Has science proved there is no God?

Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
You sound like the dumb highschool girl on glee who still believed in Santa.
or maybe some kid who got drunk and let his friends talk him out of his faith because of his embarrassment....
We arent friends. Are you drunk?
Then you're a freaking retard.
oh come on silly......I'm willing to tolerate your ignorance....after all, if your father can forgive you after all you've done to him, why can't I overlook it when you actually cannot effectively harm me.......
I do more for my parents than you'll ever do for yours. But they are worth it.
probably....both mine are dead......but you will still make yours go to the grave feeling guilty because you've denied the faith......
That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
You sound like the dumb highschool girl on glee who still believed in Santa.
or maybe some kid who got drunk and let his friends talk him out of his faith because of his embarrassment....
We arent friends. Are you drunk?
I didn't say we were friends and I have had nothing to drink, so I doubt it......why do you ask?.....
Basically all the stuff we can't explain must be a god according to boss. You know when you get turned on? That feeling must be god. Bitter or angry? Must be Satan.

*Sigh* How many times do we have to cover this, silly boob? No, I don't just automatically say "must be x/y/z" because we can't explain it. I believe "must be God" regardless of whether we can explain it or not... even when it can be explained, it still must be God. There is not anything that isn't because of God. God is ultimately the reason for everything.

So what you and Hollie as well as others are trying to claim, is that I abandon the search for explanations on the basis of my believing God is responsible, and that's just not true. I can still search for explanations even knowing that God is responsible. I can still seek and find physical scientific explanations for how God did it. Knowing God did it doesn't answer any question I didn't already know. Science is all about exploring the questions we don't know the answers to.
Then you're a freaking retard.
oh come on silly......I'm willing to tolerate your ignorance....after all, if your father can forgive you after all you've done to him, why can't I overlook it when you actually cannot effectively harm me.......
I do more for my parents than you'll ever do for yours. But they are worth it.
probably....both mine are dead......but you will still make yours go to the grave feeling guilty because you've denied the faith......
They dont believe Jesus was more than just a man. Me too. If he even existed that is.
Basically all the stuff we can't explain must be a god according to boss. You know when you get turned on? That feeling must be god. Bitter or angry? Must be Satan.

*Sigh* How many times do we have to cover this, silly boob? No, I don't just automatically say "must be x/y/z" because we can't explain it. I believe "must be God" regardless of whether we can explain it or not... even when it can be explained, it still must be God. There is not anything that isn't because of God. God is ultimately the reason for everything.

So what you and Hollie as well as others are trying to claim, is that I abandon the search for explanations on the basis of my believing God is responsible, and that's just not true. I can still search for explanations even knowing that God is responsible. I can still seek and find physical scientific explanations for how God did it. Knowing God did it doesn't answer any question I didn't already know. Science is all about exploring the questions we don't know the answers to.
You're wasting time on god. Let me find you in the science forum then. I'm hear to help you realize god will get you no where
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?

We're barely able to peek into quantum mechanics and it's amazing shit. "Supernatural", really... except that it's a part of nature we've been able to confirm now. It has prompted a lot of Theoretical physics, none of which can be confirmed at all... it's beyond the ability of science, at least for now.

I don't know about gawds dwelling is supernatural spirit realms... you sound like a crazy person when you just mindlessly repeat this in every post. I've never posted any argument for such a thing, only for spiritual nature and spiritual energy, and our human ability to connect to it. The issue of Gods dwelling in realms is certainly debatable, I don't believe in them.
In terms of "we" investigating quantum mechanics, your pals at the ICR are strangely silent. It's researchers in the relevant sciences who are doing the experimentation.

In terms of your gawds and your supernatural spirit realms, where else do your gawds spend their time?

It's funny... I don't even know what ICR stands for! Seriously! Never have heard of them before Hollie. I can't tell you what they are silent about or vocal about, I don't know anything about them. I do know about science and I know that most of quantum physics is theoretical at this point. We don't have the capability to observe and test in the quantum "realm" as it were.

As for where Gods spend time... Well, MY God is not constrained by time. So the concept of "spending time" is totally irrelevant to MY God. Time is a relative dimension in our physical universe. It was created by God and Spiritual Nature for you to be able to experience physical reality. Time exists for you and I, not for God. You also use the word "where" as if God is somehow constrained to a specific physical place, but MY God is omnipresent. The only "where" that applies to God is "everywhere."
You're wasting time on god. Let me find you in the science forum then. I'm hear to help you realize god will get you no where

To ANY of my friends here at USMB:

If you EVER see me turning to silly boob for help in realizing ANYTHING... please have me euthanized! Seriously... for the sake of humanity, put me out of my misery!
Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?

We're barely able to peek into quantum mechanics and it's amazing shit. "Supernatural", really... except that it's a part of nature we've been able to confirm now. It has prompted a lot of Theoretical physics, none of which can be confirmed at all... it's beyond the ability of science, at least for now.

I don't know about gawds dwelling is supernatural spirit realms... you sound like a crazy person when you just mindlessly repeat this in every post. I've never posted any argument for such a thing, only for spiritual nature and spiritual energy, and our human ability to connect to it. The issue of Gods dwelling in realms is certainly debatable, I don't believe in them.
In terms of "we" investigating quantum mechanics, your pals at the ICR are strangely silent. It's researchers in the relevant sciences who are doing the experimentation.

In terms of your gawds and your supernatural spirit realms, where else do your gawds spend their time?

It's funny... I don't even know what ICR stands for! Seriously! Never have heard of them before Hollie. I can't tell you what they are silent about or vocal about, I don't know anything about them. I do know about science and I know that most of quantum physics is theoretical at this point. We don't have the capability to observe and test in the quantum "realm" as it were.

As for where Gods spend time... Well, MY God is not constrained by time. So the concept of "spending time" is totally irrelevant to MY God. Time is a relative dimension in our physical universe. It was created by God and Spiritual Nature for you to be able to experience physical reality. Time exists for you and I, not for God. You also use the word "where" as if God is somehow constrained to a specific physical place, but MY God is omnipresent. The only "where" that applies to God is "everywhere."
Your generic god is harmless enough. I actually like theists like you because there is no hell for doubting and I admit there are things we can't answer. I think you know its theists that I reject not a god.

I just really dont believe there is a " god". Who knows whatever you're talking about. Its so vague and generic that I dont even qualifies as what people believe is god. Youre just talking about a creator. OK so does it care? Did it prepare a heaven for you or talk to move Joe Larry curly and come visit moses and send his son? When were we never just making shit up which is all youre doing.
Before moses lied about a burning bush we had guys like boss. It wasn't convincing enough so they had to tell a lie about how god talked to them and you fools buy it.
You're wasting time on god. Let me find you in the science forum then. I'm hear to help you realize god will get you no where

To ANY of my friends here at USMB:

If you EVER see me turning to silly boob for help in realizing ANYTHING... please have me euthanized! Seriously... for the sake of humanity, put me out of my misery!
How can you doubt Jesus was the son of god who god sent through Mary? Why aren't you a christian? Are you saying its a lie? Explain to christians why you reject Jesus and tell them why your god is the real one. Go.
You're wasting time on god. Let me find you in the science forum then. I'm hear to help you realize god will get you no where

To ANY of my friends here at USMB:

If you EVER see me turning to silly boob for help in realizing ANYTHING... please have me euthanized! Seriously... for the sake of humanity, put me out of my misery!

:eek: Stranger things have happened,Boss!! Are you sure?

You could turn to sealybobo and not even realize it--are you really really sure about this?
Your generic god is harmless enough. I actually like theists like you because there is no hell for doubting and I admit there are things we can't answer. I think you know its theists that I reject not a god.

I just really dont believe there is a " god". Who knows whatever you're talking about. Its so vague and generic that I dont even qualifies as what people believe is god. Youre just talking about a creator. OK so does it care? Did it prepare a heaven for you or talk to move Joe Larry curly and come visit moses and send his son? When were we never just making shit up which is all youre doing.

Wow, you're kind of up and down on the subject aren't you? You reject theism and not God, but you don't believe God exists, but you're not really sure, maybe something exists, maybe it doesn't, makes no sense that it wouldn't but you can't believe that it does.

I think, if the curtain of truth could be pulled back on you, we'd find that you are a very spiritual person who does believe in a Creator. From my conversations with you, I sense that you have had some previous experience with religion, probably fundamentalist variety, and you either weren't devoted to learning how to cultivate your spiritual connection or those who could have taught you, failed badly. Either way, it has put you off religion as a whole, and now you crusade against all religion.

The things that I believe are important for you to know are: 1) You are not alone. Lots of people are just as confused and uncertain as you are but God is still there always. 2) Nothing in your past impedes your ability to connect spiritually. 3) God knows your heart and you cannot hide from Him.

My mother recently passed away from cancer. One of the last cards she sent me means the world to me. In her last paragraph, she is pleading with me to get in church... she was a devout Christian woman and never gave up on trying to "save" me, her 'wayward' son. But her last sentence was so profound and it will remain with me forever.... God Inhibits the Praise of His Children.

Think about that for a moment, it's important. God doesn't need us, we need God. If God required our praise there would be no physical way for us to avoid it... like breathing oxygen, it would simply be a physical thing we had to do in order to survive.
Your generic god is harmless enough. I actually like theists like you because there is no hell for doubting and I admit there are things we can't answer. I think you know its theists that I reject not a god.

I just really dont believe there is a " god". Who knows whatever you're talking about. Its so vague and generic that I dont even qualifies as what people believe is god. Youre just talking about a creator. OK so does it care? Did it prepare a heaven for you or talk to move Joe Larry curly and come visit moses and send his son? When were we never just making shit up which is all youre doing.

Wow, you're kind of up and down on the subject aren't you? You reject theism and not God, but you don't believe God exists, but you're not really sure, maybe something exists, maybe it doesn't, makes no sense that it wouldn't but you can't believe that it does.

I think, if the curtain of truth could be pulled back on you, we'd find that you are a very spiritual person who does believe in a Creator. From my conversations with you, I sense that you have had some previous experience with religion, probably fundamentalist variety, and you either weren't devoted to learning how to cultivate your spiritual connection or those who could have taught you, failed badly. Either way, it has put you off religion as a whole, and now you crusade against all religion.

The things that I believe are important for you to know are: 1) You are not alone. Lots of people are just as confused and uncertain as you are but God is still there always. 2) Nothing in your past impedes your ability to connect spiritually. 3) God knows your heart and you cannot hide from Him.

My mother recently passed away from cancer. One of the last cards she sent me means the world to me. In her last paragraph, she is pleading with me to get in church... she was a devout Christian woman and never gave up on trying to "save" me, her 'wayward' son. But her last sentence was so profound and it will remain with me forever.... God Inhibits the Praise of His Children.

Think about that for a moment, it's important. God doesn't need us, we need God. If God required our praise there would be no physical way for us to avoid it... like breathing oxygen, it would simply be a physical thing we had to do in order to survive.
Pass me them there glasses of Kool Aid, bossy. I'm a-joinin' up.
Your generic god is harmless enough. I actually like theists like you because there is no hell for doubting and I admit there are things we can't answer. I think you know its theists that I reject not a god.

I just really dont believe there is a " god". Who knows whatever you're talking about. Its so vague and generic that I dont even qualifies as what people believe is god. Youre just talking about a creator. OK so does it care? Did it prepare a heaven for you or talk to move Joe Larry curly and come visit moses and send his son? When were we never just making shit up which is all youre doing.

Wow, you're kind of up and down on the subject aren't you? You reject theism and not God, but you don't believe God exists, but you're not really sure, maybe something exists, maybe it doesn't, makes no sense that it wouldn't but you can't believe that it does.

I think, if the curtain of truth could be pulled back on you, we'd find that you are a very spiritual person who does believe in a Creator. From my conversations with you, I sense that you have had some previous experience with religion, probably fundamentalist variety, and you either weren't devoted to learning how to cultivate your spiritual connection or those who could have taught you, failed badly. Either way, it has put you off religion as a whole, and now you crusade against all religion.

The things that I believe are important for you to know are: 1) You are not alone. Lots of people are just as confused and uncertain as you are but God is still there always. 2) Nothing in your past impedes your ability to connect spiritually. 3) God knows your heart and you cannot hide from Him.

My mother recently passed away from cancer. One of the last cards she sent me means the world to me. In her last paragraph, she is pleading with me to get in church... she was a devout Christian woman and never gave up on trying to "save" me, her 'wayward' son. But her last sentence was so profound and it will remain with me forever.... God Inhibits the Praise of His Children.

Think about that for a moment, it's important. God doesn't need us, we need God. If God required our praise there would be no physical way for us to avoid it... like breathing oxygen, it would simply be a physical thing we had to do in order to survive.
I think if there is anything to the god theory or karma then being a good person is all that would matter if what you did matters at all. Hitler very well may not be burning in a hell right now. Shit just happens.

I remain very open to being convinced but so far I am very unconvinced. Nothing personal in fact the Greek orthodox realigions is the best of all the bullshit stories.

See you think because I admit that I dont know everything and there are lots of unanswered questions that this opens the door for your theories. It doesnt. You aren't making any sense. But that's OK because you are a good person and you aren't telling anyone they're going to hell for not believing in your god. I told you I love these conversations with people like you because you arent completely bat shit crazy. You're just a half bag o crazy. Lol I still think the concept is bad for people. Sure you and Emily are nice but too many of you need my help. Lol. And I'm there for you when you finally wake up. Remember I was on your journey. You too can wake the fuck up..
I am wide awake, boob... you are too, you just have your head buried in the sand.

I actually feel very sorry for you. As PmP correctly points out, it appears you abandoned your spirituality out of embarrassment. You're too weak to stand up for what you really believe and it's much easier for you to go along with the anti-religious crowd and be accepted.

Now, instead of you realizing what I am saying is true, you've convinced yourself that you weren't weak or embarrassed and you weren't persuaded by peer pressure at all. If you could only manage to use this same tactic to pull someone else away from God, it would validate your decision.

But nope... doesn't ever work. You will eventually have to face the truth.
Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?

We're barely able to peek into quantum mechanics and it's amazing shit. "Supernatural", really... except that it's a part of nature we've been able to confirm now. It has prompted a lot of Theoretical physics, none of which can be confirmed at all... it's beyond the ability of science, at least for now.

I don't know about gawds dwelling is supernatural spirit realms... you sound like a crazy person when you just mindlessly repeat this in every post. I've never posted any argument for such a thing, only for spiritual nature and spiritual energy, and our human ability to connect to it. The issue of Gods dwelling in realms is certainly debatable, I don't believe in them.
In terms of "we" investigating quantum mechanics, your pals at the ICR are strangely silent. It's researchers in the relevant sciences who are doing the experimentation.

In terms of your gawds and your supernatural spirit realms, where else do your gawds spend their time?

It's funny... I don't even know what ICR stands for! Seriously! Never have heard of them before Hollie. I can't tell you what they are silent about or vocal about, I don't know anything about them. I do know about science and I know that most of quantum physics is theoretical at this point. We don't have the capability to observe and test in the quantum "realm" as it were.

As for where Gods spend time... Well, MY God is not constrained by time. So the concept of "spending time" is totally irrelevant to MY God. Time is a relative dimension in our physical universe. It was created by God and Spiritual Nature for you to be able to experience physical reality. Time exists for you and I, not for God. You also use the word "where" as if God is somehow constrained to a specific physical place, but MY God is omnipresent. The only "where" that applies to God is "everywhere."
Your version of the gawds share exactly the same human based attributes of the gawds being pushed at the ICR.

Considering the plethora of asserted "true" gawds hovering around everywhere in space, I'll have to conclude that the only "where" that applies to all the gawds but my "true" gawds is "nowhere".

If your gawds want a place in the pecking order of gawds subordinate to my true gawds, have them send in a resume'.
I am wide awake, boob... you are too, you just have your head buried in the sand.

I actually feel very sorry for you. As PmP correctly points out, it appears you abandoned your spirituality out of embarrassment. You're too weak to stand up for what you really believe and it's much easier for you to go along with the anti-religious crowd and be accepted.

Now, instead of you realizing what I am saying is true, you've convinced yourself that you weren't weak or embarrassed and you weren't persuaded by peer pressure at all. If you could only manage to use this same tactic to pull someone else away from God, it would validate your decision.

But nope... doesn't ever work. You will eventually have to face the truth.
Another fundie crank using his gawds to make cheap threats.
Then you're a freaking retard.
oh come on silly......I'm willing to tolerate your ignorance....after all, if your father can forgive you after all you've done to him, why can't I overlook it when you actually cannot effectively harm me.......
I do more for my parents than you'll ever do for yours. But they are worth it.
probably....both mine are dead......but you will still make yours go to the grave feeling guilty because you've denied the faith......
They dont believe Jesus was more than just a man. Me too. If he even existed that is.
that's hardly consistent with what you have said about them before......
Jeez, we know that the Earth is not round now. We know that the Earth is not the center of the galaxy now. We know our solar system is in the boondocks of the milky way galaxy now. We know that the milky way galaxy is one of thousands and millions of other spiral shape galaxies now. We know that the milky way and its closest galaxy, Andromeda, are on a crash course with each other, we know the sun's life is finite, as well as the Earth... And you guys are talking about faith???? Faith in what? There is no evidence that God exists and there IS evidence that the books written about "him" were written when ppl thought the Sun actually Rises and Sets... Ppl the Earth is not flat, God doesn't exist. Wake the Fuck Up and join contemporary times

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