about the safety of American Representative Democracy... and it's about character.

It takes character to appreciate and follow the concept of Servant Leadership... the Cincinnatus model... and your Orange POS was NOT the answer.
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Ideally, we have both (a) a healthy and achievable agenda and (b) a sane and effective Servant of the People.

With your Orange Baboon-God we had (a) but not (b).

With Sleepy Old Uncle Joe we have (b) but not (a)... and Uncle Joe does, indeed, seem to be slipping, in more ways than one.

YOUR trouble is that your Orange-colored POS was an ignoramus, coward, unthinking big-talker, and a traitorous villain willing to overthrow the Republic.

The Dems trouble is that while Old Joe talks a good game, he's fairly INeffective and a variety of potential corruption scandals may be on the horizen.

Find us someone who can (a) advance much of the Trump agenda but (b) doesn't carry the stink and stigma of Trump, and you may actually WIN in 2024.

Mussolini made the trains run on time.

Hitler eliminated unemployment and resurrected his economy.

But it takes character to appreciate and follow the concept of Servant Leadership... the Cincinnatus model... and your Orange POS was NOT the answer.

Turns out lots of Democrat representatives believe you're a moron.

🌐31 and counting: Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch will not run for ...hotair.com› john-s-2 › 2022 › 02 › 28 › 31-and-counting-democratic-rep-ted-deutch-will-not-run-for-reelection-n451827

The number of House Democrats deciding to retire to seek another office continues to climb. Today, congressman Ted Deutch of Florida bring the 31st Democrats to give up a seat. Deutch will be taking a leadership position at a major Jewish advocacy group.

🌐Rep. Ted Deutch Becomes 31st Democrat Not Running for Reelection ...newsmax.com › home › politics
February 28, 2022 - Print | A A Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., announced he will not seek another term, becoming the 31st House Democrat to announce they will not run for reelection in November. "After serving the public for more than 15 years, I have decided I will not seek reelection this November," the congressman ...

Is this what they believe the future will bring????

Is this the speech you Democrats will be making?????

Let's check: The one-question IQ test.



.....Or this.....

This is your IQ test. It's made of political cartoons. You're a complete moron. I'll never play along with your superficial, pseudo scientific reindeer games. I suppose you haven't gotten that yet (and never will). But, you will undoubtedly try and shame me for it, because you're an 'Ivy League' brainiac, and you've got right wing media to support your every long-winded, short sighted positions. You don't have a mind of your own, so that fancy (read: made up) education was wasted. You can cut 'n paste. No critical thinking required. You are at very best, slightly humorous at times, but you bore the shit out of me most of the time, lady.

Try condensing your thoughts into less than 80 words. You might even be more convincing than you already are, you shining superstar. :113:
I am afraid the lesson hasn't been learned and we have reached a level of retardation that can never be recovered from.

It was all a nice ride while it lasted.
Unfortunately, not.

The neo-fascist authoritarian right will likely win control of one or both Houses of Congress.

America’s democracy remains very much in jeopardy to consequence of the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
They already control both houses of Congress and the WH. Try again.
Turns out lots of Democrat representatives believe you're a moron.

🌐31 and counting: Democratic Rep. Ted Deutch will not run for ...hotair.com› john-s-2 › 2022 › 02 › 28 › 31-and-counting-democratic-rep-ted-deutch-will-not-run-for-reelection-n451827

The number of House Democrats deciding to retire to seek another office continues to climb. Today, congressman Ted Deutch of Florida bring the 31st Democrats to give up a seat. Deutch will be taking a leadership position at a major Jewish advocacy group.

🌐Rep. Ted Deutch Becomes 31st Democrat Not Running for Reelection ...newsmax.com › home › politics
February 28, 2022 - Print | A A Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla., announced he will not seek another term, becoming the 31st House Democrat to announce they will not run for reelection in November. "After serving the public for more than 15 years, I have decided I will not seek reelection this November," the congressman ...

Is this what they believe the future will bring????

Is this the speech you Democrats will be making?????

Blah, blah, blah... endless frigging blah... wassa madda, clown? Sales of Orange Kool-AId starting to tank? :laugh:
God I wish Biden would destroy America, but it seems like Trump did a lot of the stuff you're talking about. Shame.
This is your IQ test. It's made of political cartoons. You're a complete moron. I'll never play along with your superficial, pseudo scientific reindeer games. I suppose you haven't gotten that yet (and never will). But, you will undoubtedly try and shame me for it, because you're an 'Ivy League' brainiac, and you've got right wing media to support your every long-winded, short sighted positions. You don't have a mind of your own, so that fancy (read: made up) education was wasted. You can cut 'n paste. No critical thinking required. You are at very best, slightly humorous at times, but you bore the shit out of me most of the time, lady.

Try condensing your thoughts into less than 80 words. You might even be more convincing than you already are, you shining superstar. :113:

You have been asked several times, but ducked and dodged.

Evidently you are deeply embarrassed by your vote and your support of the Nazis....er, Democrat Party.

Good start.

I am afraid the lesson hasn't been learned and we have reached a level of retardation that can never be recovered from.

It was all a nice ride while it lasted.

My sentiments, too.

They are the scorpion, we the frog.....and they will take all of us down with them: it is their nature.
Blah, blah, blah... endless frigging blah... wassa madda, clown? Sales of Orange Kool-AId starting to tank? :laugh:

You know the dumbest animal in the jungle? A Polar Bear.

And in many ways….that’s you, in America.

You don't and never will understand America, morality, nor rectitude.
God I wish Biden would destroy America, but it seems like Trump did a lot of the stuff you're talking about. Shame.

Let's see you defend that post.

Let's remind all the mindless....you......of Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.

No the lessons are not going to be learned. Right now the Democratic Party will be punished in 2022 and likely in 2024.

Within a few elections cycles, the GOP will wear out their welcome pushing voters to back the same party everyone is execrating at this moment…

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