Has science proved there is no God?

Its all a bunch of shit bc humans can't bear the thought of actually being insignificant in comparison with the cosmos
Then you're a freaking retard.
oh come on silly......I'm willing to tolerate your ignorance....after all, if your father can forgive you after all you've done to him, why can't I overlook it when you actually cannot effectively harm me.......
I do more for my parents than you'll ever do for yours. But they are worth it.
probably....both mine are dead......but you will still make yours go to the grave feeling guilty because you've denied the faith......
Should I lie to them or myself?

If your parents were converted muslims would you join too so not to upset them?
Then you're a freaking retard.
oh come on silly......I'm willing to tolerate your ignorance....after all, if your father can forgive you after all you've done to him, why can't I overlook it when you actually cannot effectively harm me.......
I do more for my parents than you'll ever do for yours. But they are worth it.
probably....both mine are dead......but you will still make yours go to the grave feeling guilty because you've denied the faith......
Should I lie to them or myself?

If your parents were converted muslims would you join too so not to upset them?
again, my parents are dead....they are not at issue here.....
Jeez, we know that the Earth is not round now. We know that the Earth is not the center of the galaxy now. We know our solar system is in the boondocks of the milky way galaxy now. We know that the milky way galaxy is one of thousands and millions of other spiral shape galaxies now. We know that the milky way and its closest galaxy, Andromeda, are on a crash course with each other, we know the sun's life is finite, as well as the Earth... And you guys are talking about faith???? Faith in what? There is no evidence that God exists and there IS evidence that the books written about "him" were written when ppl thought the Sun actually Rises and Sets... Ppl the Earth is not flat, God doesn't exist. Wake the Fuck Up and join contemporary times

Contemporary or ancient times, humans have always been spiritual.

I need to make a few corrections on what you claimed... We've never believed the Earth was the center of the galaxy. We once thought the Earth was the center of the universe but by the time we discovered galaxies we knew Earth was not the center of anything. What we don't see is religious people still insisting we are the center of the universe because God told them so. Truth prevails, we can't deny it.For over 100k years, since man climbed out of the trees, we have maintained a devout spiritual connection to something greater than self... truth prevails, we can't deny it. If there were nothing to spirituality, truth would prevail and it wouldn't exist.

As for other galaxies, we know nothing. What we see is the reflection of light from many light years ago. In other words, we cannot know what is there right now. Also, it appears our galaxy might be on a collision course with another... we don't KNOW this. Can you tell me that dark matter has absolutely no influence and cannot effect changes in course? That would completely contradict what little we know about dark matter. In the words of the great philosopher Yoda... Know, you do not!

We believe (have faith) the sun and earth are finite, but by the time we confirm this belief we will all be dead. For those who have faith in God, plenty of evidence exists and they have no more trouble accepting this on faith as you have in accepting some of the things you've listed here.
Its all a bunch of shit bc humans can't bear the thought of actually being insignificant in comparison with the cosmos

Can you provide any evidence from nature to support your theory? Where is your scientific evidence for this conclusion? I don't see great apes or chimpanzees grappling with the thought of being insignificant in comparison with the cosmos... much less, creating a placebo from imagination which effectively works to resolve this unnatural neurosis found nowhere else in nature.

You have this all backwards. Our consideration of mans significance with comparison to the cosmos is the direct result of our intrinsic spiritual awareness of something greater than self. This is why we don't see other living things having nervous breakdowns over their cosmic irrelevance.
Jeez, we know that the Earth is not round now. We know that the Earth is not the center of the galaxy now. We know our solar system is in the boondocks of the milky way galaxy now. We know that the milky way galaxy is one of thousands and millions of other spiral shape galaxies now. We know that the milky way and its closest galaxy, Andromeda, are on a crash course with each other, we know the sun's life is finite, as well as the Earth... And you guys are talking about faith???? Faith in what? There is no evidence that God exists and there IS evidence that the books written about "him" were written when ppl thought the Sun actually Rises and Sets... Ppl the Earth is not flat, God doesn't exist. Wake the Fuck Up and join contemporary times

Contemporary or ancient times, humans have always been spiritual.

I need to make a few corrections on what you claimed... We've never believed the Earth was the center of the galaxy. We once thought the Earth was the center of the universe but by the time we discovered galaxies we knew Earth was not the center of anything. What we don't see is religious people still insisting we are the center of the universe because God told them so. Truth prevails, we can't deny it.For over 100k years, since man climbed out of the trees, we have maintained a devout spiritual connection to something greater than self... truth prevails, we can't deny it. If there were nothing to spirituality, truth would prevail and it wouldn't exist.

As for other galaxies, we know nothing. What we see is the reflection of light from many light years ago. In other words, we cannot know what is there right now. Also, it appears our galaxy might be on a collision course with another... we don't KNOW this. Can you tell me that dark matter has absolutely no influence and cannot effect changes in course? That would completely contradict what little we know about dark matter. In the words of the great philosopher Yoda... Know, you do not!

We believe (have faith) the sun and earth are finite, but by the time we confirm this belief we will all be dead. For those who have faith in God, plenty of evidence exists and they have no more trouble accepting this on faith as you have in accepting some of the things you've listed here.

Dude.... Spirituality is different from theology... So are you spiritual (which I can say I am as I feel warm and blissful looking out into the constellations) and believe in God? Or just spiritual?

And actually "Boss," we did believe that the sun revolved around the Earth at one point thus making us the center of the galaxy and thus making you a glutton for semantic manipulation while falling back to the only stronghold that theists have.., "faith".... Faith is a weakness, it means you have no f'ing clue and not the slightest bit of physical proof regards to the laws of nature that the collective scientific community endorse and yet you shall blindly put this faith into a God just like many kids do around the world on Christmas that Santa Claus is real.

You don't think that our hubble telescope pics or views of the other galaxies are proof??? Wow "Boss" you are in some serious denial. By the time it would take to show you the evidence of our collision with Andromeda, discuss the historical timeline of human belief, to get you up to speed with the greatest minds in the world regarding space time, intelligent life probability, comparative religions, DNA, origin of life, human's desperate need to explain the unknown through religious experience because it's easier than scientific method... By the time you were up to speed your insignificant life will be over and you'll decay and the carbon atoms on your nose will be resting on the shoe of possibly another intelligent species after our extinction. I just hope that we can make contact with intelligent life out there or even find simple life in the near future so that whichever religious doctrine you follow can be swept aside in the pale where it belongs.
Dude.... Spirituality is different from theology... So are you spiritual (which I can say I am as I feel warm and blissful looking out into the constellations) and believe in God? Or just spiritual?

I know spirituality is different from theology. Religions are the byproduct and evidence of intrinsic human spiritual awareness. I believe that "God" is simply a word humans created to identify the thing they spiritually connect with. Is it like an invisible person? I don't believe that but some may. I believe in a God with no humanistic attributes, more akin to energy than anything mortal. We are unable to fully comprehend or understand this, even though we feel an intrinsic connection. Therefore, our imaginations create incarnations of "God" in order to relate.

And actually "Boss," we did believe that the sun revolved around the Earth at one point thus making us the center of the galaxy...

Really? So you think our solar system is the same thing as our galaxy? Again... by the time man discovered other galaxies, we already knew about planetary motion and solar systems. There has never been any time where man believed we were the center of the galaxy.

and thus making you a glutton for semantic manipulation while falling back to the only stronghold that theists have.., "faith".... Faith is a weakness, it means you have no f'ing clue and not the slightest bit of physical proof regards to the laws of nature that the collective scientific community endorse and yet you shall blindly put this faith into a God just like many kids do around the world on Christmas that Santa Claus is real.

Faith is required for everything including the reality in which we exist. When you drop a ball, you have faith in the law of gravity to work as it has previously worked. You have some very good justification for your faith but it's still faith. You can't name anything you believe is true that doesn't depend on faith to some degree.

We've been over the absence of physical evidence for spiritual things. Why would you expect physical evidence for something that is (by definition) non-physical in nature?

As for Santa.... we don't see evidence of 100k years where humans have fought, died and were persecuted over their stubborn persistent belief in Santa. If and when this happens you can make such a comparison.

You don't think that our hubble telescope pics or views of the other galaxies are proof??? Wow "Boss" you are in some serious denial.

I think they are proof something was there 600 light years ago. I don't think you've proven what is there today. In fact.... let's do an experiment... go look in a mirror... are you there? It appears you are, but it takes time for light to reflect off you into the mirror and back to your eye, then for your eye to transmit the signal to your brain and for your brain to register what is seen. What you believe (have faith in) you see in the mirror, is actually what was there a fraction of a second ago. You cannot PROVE you are there presently.

By the time it would take to show you the evidence of our collision with Andromeda, discuss the historical timeline of human belief, to get you up to speed with the greatest minds in the world regarding space time, intelligent life probability, comparative religions, DNA, origin of life, human's desperate need to explain the unknown through religious experience because it's easier than scientific method... By the time you were up to speed your insignificant life will be over and you'll decay and the carbon atoms on your nose will be resting on the shoe of possibly another intelligent species after our extinction. I just hope that we can make contact with intelligent life out there or even find simple life in the near future so that whichever religious doctrine you follow can be swept aside in the pale where it belongs.

Lots of FAITH going on here, bro! I know all about space time and science, that's what makes it so much fun to debate this with people who have abandoned spiritual faith for faith in science. Try as you might, you cannot scientifically confirm any of these speculations you have about why man supposedly "invented" human spirituality. In fact, they contradict everything we know about nature and living things.

You claim we invented God because of this "desperate need to explain the unknown" but how does belief in God explain anything? Why did we bother inventing Science if God works as an explanation? When we discovered the expansion of our universe is accelerating and not slowing down as we had assumed, do we throw up our hands and explain it by stating that "science did it?" Nope, because that's not an answer... it doesn't answer a thing. Neither does belief that God did it.
Jeez, we know that the Earth is not round now. We know that the Earth is not the center of the galaxy now. We know our solar system is in the boondocks of the milky way galaxy now. We know that the milky way galaxy is one of thousands and millions of other spiral shape galaxies now. We know that the milky way and its closest galaxy, Andromeda, are on a crash course with each other, we know the sun's life is finite, as well as the Earth... And you guys are talking about faith???? Faith in what? There is no evidence that God exists and there IS evidence that the books written about "him" were written when ppl thought the Sun actually Rises and Sets... Ppl the Earth is not flat, God doesn't exist. Wake the Fuck Up and join contemporary times

Contemporary or ancient times, humans have always been spiritual.

I need to make a few corrections on what you claimed... We've never believed the Earth was the center of the galaxy. We once thought the Earth was the center of the universe but by the time we discovered galaxies we knew Earth was not the center of anything. What we don't see is religious people still insisting we are the center of the universe because God told them so. Truth prevails, we can't deny it.For over 100k years, since man climbed out of the trees, we have maintained a devout spiritual connection to something greater than self... truth prevails, we can't deny it. If there were nothing to spirituality, truth would prevail and it wouldn't exist.

As for other galaxies, we know nothing. What we see is the reflection of light from many light years ago. In other words, we cannot know what is there right now. Also, it appears our galaxy might be on a collision course with another... we don't KNOW this. Can you tell me that dark matter has absolutely no influence and cannot effect changes in course? That would completely contradict what little we know about dark matter. In the words of the great philosopher Yoda... Know, you do not!

We believe (have faith) the sun and earth are finite, but by the time we confirm this belief we will all be dead. For those who have faith in God, plenty of evidence exists and they have no more trouble accepting this on faith as you have in accepting some of the things you've listed here.
Sorry bossy but your "because I say so" commandments which are intended to press your religious beliefs on others are simply not true.

You repeat the slogans above like some drone in a Pakistani madrassah as though repetition of falsehoods will magically make those falsehoods true.

You have failed consistently to support your claims to magical spirit realms that you have assigned to humanity. You have failed consistently to understand that your appeals to fear and superstition you wrap in a burqa of religious fundamentalism is a disservice to humanity.
Dude.... Spirituality is different from theology... So are you spiritual (which I can say I am as I feel warm and blissful looking out into the constellations) and believe in God? Or just spiritual?

I know spirituality is different from theology. Religions are the byproduct and evidence of intrinsic human spiritual awareness. I believe that "God" is simply a word humans created to identify the thing they spiritually connect with. Is it like an invisible person? I don't believe that but some may. I believe in a God with no humanistic attributes, more akin to energy than anything mortal. We are unable to fully comprehend or understand this, even though we feel an intrinsic connection. Therefore, our imaginations create incarnations of "God" in order to relate.

And actually "Boss," we did believe that the sun revolved around the Earth at one point thus making us the center of the galaxy...

Really? So you think our solar system is the same thing as our galaxy? Again... by the time man discovered other galaxies, we already knew about planetary motion and solar systems. There has never been any time where man believed we were the center of the galaxy.

and thus making you a glutton for semantic manipulation while falling back to the only stronghold that theists have.., "faith".... Faith is a weakness, it means you have no f'ing clue and not the slightest bit of physical proof regards to the laws of nature that the collective scientific community endorse and yet you shall blindly put this faith into a God just like many kids do around the world on Christmas that Santa Claus is real.

Faith is required for everything including the reality in which we exist. When you drop a ball, you have faith in the law of gravity to work as it has previously worked. You have some very good justification for your faith but it's still faith. You can't name anything you believe is true that doesn't depend on faith to some degree.

We've been over the absence of physical evidence for spiritual things. Why would you expect physical evidence for something that is (by definition) non-physical in nature?

As for Santa.... we don't see evidence of 100k years where humans have fought, died and were persecuted over their stubborn persistent belief in Santa. If and when this happens you can make such a comparison.

I think they are proof something was there 600 light years ago. I don't think you've proven what is there today. In fact.... let's do an experiment... go look in a mirror... are you there? It appears you are, but it takes time for light to reflect off you into the mirror and back to your eye, then for your eye to transmit the signal to your brain and for your brain to register what is seen. What you believe (have faith in) you see in the mirror, is actually what was there a fraction of a second ago. You cannot PROVE you ...

Yea I meant to say solar system.... Not galaxy. You were right on that correction. What intrigues me is that you seem to be touching upon a point regarding an intrinsic spiritual awareness. The human mind is capable of some pretty intense things but could this sense of spiritual awareness or a feeling of a religious experience be do to induction of certain receptors in the brain producing a false sense of reality? As neuroscience has evolved we've learned about how opiates like morphine mimic endorphin molecules thus blocking our natural feeling of pain. We know that various areas of the brain are more active with excitatory neurons during a myriad of experiences. We know the parts of the brain that light up during many human emotions, including delusions/hallucinations/religious experiences. Take someone who takes a tab of LSD, they might tell you they have had a religious/spiritual experience, much like the ones you might feel on a regular basis. As we have mapped out the human genome we will one day find the gene responsible for heightened levels of spiritual feelings in an individual. Some people are more susceptible to religious experiences, just as some people are more susceptible to addiction. Not to go all nature vs nurture but your DNA might have a sequence in it thar basically says "Boss is going to periodically interpret a feeling in his higher cortical areas of his brain as being spiritual," much like the smell of a rose can be interpreted as a pleasant and mildly euphoric experience. That same sequence in my DNA could say "spin dr is not going to be easily swayed by supernatural thoughts and thus that part of his brain will stay quiet." It would almost seem like at that point its not a choice anymore of whether one jumps into spirituality/religious experience or doesn't. Of course outliers exist with those who don't possess the ability to question what they have been taught by their closest family and friends.

I think you displayed a better understanding of space time than i gave you credit, but renee descartes would have a field day with your stance on objective reality. You want to promote doubt.... That's easy, and helps sometimes, like when one doubts the existence of a higher power of any kind ever existing that has interest in human affairs. Those galaxies (not typo this time) we see are very very far away, many could be gone. But we know they existed at some point, the light has just taken a long time to reach its destination in our eyes. Thats not faith... We know they at the very least existed at one time just like dinosaurs. Promoting doubt that the light from spiral galaxies reaching us showing their image may not be real is a futile cause. Its not a matter of believing when you have actual images and fossils. It is knowing at that point. When you talk about innate spiritual awakening it is belief and nothing else. People fought wars over religious beliefs... People fight over everything.... People believe in thousands of different religions... Many extremely different tenants and most completely contradictory to the next. What makes someone's religion more accurate than the next? Why does the Bible only track back the origin of the Earth to 8,000 years old instead of the 4.5 billion years we know it to be via radioactive dating. Give me something that shows over and over again that God exists. Something tangible. If the answer is just to accept that its not within my understanding then there really is no point for me to invest faith in it.
You need to fix your quote tags so I can quote you back.

DNA might have a sequence in it thar basically says "Boss is going to periodically interpret a feeling in his higher cortical areas of his brain as being spiritual," much like the smell of a rose can be interpreted as a pleasant and mildly euphoric experience. That same sequence in my DNA could say "spin dr is not going to be easily swayed by supernatural thoughts and thus that part of his brain will stay quiet." It would almost seem like at that point its not a choice anymore of whether one jumps into spirituality/religious experience or doesn't.

Now you are trying to argue that our spirituality might be hard-wired into our DNA. This is remarkable since we're going from the previous argument that spirituality is totally made up nonsense from imagination to console fears of mortality. Do we have any evidence that humans or any other life has altered it's DNA based on emotional neurosis and fears? Not that I am familiar with. So we have to consider, if spirituality is governed by our DNA, then spirituality is natural and there is a fundamental reason it exists.

Now, I can't disagree with you on our DNA controlling how "spiritual" we are, or our susceptibility to spiritual belief.. that might explain the difference between a Billy Graham and a Howard Stern?

You want to promote doubt....

No, really what I am promoting is possibility. I don't know the answers, I can't explain the phenomenon of spirituality other than to assume it must be fundamental because the behavior is so ingrained into who we are, No other living thing possesses behavioral attributes which are meaningless.

Science doesn't draw conclusions. The instant you have used science to make a conclusion on something, you have abandoned science for faith. Everything in science is subject to doubt, that's what science IS! Questioning that which we do not know to find possible answers... and continuing to question our theories and test them over and over.

What makes someone's religion more accurate than the next?

I have a better question... Why do I continue having to drag the debate back to spirituality and away from specific religious beliefs? I am not arguing for religion! Nothing makes one religion more accurate than the next. Religions are simply the byproduct of our intrinsic human spiritual awareness and vibrant human imaginations.
You need to fix your quote tags so I can quote you back.

DNA might have a sequence in it thar basically says "Boss is going to periodically interpret a feeling in his higher cortical areas of his brain as being spiritual," much like the smell of a rose can be interpreted as a pleasant and mildly euphoric experience. That same sequence in my DNA could say "spin dr is not going to be easily swayed by supernatural thoughts and thus that part of his brain will stay quiet." It would almost seem like at that point its not a choice anymore of whether one jumps into spirituality/religious experience or doesn't.

Now you are trying to argue that our spirituality might be hard-wired into our DNA. This is remarkable since we're going from the previous argument that spirituality is totally made up nonsense from imagination to console fears of mortality. Do we have any evidence that humans or any other life has altered it's DNA based on emotional neurosis and fears? Not that I am familiar with. So we have to consider, if spirituality is governed by our DNA, then spirituality is natural and there is a fundamental reason it exists.

Now, I can't disagree with you on our DNA controlling how "spiritual" we are, or our susceptibility to spiritual belief.. that might explain the difference between a Billy Graham and a Howard Stern?

You want to promote doubt....

No, really what I am promoting is possibility. I don't know the answers, I can't explain the phenomenon of spirituality other than to assume it must be fundamental because the behavior is so ingrained into who we are, No other living thing possesses behavioral attributes which are meaningless.

Science doesn't draw conclusions. The instant you have used science to make a conclusion on something, you have abandoned science for faith. Everything in science is subject to doubt, that's what science IS! Questioning that which we do not know to find possible answers... and continuing to question our theories and test them over and over.

What makes someone's religion more accurate than the next?

I have a better question... Why do I continue having to drag the debate back to spirituality and away from specific religious beliefs? I am not arguing for religion! Nothing makes one religion more accurate than the next. Religions are simply the byproduct of our intrinsic human spiritual awareness and vibrant human imaginations.
What is this "intrinsic awareness of spirit realms" you're on about again?

Is the ICR recruiting new members?
Give me something that shows over and over again that God exists. Something tangible. If the answer is just to accept that its not within my understanding then there really is no point for me to invest faith in it.

Well, I can give it to you but you'll disagree with me because you don't want to accept the implications. First, we have to come to a mutual understanding of terminology. What IS God? What do we mean by "EXISTS?" Clearly, God is not an invisible human being and doesn't "exist" in any sort of physical state we can verify with science. So we have to first accept that God is something non-physical... metaphysical... spiritual. And "exist" can only mean in a state other than physical. If you can accept this and we're on the same page with these terms, then I can show you "evidence of God's existence."

From my perspective, spiritual nature IS God, there is no distinction between them. According to the laws of physics, nature and logic, physical nature can't create itself. It's a paradox there is not a way around. Before the universe existed, there was no time or space, no physical dimensions, no physics or science because there is nothing to apply it to and no time space for it to be applied. Something happened! *poof* Suddenly, physical nature exists! Time, space, energy, matter... it all suddenly existed. It didn't invent itself!

Now, this "something" that happened, could either be spiritual nature which is not constrained by time or physics, or it was some magical fluke we have no explanation for. I believe it was spiritual nature because I am aware of spiritual nature. I could be wrong but until another rational explanation presents itself, that's what I believe.
You need to fix your quote tags so I can quote you back.

DN miA might have a sequence in it thar basically says "Boss is going to periodically interpret a feeling in his higher cortical areas of his brain as being spiritual," much like the smell of a rose can be interpreted as a pleasant and mildly euphoric experience. That same sequence in my DNA could say "spin dr is not going to be easily swayed by supernatural thoughts and thus that part of his brain will stay quiet." It would almost seem like at that point its not a choice anymore of whether one jumps into spirituality/religious experience or doesn't.

Now you are trying to argue that our spirituality might be hard-wired into our DNA. This is remarkable since we're going from the previous argument that spirituality is totally made up nonsense from imagination to console fears of mortality. Do we have any evidence that humans or any other life has altered it's DNA based on emotional neurosis and fears? Not that I am familiar with. So we have to consider, if spirituality is governed by our DNA, then spirituality is natural and there is a fundamental reason it exists.

Now, I can't disagree with you on our DNA controlling how "spiritual" we are, or our susceptibility to spiritual belief.. that might explain the difference between a Billy Graham and a Howard Stern?

You want to promote doubt....

No, really what I am promoting is possibility. I don't know the answers, I can't explain the phenomenon of spirituality other than to assume it must be fundamental because the behavior is so ingrained into who we are, No other living thing possesses behavioral attributes which are meaningless.

Science doesn't draw conclusions. The instant you have used science to make a conclusion on something, you have abandoned science for faith. Everything in science is subject to doubt, that's what science IS! Questioning that which we do not know to find possible answers... and continuing to question our theories and test them over and over.

What makes someone's religion more accurate than the next?

I have a better question... Why do I continue having to drag the debate back to spirituality and away from specific religious beliefs? I am not arguing for religion! Nothing makes one religion more accurate than the next. Religions are simply the byproduct of our intrinsic human spiritual awareness and vibrant human imaginations.
Weve explained to boss why cavemen came up with god. To deal with not knowing how we got here or what happens when we die. We hated not knowing and it seemed obvious and logical that we were put here and this was made for us and we were gods only children. The earth stood still and everything revolved around us. Boy were we wrong.
You need to fix your quote tags so I can quote you back.

DNA might have a sequence in it thar basically says "Boss is going to periodically interpret a feeling in his higher cortical areas of his brain as being spiritual," much like the smell of a rose can be interpreted as a pleasant and mildly euphoric experience. That same sequence in my DNA could say "spin dr is not going to be easily swayed by supernatural thoughts and thus that part of his brain will stay quiet." It would almost seem like at that point its not a choice anymore of whether one jumps into spirituality/religious experience or doesn't.

Now you are trying to argue that our spirituality might be hard-wired into our DNA. This is remarkable since we're going from the previous argument that spirituality is totally made up nonsense from imagination to console fears of mortality. Do we have any evidence that humans or any other life has altered it's DNA based on emotional neurosis and fears? Not that I am familiar with. So we have to consider, if spirituality is governed by our DNA, then spirituality is natural and there is a fundamental reason it exists.

Now, I can't disagree with you on our DNA controlling how "spiritual" we are, or our susceptibility to spiritual belief.. that might explain the difference between a Billy Graham and a Howard Stern?

You want to promote doubt....

No, really what I am promoting is possibility. I don't know the answers, I can't explain the phenomenon of spirituality other than to assume it must be fundamental because the behavior is so ingrained into who we are, No other living thing possesses behavioral attributes which are meaningless.

Science doesn't draw conclusions. The instant you have used science to make a conclusion on something, you have abandoned science for faith. Everything in science is subject to doubt, that's what science IS! Questioning that which we do not know to find possible answers... and continuing to question our theories and test them over and over.

What makes someone's religion more accurate than the next?

I have a better question... Why do I continue having to drag the debate back to spirituality and away from specific religious beliefs? I am not arguing for religion! Nothing makes one religion more accurate than the next. Religions are simply the byproduct of our intrinsic human spiritual awareness and vibrant human imaginations.

Seems to be taking a semantic turn. Nobody denies ppl have spiritual feelings. But are you claiming those spiritual feelings are actually reflective of another party involved that includes a supernatural presence? I use science to disprove religious beliefs, I don't have a burden of proof to suggest God in terms of an entity or even an "energy" exists within our spirituality or connects us together. If you use the word God to mean something different than theological/supernatural supreme being then there's no debate because you'd be changing the meaning of the word. And you use the word faith way too freely. I don't have faith gravity will cause a basketball to fall as I drop it, I drew a conclusion from science that it will happen every time. Faith should really be reserved for more cases of legitimate doubt of something like if the cubs are going to win the world series. If you continue to use the word faith to take the place of certainty via laws of nature then it has lost all meaning, just like "god." If science can't be used to test its existence, then why would I waste my time believing it? At this point if you want to continue to debate the meanings of the words faith and god be my guest but I will have lost interest. Sick of ppl distorting the true meaning of a word to fit their purposes
Seems to be taking a semantic turn. Nobody denies ppl have spiritual feelings. But are you claiming those spiritual feelings are actually reflective of another party involved that includes a supernatural presence? I use science to disprove religious beliefs, I don't have a burden of proof to suggest God in terms of an entity or even an "energy" exists within our spirituality or connects us together. If you use the word God to mean something different than theological/supernatural supreme being then there's no debate because you'd be changing the meaning of the word. And you use the word faith way too freely. I don't have faith gravity will cause a basketball to fall as I drop it, I drew a conclusion from science that it will happen every time. Faith should really be reserved for more cases of legitimate doubt of something like if the cubs are going to win the world series. If you continue to use the word faith to take the place of certainty via laws of nature then it has lost all meaning, just like "god." If science can't be used to test its existence, then why would I waste my time believing it? At this point if you want to continue to debate the meanings of the words faith and god be my guest but I will have lost interest. Sick of ppl distorting the true meaning of a word to fit their purposes

Well I confess that I have no way to keep you interested. This has much to do with semantics because your understanding of the concept of God and mine are different. Our comprehension of existence are different because we're using different semantics. In order to remain objective and evaluate each other's arguments, we have to be on the same page with our semantics. We can't have different comprehension of what God is or what "exists" can mean. If we can't reconcile that difference, you'll never see my point. You think I am saying something different because you have a different understanding of the semantics. I'm not trying to confuse you, just pointing out the difficulty in communication on this topic.

Faith is still faith, it doesn't matter if you have a good reason and justification for your faith, that's acceptable. You have faith that the force of gravity will behave predictably as it always has in the past. Therefore, your faith is the basketball will fall. Nothing in physics states that basketballs always fall... so if we drop the ball in a pool of silicon, it doesn't fall, it remains suspended. If we are free falling from an airplane and drop the ball, it falls but our perception doesn't detect this because we are also falling at the same rate.

Professor Michio Kaku is a theoretical physicist. He poses the following question to his new students: Calculate the possibility that you will wake up on Mars in the morning. Now, it's likely that you and I have faith that we're not going to wake up on Mars in the morning. Would you agree? However, there is still a calculable possibility this could happen. You would have to wait longer than the universe has existed, but the possibility remains.

In other words, nothing is impossible and science cannot prove anything impossible.

This would include God.
But are you claiming those spiritual feelings are actually reflective of another party involved that includes a supernatural presence?

I object to the use of the word "supernatural" being applied to spiritual nature. Things which are supernatural are things that are unexplainable by science and physical nature. There is simply no denying that humans are spiritually inclined. Human spirituality is very much a part of physical nature.

Now on to "party" ....What are you implying with this term? Can't be a physical thing since spiritual things aren't physical, so what do you mean by "party?" As you can see, the semantics obstacle is unavoidable when we start trying to examine the question. We have to comprehend that spiritual nature is not physical nature and so the semantics can't be interpreted in a physical sense. The same applies for "presence." Do you interpret this as physical presence? Because God wouldn't have physical presence, would He?
Weve explained to boss why cavemen came up with god. To deal with not knowing how we got here or what happens when we die. We hated not knowing and it seemed obvious and logical that we were put here and this was made for us and we were gods only children. The earth stood still and everything revolved around us. Boy were we wrong.

I see you continue to "explain" things, the problem is, you've offered NO SCIENCE to back your speculations and opinions at all. Furthermore, your hypothesis fails when we compare it with everything we know regarding animal behavior and evolution. Not to mention, the oldest human civilizations we know of, demonstrated spiritual ritual and ceremony. You've never established a time line as to when man "invented" this.

Even further.. IF we simply take it on faith that you are correct, your hypothesis still fails the test of objective reasoning. Everything that makes humans special as living creatures is centered on our ability to be profoundly inspired by something greater than self. It's why we harnessed fire, invented the wheel, went to the moon, split the atom, etc., etc., etc. This is extremely remarkable for a meaningless attribute we just pulled out of our ass on the fly!

Fuck, we're really lucky sons of bitches! No other living thing has ever used it's imagination to conjure up something superficial and have it be the catalyst for it's own natural evolution.
Weve explained to boss why cavemen came up with god. To deal with not knowing how we got here or what happens when we die. We hated not knowing and it seemed obvious and logical that we were put here and this was made for us and we were gods only children. The earth stood still and everything revolved around us. Boy were we wrong.

I see you continue to "explain" things, the problem is, you've offered NO SCIENCE to back your speculations and opinions at all. Furthermore, your hypothesis fails when we compare it with everything we know regarding animal behavior and evolution. Not to mention, the oldest human civilizations we know of, demonstrated spiritual ritual and ceremony. You've never established a time line as to when man "invented" this.

Even further.. IF we simply take it on faith that you are correct, your hypothesis still fails the test of objective reasoning. Everything that makes humans special as living creatures is centered on our ability to be profoundly inspired by something greater than self. It's why we harnessed fire, invented the wheel, went to the moon, split the atom, etc., etc., etc. This is extremely remarkable for a meaningless attribute we just pulled out of our ass on the fly!

Fuck, we're really lucky sons of bitches! No other living thing has ever used it's imagination to conjure up something superficial and have it be the catalyst for it's own natural evolution.
What was it that made ancient man come up with god? Did god visit or did they only have your logic?
When we came up with god we thought the earth stood still and everything revolved around us. It was obvious and so was god. Both wrong.
Weve explained to boss why cavemen came up with god. To deal with not knowing how we got here or what happens when we die. We hated not knowing and it seemed obvious and logical that we were put here and this was made for us and we were gods only children. The earth stood still and everything revolved around us. Boy were we wrong.

I see you continue to "explain" things, the problem is, you've offered NO SCIENCE to back your speculations and opinions at all. Furthermore, your hypothesis fails when we compare it with everything we know regarding animal behavior and evolution. Not to mention, the oldest human civilizations we know of, demonstrated spiritual ritual and ceremony. You've never established a time line as to when man "invented" this.

Even further.. IF we simply take it on faith that you are correct, your hypothesis still fails the test of objective reasoning. Everything that makes humans special as living creatures is centered on our ability to be profoundly inspired by something greater than self. It's why we harnessed fire, invented the wheel, went to the moon, split the atom, etc., etc., etc. This is extremely remarkable for a meaningless attribute we just pulled out of our ass on the fly!

Fuck, we're really lucky sons of bitches! No other living thing has ever used it's imagination to conjure up something superficial and have it be the catalyst for it's own natural evolution.
I've never heard the word god brought up in a science conversation. God has nothing to do with fire or the wheel or going to the moon Carl Sagan did.

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