Has science proved there is no God?

Your religion of spirit realms shares the very attributes of the religions you have modeled your new fangled religion against.

"It's magic" is hardly a standard anyone should take seriously.

There are shared attributes between religion and spirituality. This is not unusual because spiritual nature inspires religion. You'll also find shared attributes with love.

"It's Magic" is YOUR argument, dear. I believe in spiritual nature, it's not magic.
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.

I liked your quote better than Neid DeIdiot Tyson's. It illustrates how the religious faith of science works for atheist disbelievers in God. Here's what I believe... Science AND human spirituality are real and you, Tyson and Hollie are among the vast minority who doesn't believe one of the two.
Neil sells out stadiums. Did you see the 60 minute piece on him? He's a rock star. You are a religion of 1.

LMAO.. I don't care that idiots like you want to throw your money at Neil, I am sure he appreciates it. I don't watch CBS anymore, so I didn't see 60 minutes, which I haven't watched in probably 10 years.

Religion of One? Hmm... I like it!
.....I think maybe that's what makes God happy! ;)
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?
I'm certainly under no obligation to believe in your false gawds.

You're not under any obligation to believe anything, ever.

Where did I say you had to believe in God?
It's a function of religions to proselytize. Among the more excitable who are proselytizing, you represent the more heavy-handed, or maybe "hair-on-fire, yelling, screaming" is the appropriate description.
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.

I liked your quote better than Neid DeIdiot Tyson's. It illustrates how the religious faith of science works for atheist disbelievers in God. Here's what I believe... Science AND human spirituality are real and you, Tyson and Hollie are among the vast minority who doesn't believe one of the two.
Neil sells out stadiums. Did you see the 60 minute piece on him? He's a rock star. You are a religion of 1.

LMAO.. I don't care that idiots like you want to throw your money at Neil, I am sure he appreciates it. I don't watch CBS anymore, so I didn't see 60 minutes, which I haven't watched in probably 10 years.

Religion of One? Hmm... I like it!
.....I think maybe that's what makes God happy! ;)
L. Ron Hubbard was also a fallure at building a religion until he found a "hook".
Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

They can investigate it Hollie, but they cannot explain it.

Quantum Entanglement Documentary - Atomic Physics and Reality:
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?

We're barely able to peek into quantum mechanics and it's amazing shit. "Supernatural", really... except that it's a part of nature we've been able to confirm now. It has prompted a lot of Theoretical physics, none of which can be confirmed at all... it's beyond the ability of science, at least for now.

I don't know about gawds dwelling is supernatural spirit realms... you sound like a crazy person when you just mindlessly repeat this in every post. I've never posted any argument for such a thing, only for spiritual nature and spiritual energy, and our human ability to connect to it. The issue of Gods dwelling in realms is certainly debatable, I don't believe in them.
Your religion of spirit realms shares the very attributes of the religions you have modeled your new fangled religion against.

"It's magic" is hardly a standard anyone should take seriously.

There are shared attributes between religion and spirituality. This is not unusual because spiritual nature inspires religion. You'll also find shared attributes with love.

"It's Magic" is YOUR argument, dear. I believe in spiritual nature, it's not magic.
Your religion of spirit realms is entirely a function of belief in magic. I would suggest we can alternately define magic as submitting to fear and superstition.

How really convenient that your spirit realms are excempt from any examination by rational science. It's as though you're some carnival barker trying to sell seat on an amusement park thrill ride.
Basically all the stuff we can't explain must be a god according to boss. You know when you get turned on? That feeling must be god. Bitter or angry? Must be Satan.
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.

I liked your quote better than Neid DeIdiot Tyson's. It illustrates how the religious faith of science works for atheist disbelievers in God. Here's what I believe... Science AND human spirituality are real and you, Tyson and Hollie are among the vast minority who doesn't believe one of the two.
Neil sells out stadiums. Did you see the 60 minute piece on him? He's a rock star. You are a religion of 1.

LMAO.. I don't care that idiots like you want to throw your money at Neil, I am sure he appreciates it. I don't watch CBS anymore, so I didn't see 60 minutes, which I haven't watched in probably 10 years.

Religion of One? Hmm... I like it!
.....I think maybe that's what makes God happy! ;)

Better than giving money to a church
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
Who took that dictation?
But there are no methods or tests or anyway to confirm or disprove "spiritual nature." You can't even adequately define it. Supernatural claims are not consistant, and not predictable, and therefore any such claims are completely useless.

Like trying to explain quantum entanglement, or dark matter and dark energy.

DANG! You beat me to this!! I was going to say the same thing. (Also, inside black holes and singularities.) Science is currently opening up a whole new realm (sorry Hollie) of physics known as quantum mechanics and string theory. Pretty much all of it is untestable or confirmable because we lack the parameters needed in our regular physical dimensions.

"Supernatural claims" is a vague and mysterious term for a very wide range of things. Does science indicate 100% of the time they are false claims? Or does science say the door of possibility to anything remains open? Does science explore possibility, or does it draw conclusions?

Spiritual nature is not the same thing as "supernatural" because it is part of nature. The evidence is humanity. We are the evidence spiritual nature does exist and is very much real. Our religions are evidence that humans have a robust spiritual nature and an inspired imagination. Human behavior is very much a science and it's clear humans have always been spiritual creatures. Furthermore, it is a direct contradiction of Darwinian natural selection to not recognize this attribute as fundamental to the species, which means it can't be an invention. If so, it defies every behavioral attribute of all living species ever known in nature.
Sorry Bossy. Science has methods that can investigate quantum mechanics.

How does anyone investigate the magical gawds dwelling in your supernatural spirit realms?

We're barely able to peek into quantum mechanics and it's amazing shit. "Supernatural", really... except that it's a part of nature we've been able to confirm now. It has prompted a lot of Theoretical physics, none of which can be confirmed at all... it's beyond the ability of science, at least for now.

I don't know about gawds dwelling is supernatural spirit realms... you sound like a crazy person when you just mindlessly repeat this in every post. I've never posted any argument for such a thing, only for spiritual nature and spiritual energy, and our human ability to connect to it. The issue of Gods dwelling in realms is certainly debatable, I don't believe in them.
In terms of "we" investigating quantum mechanics, your pals at the ICR are strangely silent. It's researchers in the relevant sciences who are doing the experimentation.

In terms of your gawds and your supernatural spirit realms, where else do your gawds spend their time?
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
Who wrote that? God wrote tat? Or he told someone that?

Or is that just what your ancestors wrote?

Think about what you are telling me. Do you really believe god said that? Then you're a freaking retard.
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
You sound like the dumb highschool girl on glee who still believed in Santa.
Science is true whether you believe in it or not.

That comment is SO fucking funny to me.

I can hear the theme to Wonderful World of Disney playing as I read that!

Tell me, Tinkerbell...
Was Science "true" when Aristotle said things slow down because they become tired?
Shall we go through the rather extensive list of things Science has been wrong about?

Science is not true or false, it is our examination and evaluation of the physical universe. It may be true, it may be false, it may be neither. We cannot know truth, we can only believe we do.
You dont get it. This is a Neil Degrasse Tyson quote. Mocking religion.

Science is real whether you believe in it or not. How about that? Maybe that's what he said.
and maybe God said I am real whether you believe in me or not......(oh wait, he did.....Exodus 3:14)......
You sound like the dumb highschool girl on glee who still believed in Santa.
or maybe some kid who got drunk and let his friends talk him out of his faith because of his embarrassment....

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