Has Nancy Pelosi punked her own impeachment?

She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have already bragged about not being impartial
You failed to make your case. Suck it up buttercup.

In fact you were so terrible at your jobs, Nancy fled DC with her Devil’s tail ticked between her legs.

Old fork tongue was speechless every time she was asked about her Merry Impeachmas just 24 hours after the fact.


She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have already bragged about not being impartial
In regards to an error by OP

The founder of the current D party Andrew Jackson came out with the biggest lie since Cato's lies about Cateline in regards to his futile New Orleans campaign that happened after the war of 1812 had ended. Then there was his genocide attempts.

So, NAZIs began as the German branch of the US Ds. You inverted causality.
Pelosi's skillness level is that of FDR or LBJ in their prime, my friends. kudos to her for a phenomenal job!
Pelosi has now invited Trump to give the state of the Union address in the house. Obviously she knows that this is not even close to going any where.
I think Clinton as invited and gave State of the Union address at night while being tried by day?
I guess you must have forgotten that she had to have her arm twisted and her head held underwater before begrudgingly agreeing to let him do it in the house the last time.
This time she invited, which under the circumstances does seem a bit strange. I learned from "Lost Boys", never invite a vampire into your house. It will make you powerless.
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Will you be angry when Trump wins re-election? :)

Ugh... That will likely happen, but I am still holding out for God to save us from this antichrist... :eek:

Have you considered the thought that you might be rooting for the wrong side?
Yes I have, and God in my sleep, told me I was on the right side on this issue! :) And the Bible, Jesus's words and teachings is all confirmation as well, that I am correct and have not been lead astray of God's WORD.

It's not so much that I am on the Democratic side or any side here on Earth, but on God our father in Heaven's side.....

My stance is spelled out in this editorial, I could not have expressed it any better if God were holding my pen....

Trump Should Be Removed from Office
I’m good with you blindly following others. Can you understand why Trump supporters choose to support Trump and the economic gains he’s brought?
I tried to understand it, but honestly find it quite difficult to do so, because so many very bad traits and divisiveness and indecencies of his, get in the way of whatever good has come out of him being there.... I see him harming us more as a Nation in the long run, than the short term good to our pockets in the short term.

And that does not mean I hate you, or anyone else who supports him.... I just so vehemently disagree with you! :eek:
"Nancy Pelosi is looking for a Quid Pro Quo with the Senate. Why aren’t we Impeaching her?" - Trump
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have to go on what is presented. Second hand or third hand information. I think he meant is not a case for impeachment to most people. Pelosi may be withholding the articles because she is hoping to force her self and her ideas on the Senate. Not going to happen. Once the articles are turned over it becomes McConnells trial. He can call anyone or no one. If he does not receive them then he can start the trial without them and exhonerarte Trump since no charges were officially leveled.
Sorry if it doesn't fit with your hopes and dreams but reality is what it is.
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have already bragged about not being impartial
Damn you just get dumber. They have stated that they would work with the White House. They have said that what was done and presented in the House was rigged and flimsy evidence. McConnell has stated that he will probably not be removed given that the terrible partisan impeachment does not hold water.

I know it does not fit into your day dreams but reality is what it is. Your dreams don't change it.
Pelosi has now invited Trump to give the state of the Union address in the house. Obviously she knows that this is not even close to going any where.
I think Clinton as invited and gave State of the Union address at night while being tried by day?
I guess you must have forgotten that she had to have her arm twisted and her head held underwater before begrudgingly agreeing to let him do it in the house the last time.
This time she invited, which under the circumstances does seem a bit strange. I learned from "Lost Boys", never invite a vampire into your house. It will make you powerless.
Well not everyone believes in vampires, witches and other imaginary creatures. Nor do most people follow advice from second rate movies.

But you do what suits you.
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have to go on what is presented. Second hand or third hand information. I think he meant is not a case for impeachment to most people. Pelosi may be withholding the articles because she is hoping to force her self and her ideas on the Senate. Not going to happen. Once the articles are turned over it becomes McConnells trial. He can call anyone or no one. If he does not receive them then he can start the trial without them and exhonerarte Trump since no charges were officially leveled.
Sorry if it doesn't fit with your hopes and dreams but reality is what it is.
It was on the News last night, and just as I predicted, Pelosi is planning to send impeachment over to the Senate, the week they get back from Christmas break, the week of January 6th.
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have to go on what is presented. Second hand or third hand information. I think he meant is not a case for impeachment to most people. Pelosi may be withholding the articles because she is hoping to force her self and her ideas on the Senate. Not going to happen. Once the articles are turned over it becomes McConnells trial. He can call anyone or no one. If he does not receive them then he can start the trial without them and exhonerarte Trump since no charges were officially leveled.
Sorry if it doesn't fit with your hopes and dreams but reality is what it is.
It was on the News last night, and just as I predicted, Pelosi is planning to send impeachment over to the Senate, the week they get back from Christmas break, the week of January 6th.
Good then we can have the trial and Pelosi's idea that she can control things in the Senate can go where it belongs.
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Lol. And the Dems are completely impartial, right!
If Pelosi never sends the articles of impeachment then Trump was never impeached and we spent billions on nothing more the theater.
If McConnell decides to hold a trial without the articles then he can de lair Trump exhonerarted. All without even a second of any trial.
Isn't it funny how politics is played? Your side plays unfair, the other side plays unfair. And you think that it should only be your side.
Unlike the House, the Senators have to take an oath under God, to be IMPARTIAL jurists, in the impeachment trial.

That means what the oath they take says... anything short of that oath and trial, would be an INJUSTICE and not Justice.
They have to go on what is presented. Second hand or third hand information. I think he meant is not a case for impeachment to most people. Pelosi may be withholding the articles because she is hoping to force her self and her ideas on the Senate. Not going to happen. Once the articles are turned over it becomes McConnells trial. He can call anyone or no one. If he does not receive them then he can start the trial without them and exhonerarte Trump since no charges were officially leveled.
Sorry if it doesn't fit with your hopes and dreams but reality is what it is.
It was on the News last night, and just as I predicted, Pelosi is planning to send impeachment over to the Senate, the week they get back from Christmas break, the week of January 6th.
Didn't take long for Nazi to cave.:5_1_12024:
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Until you call for all the Dimwinger 2020 Clown Car Senators who decided to impeach even before the phone call, you have zero credibility.

Fauxcohontas Warren.
Commie Bernie.
Spartacus Booker
Kalatoe Harris

All made up their minds long ago, Fuckwit.
:crickets: from Care4all :5_1_12024:
And she is simply determining the timing of such in the Senate...
In violation of the Constitutional mandate.... She is a stupid bitch that is about to get slapped down hard..
Where does the Constitution set a timeframe?
House rules do. She is in violation of the House rules, again.
Rules are not laws, and can be changed on a whim... the SC does not get involved on 'rules'.

And do you have a link to these rules that dictate her immediately turning the impeachment over to the Senate? A link?
And she is simply determining the timing of such in the Senate...
In violation of the Constitutional mandate.... She is a stupid bitch that is about to get slapped down hard..
Where does the Constitution set a timeframe?
House rules do. She is in violation of the House rules, again.
Rules are not laws, and can be changed on a whim... the SC does not get involved on 'rules'.

And do you have a link to these rules that dictate her immediately turning the impeachment over to the Senate? A link?
Rules for the House and Senate are voted on by the entire body at the beginning of each session. She has no authority to "change the rules on a whim". But hey, if you support Nazi doing it you will be fine if Mitch ignores all the Senate rules, right?

Watch this dodge..................:5_1_12024:
She's sending it over, this is simply a pause, till their holiday break is over, Jan 7th.

This is to bring attention to McConnell and how he said to all FOX Viewers that he had no plans to have an IMPARTIAL trial, and that he was working hand in hand with the defendant's lawyers to assure he would be acquitted.


And he is breaking the oath of impeachment, each senator takes to be IMPARTIAL.

His diatribe of how he would make certain the FIX WAS IN to quickly acquit the President with no new witnesses or evidence permitted and his promise to be partial towards the President, should quickly be made in to an AD and it should be run over and over again on TV. :D
Until you call for all the Dimwinger 2020 Clown Car Senators who decided to impeach even before the phone call, you have zero credibility.

Fauxcohontas Warren.
Commie Bernie.
Spartacus Booker
Kalatoe Harris

All made up their minds long ago, Fuckwit.
:crickets: from Care4all :5_1_12024:
They were on the record that there was probable cause to impeach the president in the House.... charge him.

THAT has nothing to do with their Senate oath on an impeachment trial, where they are required to seriously and impartially review all evidence from both sides of the case before they make their decision to convict or acquit...

which takes the burden of proof for a Charge, in the House where only probable cause is needed,

to some thing much greater...

which is Guilty BEYOND a reasonable doubt, to convict in the Senate trial..

And this is why all evidence, including exculpatory evidence, should be presented at the trial.

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