Has Bobby Jindal Lost his mind?

William Jefferson Blythe.

Oh. Wait. Clinton.

It's only bad when them colored people do it.

So that's why you hate "Bobby" Jindal

I don't hate Piyush.

I just have contempt for him because he's kind of a weasel. He's saying whatever he thinks would be popular, and then turning 180 degrees when it isn't.

I'd have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns.

You don't hate him, you hate him because he's not white -- got it

So you are not able to back up your claim that working people pay more of the tax burden in states with no income tax.

Color me shocked...

You really do just throw shit out there with no evidence, logic or reason. It's why you're considered a joke. Good luck with that.

Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.

So that's why you hate "Bobby" Jindal

I don't hate Piyush.

I just have contempt for him because he's kind of a weasel. He's saying whatever he thinks would be popular, and then turning 180 degrees when it isn't.

I'd have more respect for him if he stuck to his guns.

You don't hate him, you hate him because he's not white -- got it

No, I don't hate him.

Hate would actually require an emotional commitment.

I disdain him because he's a weasel. Probably has been all of his life.
...eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people

Please demonstrate how the tax burden has been "shifted onto working people" in Alaska, Florida, Nevada, S Dakota, Texas and Washington.

Or are you just talking out of your ass again?

Sales taxes by nature are regressive. If most of your income goes to buying consumer goods and services, you are paying a greater share of the tax burden.

And why do you use examples like Alaska and Nevada, which have artificial factors like gambling and oil in the picture?

OK so you are talking out of your ass again.
Yes, states without income taxes enjoy greater growth and job growth than states with income taxes. Pretty much blows your argument all to hell.

So you are not able to back up your claim that working people pay more of the tax burden in states with no income tax.

Color me shocked...

You really do just throw shit out there with no evidence, logic or reason. It's why you're considered a joke. Good luck with that.

Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


Translation: I'm too stupid to debate properly.

So you are not able to back up your claim that working people pay more of the tax burden in states with no income tax.

Color me shocked...

You really do just throw shit out there with no evidence, logic or reason. It's why you're considered a joke. Good luck with that.

Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


States With the Highest and Lowest Taxes - Where You'll Pay the Most and Least in Taxes

States with the lowest tax burden...read and learn

So you are not able to back up your claim that working people pay more of the tax burden in states with no income tax.

Color me shocked...

You really do just throw shit out there with no evidence, logic or reason. It's why you're considered a joke. Good luck with that.

Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


Thank you for proving my point as to just how full of shit you are.

So you are not able to back up your claim that working people pay more of the tax burden in states with no income tax.

Color me shocked...

You really do just throw shit out there with no evidence, logic or reason. It's why you're considered a joke. Good luck with that.

Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


States With the Highest and Lowest Taxes - Where You'll Pay the Most and Least in Taxes

States with the lowest tax burden...read and learn

Guy, your chart doesn't break down who is paying those taxes.

Or what percentage of income that represents.

Also, it lists Alaska as the top, a state where the Oil Companies pay people a bribe to rape the land.

Be interesting to see what happens when the oil runs out.
Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


States With the Highest and Lowest Taxes - Where You'll Pay the Most and Least in Taxes

States with the lowest tax burden...read and learn

Guy, your chart doesn't break down who is paying those taxes.

Or what percentage of income that represents.

Also, it lists Alaska as the top, a state where the Oil Companies pay people a bribe to rape the land.

Be interesting to see what happens when the oil runs out.

This has been said about oil ever since the 1970's and we have not run out of oil yet.
I don't know why so many people believe the lies rather than using their brains.
You would think that their minds would finally realize that it's a lie when they keep finding more oil around the world everywhere.

Rather than thinking that the State of Alaska shares it's wealth of oil to everyone in the State, it becomes a bribe. It's a very good thing for a State to share the wealth that they have, to everyone in it's State.
How sad that some people think so negative in this Nation rather than positive.
There is an old saying about having a negative attitude;
A negative attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far without changing it.
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Character assassination? Did he say those things or didn't he? Seems odd for someone who was just recently asking his party to be reasonable.
So the left are upset because Jindal put down the progressives of his own party?
He is absolutely right in what he said about them.
He was also right about what he said about the Dem's.
Ending a tax on the productive,....damn nuts is what it is.


Sorry, I'm not seeing how this person is productive.


The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs.

You can probably paint Paris with that stroke but to broadbrush an entire group and label them parasites is disingenuous and leaves your credibility where it has been in the past....at the bottom.
There is no other way to say this but ...what kind of an idiot are you with making this statement.
It's obvious you have not a clue to how a Republic/Democracy works.
From now on, anything you say must be considered utterly stupid and idiotic.
Try looking at the "History" of civilized people.

Ending a tax on the productive,....damn nuts is what it is.

There is no other way to say this but ...what kind of an idiot are you with making this statement.
It's obvious you have not a clue to how a Republic/Democracy works.
From now on, anything you say must be considered utterly stupid and idiotic.
Try looking at the "History" of civilized people.

Ending a tax on the productive,....damn nuts is what it is.


Uh, you do realize that we had no federal income tax in the US for a longer period of time that we've had one, right?

You were saying something about looking at history???
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you really want to go there???
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Like The Two Faces of Barry Sotero [Barack Obama] ?

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