Has mental illness taken over the Democratic party

Profound hatred, anger and disappointment can add up to symptoms similar to PTSD and PTSD is a form of mental illness.
I’ve spent thousands of hours talking with hundreds of psych patients over the past several years. Every patient who brought up politics was a democrat.
Our outpatient psych dept also saw a huge increase when Trump was elected.
I recall either reading about that or saw it on the new that there was a increase in democrats seeking help for mental illness . its sad but true and funny at the same time .
Hopefully, when AOC reaches adulthood and grows into her teeth, her brain might also mature. ... :cool:
Shes got a set of teeth alright. Every time I see her on the news I feel like i should offer her a sugar cube in my hand like you do with a horse
Has mental illness taken over the Democratic party? As much as it has taken over the GOP...
I asked a few doctors, and several others who work in psych, if they saw an increase when obama was elected. They all said no. lol
There are 435 elected Representatives in the House of Representatives of the US Congress. Each one is elected by their District. Trumpicans seem obsessed with a rookie freshman Rep, one of the 435 elected Rep's, with little power and authority. Seems to be great concern over a young Hispanic female being allowed to compete in the DC Games of Politics.

As far as anyone knows, AOC has no dragons.

But she has already influenced many a so-called sane Democrap.
Go figure?
Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.

A very scary premise.
Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.
FOX News and Donald Trump are the chief causes of dumbing down America. You not knowing that is proof.

Camp with his usual DNC narrative of the month ring in his nose.
Do you ever have an original thought?
Has mental illness taken over the Democratic party? As much as it has taken over the GOP...
No the demo party and gop at one time had a lot in common but but now the demo party have become highly radical in many cases and in some anti capitalist and american its sad to be honest.
No, they just think they have a winning strategy. I think they are badly overreaching, but ... we shall see. Propaganda and sensationalism worked out great for Trump. Why wouldn't they just copy his style and put their own spin on it? I think politicians have fully embraced the fact that your average American has an IQ of about 75 and enjoys being lied to. They aren't even pretending to have any decency anymore. America (The U.S.) has no manners, no brains, and no desire to do better, so why should they give a damn either? They are better off just coming up with memes and appealing to tribal instincts for votes. Policy, deal-making, professionalism; that stuff is hard and boring, and not what the people want anyway.
No, they just think they have a winning strategy. I think they are badly overreaching, but ... we shall see. Propaganda and sensationalism worked out great for Trump. Why wouldn't they just copy his style and put their own spin on it? I think politicians have fully embraced the fact that your average American has an IQ of about 75 and enjoys being lied to. They aren't even pretending to have any decency anymore. America (The U.S.) has no manners, no brains, and no desire to do better, so why should they give a damn either? They are better off just coming up with memes and appealing to tribal instincts for votes. Policy, deal-making, professionalism; that stuff is hard and boring, and not what the people want anyway.

The dems aren't copying trump, they're charging full speed ahead on the course they set years before he even ran for office.
No, they just think they have a winning strategy. I think they are badly overreaching, but ... we shall see. Propaganda and sensationalism worked out great for Trump. Why wouldn't they just copy his style and put their own spin on it? I think politicians have fully embraced the fact that your average American has an IQ of about 75 and enjoys being lied to. They aren't even pretending to have any decency anymore. America (The U.S.) has no manners, no brains, and no desire to do better, so why should they give a damn either? They are better off just coming up with memes and appealing to tribal instincts for votes. Policy, deal-making, professionalism; that stuff is hard and boring, and not what the people want anyway.

The dems aren't copying trump, they're charging full speed ahead on the course they set years before he even ran for office.

They have definitely taken a hard swing in a Trump-like direction. All the silliness of a reality TV show host and no substance; that's basically the clown car caravan they call the democratic party these days. Aggressive posturing and spreading misleading or outright false information, without so much as blinking when caught in a lie before moving on to your next lie ... that's a political style that Trump piloted in the U.S. and now people in both parties have come to realize how little the truth actually matters to the public. You can lie as much as you want, get caught repeatedly, and just keep lying. And you'll win! It's pretty incredible.

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