Has America Learned Its Lesson????

:auiqs.jpg: You're out of gas, genius.

Why so afraid to name the man you voted for.

a. Everyone knows who, and recognizes you can't justify it.

b. It proves everything I've said about you Democratr voters: you are dumb, and cowards.

You must hear that a whole lot, huh?

And.....that's Ms. Genius, to you.
Let's see you defend that post.

Let's remind all the mindless....you......of Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.

And that amazing achievement involving foreign policy: American energy independence.

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You keep talking through some of the most profoundly low quality political cartoons of the decade.
.....or, how many times must Lucy pull the football from Charlie Brown (you)?????

1.The lesson is that the only intelligent vote is based on the policies that the vote is designed to bring. Not the face at the top of the ticket.

This is the graphic of the mistake:

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2. This is the punishment for that mistake:

3. Once the Democrats trick you into voting for faces rather than policies, their insurance is as follows: Biden is not the problem.....Democrat policies are. It would be the same no matter the face they put on top of the ticket.
They will allow all the pins you wish in the voo-doo doll that is Joe Biden, and then toss him under the bus......just as they now admit that Bill Clinton is a rapist.......and simply put another Nazi....er, Democrat on the ticket.

4. Need proof??? Here, from the April issue of Vanity Fair: “PLAN B IS COMPLETE F**KING CHAOS”: WHAT WILL DEMS DO IF BIDEN DOESN’T RUN?

With 2024 looming, Democrats are already feeling out their options. Pete Buttigieg? Kamala Harris? THE ROCK?!” “Plan B Is Complete Fucking Chaos”: What Will Dems Do If Biden Doesn’t Run?

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In the article, Chris Smith gives a run-down on the possible/probable replacements......'faces' will change.....but the failed policies won't.

We'll see in November if you are as stupid as they believe you to be.

Problem solved!!!!!!!!

This thread was about the dearth of candidates the Democrats have after they've kicked Biden and Harris under the bus.

Well.......we've got just the guy!!!

Frank James!!!!!!!!!!!

He shares many believes and aims with the party, especially the anti-white racism part.

I can't put up his twitter rant about white folks because it is vulgarity -filled.


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