Has Bobby Jindal Lost his mind?


This has been said about oil ever since the 1970's and we have not run out of oil yet.
I don't know why so many people believe the lies rather than using their brains.
You would think that their minds would finally realize that it's a lie when they keep finding more oil around the world everywhere.

Rather than thinking that the State of Alaska shares it's wealth of oil to everyone in the State, it becomes a bribe. It's a very good thing for a State to share the wealth that they have, to everyone in it's State.
How sad that some people think so negative in this Nation rather than positive.
There is an old saying about having a negative attitude;
A negative attitude is like a flat tire.
You can't get very far without changing it.

I call it a pragmatic attitude.

our addiction to petroleum empowers our enemies and might be destroying the planet.

Can't see either of these as a good thing.
Ending a tax on the productive,....damn nuts is what it is.


Sorry, I'm not seeing how this person is productive.


The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs.

You can probably paint Paris with that stroke but to broadbrush an entire group and label them parasites is disingenuous and leaves your credibility where it has been in the past....at the bottom.

No, actually, I think it's a perfect analogy.

Why is Paris Hilton able to be a rich whore?

Because her family ran a successful Hotel Chain.

But someone else's daughters made the beds, cleaned the toilets, vacuumed the rugs, and so on.

All the Hiltons did is collect the profits.

But don't you dare ask them to pay back their fair share. Nope, nope, we are going to put higher taxes on food and clothing and utilities on working folks instead, says Piyush.

And he wonders why his approval rating is in the toilet.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you really want to go there???

Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you really want to go there???

Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

You sad pathetic little man.
What am I supposed to be reading? Can I get a link to his actual quote or speech?

This is all I see in the link you provide (incoherence trying to make a coherent statement about an UNDECLARED topic):
Has he suffered a stroke? A blow to the head? Become addicted to prescription drugs? Has he been kidnapped by some fierce branch of the Louisiana Tea Party that is holding him hostage somewhere deep in bayou country?
Bobby Jindal

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal speaks at the NRA annual meeting on May 3, 2013 in Houston, Texas. (Justin Sullivan/Getty)

If not, how else to explain the governor’s bizarre, contradictory, paranoid, and vaguely incoherent rant this week in Politico?

We’re not talking about some off-the-cuff quote or on-air brain freeze. For whatever reason, Jindal deliberately put his name on a several-hundred word column that starts out by spanking his party for its “self-analysis,” “bedwetting,” and “navel-gaving” (a term he likes so much he uses it twice) before reassuring fellow conservatives that the political tide will soon turn their way because liberals “want”—and this part really must be reproduced in full in order to be properly appreciated:

the government to explode; to pay everyone; to hire everyone; they believe that money grows on trees; the earth is flat; the industrial age, factory-style government is a cool new thing; debts don’t have to be repaid; people of faith are ignorant and uneducated; unborn babies don’t matter; pornography is fine; traditional marriage is discriminatory; 32 oz. sodas are evil; red meat should be rationed; rich people are evil unless they are from Hollywood or are liberal Democrats; the Israelis are unreasonable; trans-fat must be stopped; kids trapped in failing schools should be patient; wild weather is a new thing; moral standards are passé; government run health care is high quality the IRS should violate our constitutional rights; reporters should be spied on; Benghazi was handled well; the Second Amendment is outdated; and the First one has some problems with it.

Whew! How’s that for some over-the-top demagoguery? We’re talking Rush Limbaugh, Hugh Hewitt levels of button pushing, tailor-made not only to court but also to fuel the rage and paranoia of his party’s already feverish base.

No wonder you have no clue what you're talking about, because the very articles you read have no logical flow, regardless of the position they take (for instance, Michael Moore can actual put up logical arguments to defend progressivism, whether I agree with the foundation of the logic or not, so I respect him as an agile opponent)
Do you really want to go there???

Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

You sad pathetic little man.

Honestly, if I were German in 1940, I'd be pretty embarrassed, to.

Not sure what Piyush is embarrassed about, though.
Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

You sad pathetic little man.

Honestly, if I were German in 1940, I'd be pretty embarrassed, to.

Not sure what Piyush is embarrassed about, though.

You need help, poor thing.
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

He's trying to make his state more business friendly because the states without an income tax are doing much better than NY, NJ and CA. I know you can't relate to that

Also, you're clearly a racist

Joe Blow Job mistakenly assumes the income tax is popular. I know many people who move to Florida and Texas precisely because it doesn't have an income tax.
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you hate him because his parents immigrated or because of his skin color?

Are the republicans checking into his citizenship? ;)
Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you hate him because his parents immigrated or because of his skin color?

Are the republicans checking into his citizenship? ;)

We KNOW he was born here.
Can't say the same about Obama. All that controversy and sealed records.
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"

Yeah, eliminating the income tax and shifting the tax burden onto working people HAS made Piyush really unpopular.

But let's look at what happened here. After Romney lost, Piyush admonished the crazies in his party. Even though he had engaged in quite a lot of the crazy himself.

Now he's going full out bore crazy again.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

So working people don't earn income now? Who knew?
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.


His tax proposal would have been a massive ass fucking of Louisina retirees, right and left, and that's primarily why it failed. Imagine paying income taxes all your life, retiring on a modest income in which you pay little or no income tax - and then being told you're going to have to pay up again through more sales tax? The sales tax in most places in Louisiana is already > 8% - he wanted that to go up to > 11% AND raise tobacco taxes to boot! Sorry Bobby - that was just dumb.

And the entire argument he presented as to WHY this should be dumb is absurd. It was a revenue neutral proposal - meaning no additional funds would be returned to the local economy. Essentially he's telling people with low incomes that if you just give us some of your money so we can cut taxes for the rich- eventually, your lot will be even better - just trust us on that one!

Drop income taxes and raise sales taxes so the lowest income earners pay the highest tax rates and the wealthiest pay the least. Typical Republican Conservative bullshit that they try to sell as being more fair. The only pathetic thing about it is that so many middle and low income earners buy into the stupidity and actually support it. Fortunately there are enough intelligent beings to understand how such a regressive tax policy is bad for everyone.
Guy, I'm not g oing to bother to research it and post articles on why the sales tax is regressive, and then have you pretend it wasn't said.

I don't do cites unless I'm interested in doing them.


States With the Highest and Lowest Taxes - Where You'll Pay the Most and Least in Taxes

States with the lowest tax burden...read and learn

Guy, your chart doesn't break down who is paying those taxes.

Or what percentage of income that represents.

Also, it lists Alaska as the top, a state where the Oil Companies pay people a bribe to rape the land.

Be interesting to see what happens when the oil runs out.

Rape the land? Seriously? You're going to make such a ridiculous claim.

Providing energy for people to survive isnt raping the land. Would you prefer people were dying from lack of food and cold?
Ending a tax on the productive,....damn nuts is what it is.


Sorry, I'm not seeing how this person is productive.


The wealthy are parasites that have convinced stupid people like you they are vital organs.

You think she pays income taxes? You do realize income taxes are paid by those who actually work, right?

People who get their money from daddy or capital rather than labor don't have income.

It's the income tax that burdens the poor and middle class. It's designed to keep them down and keep them from every becoming wealthy and challenging the elite classes power.
Lowbrow article that's just character assassination because Jindal proposed eliminating the state income tax.

Meanwhile the head of the Democrat Party is in a swoon because Republicans want to make "illegal immigration a crime"
Dimwits love illegal voting.

It strikes me that Piyush doesn't have any philosophical grounding, he just says what he thinks will get him votes.

Just like calling yourself "Bobby" will make people forget your parents named you "Piyush".

Do you really want to go there???

Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

that's a nice story, but we can still call you dummkopf
…because liberals “want”—and this part really must be reproduced in full in order to be properly appreciated:

the government to explode; to pay everyone; to hire everyone; they believe that money grows on trees; the earth is flat; the industrial age, factory-style government is a cool new thing; debts don’t have to be repaid; people of faith are ignorant and uneducated; unborn babies don’t matter; pornography is fine; traditional marriage is discriminatory; 32 oz. sodas are evil; red meat should be rationed; rich people are evil unless they are from Hollywood or are liberal Democrats; the Israelis are unreasonable; trans-fat must be stopped; kids trapped in failing schools should be patient; wild weather is a new thing; moral standards are passé; government run health care is high quality the IRS should violate our constitutional rights; reporters should be spied on; Benghazi was handled well; the Second Amendment is outdated; and the First one has some problems with it.

It’s sad that Jindal made the decision to be known as a liar.

well if he was a racist too he would be qualified to be the current POTUS
Did his parents name him Bobby or Piyush?

So why does he call himself "Bobby"?

My grandfather was named Ludwig. When he came to America, he had everyone call him "Louis".

Because he came over between World War I and World War II, and Germans weren't really popular then. (He also changed the pronounciation of our family name to sound less German.)

You sad pathetic little man.

Honestly, if I were German in 1940, I'd be pretty embarrassed, to.

Not sure what Piyush is embarrassed about, though.

Why do you think he's embarrassed? I've known a couple of Indians and several Chinese immigrants who've Anglicized their names simply because it was easier for Americans to pronounce.

Joe Blow Job mistakenly assumes the income tax is popular. I know many people who move to Florida and Texas precisely because it doesn't have an income tax.

I don't think the income tax is popular.

I think it's fair. The rich pay their fair share.

Sales Taxes put a greater burden on the working class. And the main reason conservatives should be upset about a sales tax is that it's a stealth tax.

I can tell you down to the penny how much I paid in Illinois' INcome Tax. It's right there on my W-2. Better yet, if I itemize using Schedule A, I can deduct that from my Federal Income tax, and get some of that money back from the Feds.

The Sales tax? who knows. This is why Conservatards love the State Sales Tax- it shifts the burden to working people and they never know what hit them.
You sad pathetic little man.

Honestly, if I were German in 1940, I'd be pretty embarrassed, to.

Not sure what Piyush is embarrassed about, though.

Why do you think he's embarrassed? I've known a couple of Indians and several Chinese immigrants who've Anglicized their names simply because it was easier for Americans to pronounce.

I know that's the current tradition with the Chinese. Indians not so much.

Longest aside, there's a woman in our China office who anglicized her name to "Scorpion". I joked that's like a supervillian name. I've also seen "Dragon", "Tiger" and "Storm".

Piyush, though, probably has a lot to be embarrassed about beyond his name.

We could talk about that embarrassing rebuttal he gave to Obama, or the fact he performed an exorcism when he was in college. (No, seriously!)

Hey, Republicans, can you find someone in your party who isn't a religious nutter?

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