Has Rush killed Right Wing Radio?

In rightwinger's pathetic wet dreams maybe.

If anything it's pointed out that the left is filled with complete lunatics.
why is it any of your business what is said on a radio station?

if you think it's HATE, don't friggen listen..

my gawd
why is it any of your business what is said on a radio station?

if you think it's HATE, don't friggen listen..

my gawd
if you think it's HATE, don't friggen listen..

GOOD POINT; from Rush to MSNBC, and including all other MM (MASS MEDIA)
why is it any of your business what is said on a radio station?

if you think it's HATE, don't friggen listen..

my gawd

They cant - personal choice is too damn difficult for them.

They need the government to ban certain stations and personalities...

Most progressives that listen to conservative talk radio probably sit there for 3 hours with their fingers in their ears screaming "lalalalalalalalala."

They would never think to change the station...
Even Fox News has shifted to the middle as they dump Glenn Beck and shy away from right wing candidates like Santorum and Paul

When's MSNBC going to shift to the middle.

What Do you call dumping Keith Olbermann?

I'm not so sure Olbermann didn't quit. MSNBC is very liberal and FOX is very conservative. But to date I don't think MSNBC has made as many "mistakes" with party identity of politicians, specifically those who have embarrassed the GOP quite like Fox has. Note the "D" after these fine Republicans embarrassed the shit out of their own party. LOL!!!!:


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When's MSNBC going to shift to the middle.

What Do you call dumping Keith Olbermann?

I'm not so sure Olbermann didn't quit. MSNBC is very liberal and FOX is very conservative. But to date I don't think MSNBC has made as many "mistakes" with party identity of politicians, specifically those who have embarrassed the GOP quite like Fox has. Note the "D" after these fine Republicans embarrassed the shit out of their own party. LOL!!!!:


How did McCain embarrass the party? By losing?
Has Rush Limbaugh killed all right-wing radio? - The Week

. Late last week, the liberal website Media Matters posted a list of 51 sponsors who have purportedly withdrawn their advertising from Rush Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio show because of his remarks about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke. But a new memo from Clear Channel's Premier Networks, which distributes Limbaugh's show, suggests that those numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. Premier is reportedly informing its stations that 98 major advertisers — including carmakers, insurance companies, and fast-food chains — want off not just Limbaugh's show but also those of other "offensive or controversial" talkers like Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Is it possible that Limbaugh's latest intemperate rant will "kill" the right-wing talk radio genre he helped pioneer?

Doubt it. There's too much money in the Sewer Media.
Yes, I read somewhere today that everybody has deserted Limbaugh, Beck & Hannity and are clamoring for the return of Air America.
Has Rush Limbaugh killed all right-wing radio? - The Week

. Late last week, the liberal website Media Matters posted a list of 51 sponsors who have purportedly withdrawn their advertising from Rush Limbaugh's nationally syndicated radio show because of his remarks about Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke. But a new memo from Clear Channel's Premier Networks, which distributes Limbaugh's show, suggests that those numbers are just the tip of the iceberg. Premier is reportedly informing its stations that 98 major advertisers — including carmakers, insurance companies, and fast-food chains — want off not just Limbaugh's show but also those of other "offensive or controversial" talkers like Mark Levin, Michael Savage, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. Is it possible that Limbaugh's latest intemperate rant will "kill" the right-wing talk radio genre he helped pioneer?
When it comes to talking about conservatives Media Matters is not known for it's honesty but putting that aside I would say the answer is no.
The question is.........do advertisers want to get out of hate radio?

Advertisers will bail if they don't see the result they want.
If the commercials don't get people buying the product or service
they will pull the plug.

Besides this might just blow over now.
Rush was not on the air today.
The guest host said Rush suspended himself for the day.
I wonder if media matters noticed this gesture by Rush ...

Rush...I don't know if it was worth it.The lefties want you off the air.
Gloria Alred is suing you and wants you to do jail time....
Maybe this self suspension today will calm the waters a bit.
The question is.........do advertisers want to get out of hate radio?

Advertisers will bail if they don't see the result they want.
If the commercials don't get people buying the product or service
they will pull the plug.

Besides this might just blow over now.
Rush was not on the air today.
The guest host said Rush suspended himself for the day.
I wonder if media matters noticed this gesture by Rush ...

Rush...I don't know if it was worth it.The lefties want you off the air.
Gloria Alred is suing you and wants you to do jail time....
Maybe this self suspension today will calm the waters a bit.

It was a joke... he was playing a charity golf event.
Since this topic started Rush is as popular as ever and Sandra Fluke is synonomous with slut.

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