Has anyone asked these politicians pushing the trans movement where self ‘identification’ ends?

Outside of the odd aberration now and then, no. Certainly not as part of some vast conspiracy nonsense.
So all the school boards we see adopting and supporting the CRT ‘movement’, the tranny movement, all the videos of deranged leftist teachers…etc etc….They’re all isolated events?
I was not aware that GO FUND ME was a tax collector.
sure they are, they collect funds and distribute those funds. People give money to the fund, and it is only to be used on what the money went in for. Period. If I insert 4 thousand dollars of tax money to the government, at election time, I am allowed to vote out who mis spent those funds. So we do have the opportunity to determine where tax dollars go.
Evidently, the Repubs don't know what a woman is either if they have to ask.
how so? if they understand someone doesn't care about gender, asking one what they think a gender is is merely identifying the idiots in the room as they avoid the answer.

So you wish to insult women along with the Nazis.
A lot of people who have no idea what it really means like to throw around the word "logic." It's kind of funny, actually.
so you don't know what is logical? wow.

I didn't have you as someone who would throw away his dignity and integrity. hmmmmmm
but you haven't worked in every school right? So, how is it you know what every school teaches?
People who have NEVER worked in ANY school, haven't set foot in a school for decades, insist they know better what goes on in schools than people who work there. Does that make sense to you? Someone Googles one sensationalist story and knows with absolute unquestionable certainty what goes on in every school in the nation, but people who actually work in the schools every day have no idea what's happening there. Does that make sense to you?
So all the school boards we see adopting and supporting the CRT ‘movement’, the tranny movement, all the videos of deranged leftist teachers…etc etc….They’re all isolated events?
When was the last time you were in a classroom? What shocking behavior have you seen in a class for yourself? What real syllabus for a real, required course can you show that is used to "indoctrinate" students? What required text can you show that is used for such nefarious purpose?
People who have NEVER worked in ANY school, haven't set foot in a school for decades, insist they know better what goes on in schools than people who work there. Does that make sense to you? Someone Googles one sensationalist story and knows with absolute unquestionable certainty what goes on in every school in the nation, but people who actually work in the schools every day have no idea what's happening there. Does that make sense to you?
but the children are asked about their studies. So that doesn't count to you. Also, the remote learning exposed the material that is now in question. And to you that doesn't matter. So, for you, if one hasn't been in a school, one can't comment. What a narrow, or unfocused point of view. I feel sorry for you limited brain power and the inability to adapt.
When was the last time you were in a classroom? What shocking behavior have you seen in a class for yourself? What real syllabus for a real, required course can you show that is used to "indoctrinate" students? What required text can you show that is used for such nefarious purpose?
Many people were watching the online curriculum and you seem to think that wasn't the classroom. That was the classroom exposed.

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