Has mental illness taken over the Democratic party

Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.
They aren't the ones voting for Trump
Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.
FOX News and Donald Trump are the chief causes of dumbing down America. You not knowing that is proof.
Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.
FOX News and Donald Trump are the chief causes of dumbing down America. You not knowing that is proof.
You think African Americans not protesting the flooding of their neighborhoods is a educated thing to do?
Lets face it they have plan on top of plan that will destroy the nation.

Every time i think of the democrats I get a picture of cortez with a few kilos of cocaine on her back holding hands with pee wee herman as both of them pass out monopoly money to everyone they come across encouraging people to vote for madura for president.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with them .
Are they really as stupid as they seem and how is that actually possible.
Most Left Wingers are insane with hate whilst they claim to be crusaders against hate....that's really crazy
Since when did the scum of the Earth dimocraps get concerned over deficits and/or National Debt?

we ALWAYS have to dig the Country out from Republican President's OVER SPENDING

always get left with Republican over spending and deficits.


get a clue, Ed!

Funny how every democrat president has overspent revenue and added to the debt too isn't it?
Deficits are inherited from previous administrations.

I'm not certain if you understand that they are 'running' deficits...?

Democratic Presidents inherit humongous, gigantic, colossal budget busting deficits, from Republican presidents and spend the following 8 yrs reducing them, then the next Republican president massively raises the deficit, to high heaven,

rinse and repeat...

Hopefully, when AOC reaches adulthood and grows into her teeth, her brain might also mature. ... :cool:
Grows into her teeth??

Let us know when you grow into your brain

Let us know when you get one.
Lets face it they have plan on top of plan that will destroy the nation.

Every time i think of the democrats I get a picture of cortez with a few kilos of cocaine on her back holding hands with pee wee herman as both of them pass out monopoly money to everyone they come across encouraging people to vote for madura for president.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with them .
Are they really as stupid as they seem and how is that actually possible.
No that would be the sociopathic and treasonous trumptards
Sunni. Be nice to Herr Lesh. He shares the same feelings about Jews as you. HATES THEM. Maybe even worse than you...actually.
Why does everyone think that I hate Jews? .... :dunno:

My beef is with the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist pukes who rule and support it, not the jewish people. .... :cool:
Sunni. Be nice to Herr Lesh. He shares the same feelings about Jews as you. HATES THEM. Maybe even worse than you...actually.
Why does everyone think that I hate Jews? .... :dunno:

My beef is with the terrorist state of Israel and the zionist pukes who rule and support it, not the jewish people. .... :cool:

Because we are one in the same big guy. :113:
Democrats through the department of education might have achieved dumbing down American citizens, with a combination of illiterate foreigners from Third World countries.. I think they are hedging their bets they achieved this.
FOX News and Donald Trump are the chief causes of dumbing down America. You not knowing that is proof.
O yes omar and cortez and pelosi are great not to mention the congressman in cali who want to use nukes on gun owner great people morons one and all
Because we are one in the same big guy. :113:
Statistics have shown that the majority of American jews are liberal secular cultural jews who aren't religious and really don't care about Israel. .... :cool:

The Fake Jews? Sure but when push comes to shove they care. I do...and I am not overly religious. But there are so few of us that we have to band together. So in the end we are one in the same.
If I were Jewish, I'd have a healthy distrust of big government, yet the opposite is true.
Lets face it they have plan on top of plan that will destroy the nation.

Every time i think of the democrats I get a picture of cortez with a few kilos of cocaine on her back holding hands with pee wee herman as both of them pass out monopoly money to everyone they come across encouraging people to vote for madura for president.
Seriously what the hell is wrong with them .
Are they really as stupid as they seem and how is that actually possible.

So, you have weird fantasies about a freshman congresswoman and a washed up actor...and then accuse others of being mentally ill.

I do not guess you possess the IQ to see the irony there, do you?

This is what a fantasy looks like to you? You have a lot to fix.

That was a complete nightmare. Sorry for the OP who is obviously in deep state of worry having nightmares about completely legitimate subjects.
I’ve spent thousands of hours talking with hundreds of psych patients over the past several years. Every patient who brought up politics was a democrat.
Our outpatient psych dept also saw a huge increase when Trump was elected.

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