Has Anybody Ever Been to Alaska Before?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This was originally going to be a virtual vacation thread, but I don't do those much anymore and I don't know what all there is to do in Alaska. I've always wanted to go, but I don't really travel anymore and when I did travel unfortunately I never got the chance. So if we have anybody on this message board that's from Alaska or has been there before, please share your stories here. :)
This was originally going to be a virtual vacation thread, but I don't do those much anymore and I don't know what all there is to do in Alaska. I've always wanted to go, but I don't really travel anymore and when I did travel unfortunately I never got the chance. So if we have anybody on this message board that's from Alaska or has been there before, please share your stories here. :)
Yes, I've been there, and let me tell you it's horrific.

All of the polar bears are dead and rotting corpses and the snow is on fire.

Damn that global warming!!!


What is a "virtual vacation"? It's not a vacation unless you vacate.

Well like I've done Disney ones before with the kinds of rides and entertainment that are there with videos. I just decided to turn this into a regular discussion thread instead. It doesn't mean that we can't still post videos, it's just not in that kind of format.
Yes, I've been there, and let me tell you it's horrific.

All of the polar bears are dead and rotting corpses and the snow is on fire.

Damn that global warming!!!


This is a joke right?
We took a cruise there in 2006. It isn't a great way to see a place as time is so limited. I am contemplating a camp-cation to Alaska. Driving from WA through the AlCan highway to Fairbanks and spending about three weeks exploring. I think this is the only way you truly see the area.
Did a cruise to Alaska a few years ago. It’s really something to see.
Bonzi and I will visit there when we retire - 100%.
Also Greece, a place she has always wanted to go and into Italy.
And possibly Northern Europe.. Scandinavia, Norway etc.
Btw I still might do a virtual Disney vacation one because that way you won't have to pay them a cent for it,... Just not sure when.
Yes, I've been there, and let me tell you it's horrific.

All of the polar bears are dead and rotting corpses and the snow is on fire.

Damn that global warming!!!


Palin the Impaler

We Marines had a stopover there on our way to Vietnam. It was creepy and other-wordly, like we had landed on some distant desolated planet. So was Vietnam.

Vladimir Putin
Will quit his lootin'
And start scootin'
When the Thrilla From Wasilla
Comes a-hootin'
And a-tootin'

From her command post
In an igloo
She'll turn Russian pilots
Into MiG-glue
This was originally going to be a virtual vacation thread, but I don't do those much anymore and I don't know what all there is to do in Alaska. I've always wanted to go, but I don't really travel anymore and when I did travel unfortunately I never got the chance. So if we have anybody on this message board that's from Alaska or has been there before, please share your stories here. :)

A beautiful state.
I did a cruise there. Well worth it - the scenery is breathtaking! I couldn’t spare the time because I was working, but if you can, add Denali Park pre- or post-cruise.
I think that I'm going to do a virtual trip to Disneyland later on after all. :)
I lived in the interior near Fairbanks for a number of years.


I would contact the Chamber of Commerce for Juneau, Anchorage, and Fairbanks for information.

Story: landing at midnight in the middle of a great snow storm at Fort Yukon is a moment I won't forget.

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