Has Anyone Actually Bought Hillary's Book?

These books are how Globalists pay off their servants/stooges. Obama got $ 60 million for some idiocy and now Clinton gets some ungodly amount. It is par for the course for the money to be legit.
Can you imagine the audio? Knitting needles plunged into my inner ears would be preferable...

omigod! I can barely imagine the audio..........................noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo:puke3::shock:....:poop:
Why the answer to the question What Happened can be found on the cover.
I'd bet most Hillary supporters are illiterate. Aside from uneducated blacks and Latinos, who supports Hillary?
Confess your sin here.


Piers Morgan did. And he read it. Best book review ever...

"'What happened' is the title of Hillary Clinton's new 464-page book.

The answer, it transpires, is the most whiny, self-pitying, deluded load of literary claptrap written since Kim Kardashian's 'I was empowering women' defense for posting naked bird-flipping selfies.

By the time I'd finished wading through Hillary's absurdly self-indulgent tome, I felt like I'd been lowered into a large vat of violently indignant, furiously self-justifying, boiling mad spittle..."

Read the rest, it's worth the time:

Piers Morgan on Hillary Clinton's What Happened? book | Daily Mail Online

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