Has Obama Armed the Extremist ISIS Jihadists???


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Has Obama Armed the Extremist ISIS Jihadists???

Ted Cruz brings up the question no one can or wants to answer.

@ 6:28


Has the Obama Administration armed ISIS?

We know they are arming some of the Syrian rebels.

Do ISIS rebels receive our support thanks to Obama?
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An example of blowback. Us Government arms Islamists in Syria, they take the weapons and try to overrun the puppet Iraqi Government.

Ron Paul and Michael Scheuer are becoming more prophetic by the day. Proven right once again

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Well Obama does seem to tilt to loving Sunnis to overthrow leaders he doesn't like.

Egypt = Muslim Brotherhood = Obama wanted Mubarak gone

Libya = Sunni militias and terrorists who have been aiding ISIS in Syria = Obama wanted Gaddafi gone

Syria = ISIS and Levant = Obama wants Assad gone

Iraq = ISIS and Levant and their teaming up with Saddam's old buddies the Baathists. = Obama hates

Afghanistan = Taliban = Obama hates Karzai

No debate that there's something going on.

There was no "Syrian Spring". None whatsoever. The fake rebels always were paid mercenaries and terrorists.

Nothing Obama does surprises me anymore.
Has Obama Armed the Extremist ISIS Jihadists???

Ted Cruz brings up the question no one can or wants to answer.

@ 6:28


Has the Obama Administration armed ISIS?

We know they are arming some of the Syrian rebels.

Do ISIS rebels receive our support thanks to Obama?


he was warned about that when he did

check out the early footage

plenty of ISIS members running around with M-16s
Well Obama does seem to tilt to loving Sunnis to overthrow leaders he doesn't like.

Egypt = Muslim Brotherhood = Obama wanted Mubarak gone

Libya = Sunni militias and terrorists who have been aiding ISIS in Syria = Obama wanted Gaddafi gone

Syria = ISIS and Levant = Obama wants Assad gone

Iraq = ISIS and Levant and their teaming up with Saddam's old buddies the Baathists. = Obama hates

Afghanistan = Taliban = Obama hates Karzai

No debate that there's something going on.

There was no "Syrian Spring". None whatsoever. The fake rebels always were paid mercenaries and terrorists.

Nothing Obama does surprises me anymore.

There is an undeniable pattern. It's clear where Obama's loyal lies and it's not with America.
How many missiles did Reagan sell to the jihad? Where was Reagan's loyalty when he was selling arms to Iranian terrorists who had just held Americans hostage?

You people never want to mention that, do you? Reagan, the great white uber-Republican, in bed with terrorists and genocidal dictators.
How many missiles did Reagan sell to the jihad? Where was Reagan's loyalty when he was selling arms to Iranian terrorists who had just held Americans hostage?

You people never want to mention that, do you? Reagan, the great white uber-Republican, in bed with terrorists and genocidal dictators.

So what Obama is doing is ok because Reagan did it? You sound like a neo-con apologist to me.

The funny thing is, by that day, the minute difference between the liberals and neo cons shrinks.

Thanks for providing another example.
I've said that Obama is a war criminal for indiscriminate drone strikes on civilians in six countries across two continents that the US has not declared war against.

Every President sells weapons to nations and groups that they shouldn't. It's just free market Capitalism, right? It doesn't make it correct, but it does make it hypocritical when you only bash one President for it and still maintain that the others are heroes for doing the exact same thing.
I've said that Obama is a war criminal for indiscriminate drone strikes on civilians in six countries across two continents that the US has not declared war against.

Every President sells weapons to nations and groups that they shouldn't. It's just free market Capitalism, right? It doesn't make it correct, but it does make it hypocritical when you only bash one President for it and still maintain that the others are heroes for doing the exact same thing.

What does free markets have to do with governments selling weapons to terrorists?

You are way off the mark here. The Marxist interpretation of history and analysis of current events is narrow and materialistic. Grow up and stop following an obsolete and childish world view just so you can sound edgy, rebelliousness, and contrarian. You don't, you just sound like a goofy whining nerd.
I'm still wondering why it's okay for Reagan to sell weapons to the Taliban (which incidentally did happen) and it's not okay for the U.S. to help out the rebels?

They were both rebels, but yet when Obama helps out, it's a national disgrace.

Your deity Reagan is as much against the U.S. as Reagan.

Only trouble is, Obama is much more transparent than Reagan ever thought of being.

The Tea Party doesn't follow what Reagan does (or did), they would much rather follow the teachings of the John Birch society, which is where the Koch brothers got most of their learning.

As well as where they managed to get a lot of their followings.

Bigotry sucks as a belief system, and the Koch brothers have a lot of it.
I'm still wondering why it's okay for Reagan to sell weapons to the Taliban (which incidentally did happen) and it's not okay for the U.S. to help out the rebels?

They were both rebels, but yet when Obama helps out, it's a national disgrace.

Your deity Reagan is as much against the U.S. as Reagan.

Only trouble is, Obama is much more transparent than Reagan ever thought of being.

The Tea Party doesn't follow what Reagan does (or did), they would much rather follow the teachings of the John Birch society, which is where the Koch brothers got most of their learning.

As well as where they managed to get a lot of their followings.

Bigotry sucks as a belief system, and the Koch brothers have a lot of it.

So you support Neo Con Imperialism, just especially when the frontman is a person of color? You like the dark meat we get it.
Rush says so, so it must be ignorant, stupid bs...ie no.

Rush is late to the party.:lol:

If you follow issues globally you would understand that the US has been supplying arms to the Syrian rebels aka paid mercenaries and terrorists with the help of Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

This was all to overthrow Assad. Information from reliable sources has been out there for several years now.
I'm still wondering why it's okay for Reagan to sell weapons to the Taliban (which incidentally did happen) and it's not okay for the U.S. to help out the rebels?

They were both rebels, but yet when Obama helps out, it's a national disgrace.

Your deity Reagan is as much against the U.S. as Reagan.

Only trouble is, Obama is much more transparent than Reagan ever thought of being.

The Tea Party doesn't follow what Reagan does (or did), they would much rather follow the teachings of the John Birch society, which is where the Koch brothers got most of their learning.

As well as where they managed to get a lot of their followings.

Bigotry sucks as a belief system, and the Koch brothers have a lot of it.

I don't know even to begin with the bullshit in your post. Sorry as I can be but you better get up to speed here.

ISIS is not a rebel group. They are a serious kick ass AQ offshoot. And there never was a "Syrian Spring". Unless you consider foreign mercenaries and terrorists backed by Qatar and Saudi Arabia Syrian rebels wanting to knock out Assad and form a strict Sharia law based theocracy.

The Taliban were never a rebel group. EVER.

Hell's bells the Taliban weren't even formed till the mid 90's and they were backed by Benazir Bhutto /Pakistan and AQ. And the same wonderful shit disturbers who back ISIS. Saudi Arabia.

Now where was Reagan in all of this history? Where was Reagan in 1994?

Role of the Pakistani military

The Taliban were largely founded by Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in 1994.

The ISI used the Taliban to establish a regime in Afghanistan which would be favorable to Pakistan, as they were trying to gain strategic depth.

Since the creation of the Taliban, the ISI and the Pakistani military have given financial, logistical and military support.

Taliban - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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How many missiles did Reagan sell to the jihad? Where was Reagan's loyalty when he was selling arms to Iranian terrorists who had just held Americans hostage?

You people never want to mention that, do you? Reagan, the great white uber-Republican, in bed with terrorists and genocidal dictators.

Reagan was charged for selling anything. That was North but you didnt know that.

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