Has science proved there is no God?

Well actually, we can separate our emotions from our "spirituality" because...

Hold on, you just made a definitive statement of what we can do but you've offered no scientific evidence to support your opinion. Where does science say we can separate our emotions from our spirituality? It would be interesting to see how scientists evaluated that since they can't evaluate spiritual nature. It sounds to me like this is very much a FAITH-BASED belief you have.... preached from your Maddrasses and such... blah blah ICR... fundamentalist stuff!
Well actually, I was commenting that your definitive statements regarding your assignment of "spiritual'ness" to humanity to be phony and contrived.

Where does science say anything about "spirituality". See bossy, this is the problem you face when your arguments are built on religious fundamentalism.

But you have yet to establish anything is phony and contrived with actual science. You can't even rationally explain how it's possible for human spirituality to be phony or contrived. The natural scientific evidence suggests it can't be phony or contrived or it wouldn't exist. What have you offered to counter that? I'm seeing nothing but your opinion... which is fine, it's what we ALL have... an opinion. Our opinions are based on our faith, not on science.
Well yeah, It was established early on that your religious fundamentalist views were mere opinion derived from your dogma.

You rattle on with your invention of "spirits" yet you sidestep and evade when you're tasked with defining your terms.

So yes, your silly slogans and cliches' are phony and contrived.
If it can't be measured scientifically then it doesnt exist in any meaningful way yet you credit it with creating the universe and you tap into it.

This has been debunked by astrophysics. Electrons disappear, are undetectable or measurable scientifically, yet they still exist. In fact, they can even exist in two places at the same time. Light can exist as a wave or particle depending on whether you're observing it's photons... and if that's not strange enough, it can go back in time and be a particle if you try and trick it into being a wave by not observing first-hand. Duality, although not really measurable scientifically, does indeed exist in a meaningful way.

Every month at CERN, they are colliding atoms to discover and "measure" for the first time, thousands upon thousands of subatomic particles. These are fundamental elements for all matter in the universe and they do exist. Things don't simply begin to exist whenever they are discovered.

We have no way of measuring anything inside a black hole, yet they do exist and they are meaningful in our universe. We just recently discovered Higgs boson... before we did, we couldn't measure it scientifically but we knew it must exist, according to our calculations. Another thing we can't measure scientifically but exists in a meaningful way is dark energy and dark matter, which makes up 96% of our universe.

The MOST troubling thing about your comment is, it defeats the purpose of Science itself! IF we cannot examine anything that isn't obvious and apparent because it is deemed meaningless, then what is the purpose of Science? No one would have ever created a telescope or microscope because... hey, if it's not something we can just see is there, it's not really important!

"If it can't be measured scientifically then it doesnt exist..."

SCIENCE refutes this statement!
If god would just appear like an electron then he can be observed. You have a hypothesis based on some theories. Anyways you have gone so far off base on what we define as god I think of you really as an agnostic.

I dont argue with my dad anymore. The other day he was going off on his "how can it be that everything is so perfect" and I go to show him something on my phone and he says "I dont want to see what science says I dont care!"

And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.

I'll let you two believe what you want. At least you two admit no god ever noahed us.

At least you two admit no god ever noahed us.

I've not made definitive statements about things I don't know. That seems to be your niche. Your Dad sounds pretty smart, too bad about his Down syndrome son.

If god would just appear like an electron then he can be observed.

But an electron can't be observed if it isn't there. And what if TWO are there-- but it's actually the same electron appearing in two places at the same time? How can you tell?

At the subatomic level, we've discovered that natures fundamental elements will not be constrained. We can't isolate them to measure anything.

You have a hypothesis based on some theories.

To be honest, isn't that really all anybody has for anything? I've not claimed I have some way to prove God to you, that would just be dumb, wouldn't it? I think I have produced enough scientific evidence to demonstrate spiritual nature is not impossible.
You rattle on with your invention of "spirits" yet you sidestep and evade when you're tasked with defining your terms.

Do you love your Mother?

I'll assume like most people, the answer is yes...

Would you please quantify the amount you love your mother in scientific terms? You can use any physical science.

Oh, by the way... fail to answer and you're evading and sidestepping when tasked with defining your terms of this invention you call "love."
You rattle on with your invention of "spirits" yet you sidestep and evade when you're tasked with defining your terms.

Do you love your Mother?

I'll assume like most people, the answer is yes...

Would you please quantify the amount you love your mother in scientific terms? You can use any physical science.

Oh, by the way... fail to answer and you're evading and sidestepping when tasked with defining your terms of this invention you call "love."

Do you now understand why you're viewed as a laughable joke?

At every instance where you're tasked with supporting your silly claims to magical spirit realms, you fail.
And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.
I agree.....the wonders of God's creation are enough to blow anyone's mind......
Why ÿes. The wonders of plague being unleashed on mankind, your gawds serial mass murders and his other gross cruelties are a wonder to behold.

It's no wonder you have no mind left to blow out.
And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.
I agree.....the wonders of God's creation are enough to blow anyone's mind......
Why ÿes. The wonders of plague being unleashed on mankind, your gawds serial mass murders and his other gross cruelties are a wonder to behold.

It's no wonder you have no mind left to blow out.
so is it your argument that God intended mankind to not bath their entire lives and live in rat infested cities just so the plague would kill off 40% of them?......
And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.
I agree.....the wonders of God's creation are enough to blow anyone's mind......
Why ÿes. The wonders of plague being unleashed on mankind, your gawds serial mass murders and his other gross cruelties are a wonder to behold.

It's no wonder you have no mind left to blow out.
so is it your argument that God intended mankind to not bath their entire lives and live in rat infested cities just so the plague would kill off 40% of them?......
Is it possible for you to write a coherent sentence?

Why would your gawds create the plague? Wasn't the global flood enough serial mass murder?
If it can't be measured scientifically then it doesnt exist in any meaningful way yet you credit it with creating the universe and you tap into it.

This has been debunked by astrophysics. Electrons disappear, are undetectable or measurable scientifically, yet they still exist. In fact, they can even exist in two places at the same time. Light can exist as a wave or particle depending on whether you're observing it's photons... and if that's not strange enough, it can go back in time and be a particle if you try and trick it into being a wave by not observing first-hand. Duality, although not really measurable scientifically, does indeed exist in a meaningful way.

Every month at CERN, they are colliding atoms to discover and "measure" for the first time, thousands upon thousands of subatomic particles. These are fundamental elements for all matter in the universe and they do exist. Things don't simply begin to exist whenever they are discovered.

We have no way of measuring anything inside a black hole, yet they do exist and they are meaningful in our universe. We just recently discovered Higgs boson... before we did, we couldn't measure it scientifically but we knew it must exist, according to our calculations. Another thing we can't measure scientifically but exists in a meaningful way is dark energy and dark matter, which makes up 96% of our universe.

The MOST troubling thing about your comment is, it defeats the purpose of Science itself! IF we cannot examine anything that isn't obvious and apparent because it is deemed meaningless, then what is the purpose of Science? No one would have ever created a telescope or microscope because... hey, if it's not something we can just see is there, it's not really important!

"If it can't be measured scientifically then it doesnt exist..."

SCIENCE refutes this statement!
If god would just appear like an electron then he can be observed. You have a hypothesis based on some theories. Anyways you have gone so far off base on what we define as god I think of you really as an agnostic.

I dont argue with my dad anymore. The other day he was going off on his "how can it be that everything is so perfect" and I go to show him something on my phone and he says "I dont want to see what science says I dont care!"

And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.

I'll let you two believe what you want. At least you two admit no god ever noahed us.

At least you two admit no god ever noahed us.

I've not made definitive statements about things I don't know. That seems to be your niche. Your Dad sounds pretty smart, too bad about his Down syndrome son.

If god would just appear like an electron then he can be observed.

But an electron can't be observed if it isn't there. And what if TWO are there-- but it's actually the same electron appearing in two places at the same time? How can you tell?

At the subatomic level, we've discovered that natures fundamental elements will not be constrained. We can't isolate them to measure anything.

You have a hypothesis based on some theories.

To be honest, isn't that really all anybody has for anything? I've not claimed I have some way to prove God to you, that would just be dumb, wouldn't it? I think I have produced enough scientific evidence to demonstrate spiritual nature is not impossible.
You've actually claimed this god communicates with you and helps you. Next time ask him if he soddomized us.
Is it possible for you to write a coherent sentence?

Why would your gawds create the plague? Wasn't the global flood enough serial mass murder?

The problem with your argument is, you believe you know better than God. I think you are proving a point I have made all along. God doesn't really give a shit about you or people in general. We're just material vehicles for a soul. Our time in these bodies is entirely up to God and we can't do a damn thing about that. When it's your time to die, you're going to die. Science can't save you, cursing God won't save you, death bed conversion won't save you. What becomes of your soul? Only God knows.

Now, I think that your argument is a very good argument for why humans make piss poor Gods. You see, if we put the God Hat on Hollie, there would be no death, no suffering, no evil or bad... Life would be like Heaven! Everything would be Perfection! Okay... IF you have this, how would you perceive "good" or "bad?" If there were no such thing as "bad" how would you know? More importantly, what would your relationship with God be like if you had every possible need fulfilled and everything was perfect?

If you were given an existence where nothing bad happened and no evil existed, and all was "fair" by your standards, everyone lives in total bliss and happiness with no trouble or turmoil... How could you appreciate any of it without comprehending something else? You see, we have to have suffering, pain, death, injustices... it is necessary for us to realize good, to appreciate peace, to compel our conscience to stand for justice... to seek God's help in these endeavors. To spiritually cultivate our souls.

Hollie, you do not know the Master Plan.
Is it possible for you to write a coherent sentence?

Why would your gawds create the plague? Wasn't the global flood enough serial mass murder?

The problem with your argument is, you believe you know better than God. I think you are proving a point I have made all along. God doesn't really give a shit about you or people in general. We're just material vehicles for a soul. Our time in these bodies is entirely up to God and we can't do a damn thing about that. When it's your time to die, you're going to die. Science can't save you, cursing God won't save you, death bed conversion won't save you. What becomes of your soul? Only God knows.

Now, I think that your argument is a very good argument for why humans make piss poor Gods. You see, if we put the God Hat on Hollie, there would be no death, no suffering, no evil or bad... Life would be like Heaven! Everything would be Perfection! Okay... IF you have this, how would you perceive "good" or "bad?" If there were no such thing as "bad" how would you know? More importantly, what would your relationship with God be like if you had every possible need fulfilled and everything was perfect?

If you were given an existence where nothing bad happened and no evil existed, and all was "fair" by your standards, everyone lives in total bliss and happiness with no trouble or turmoil... How could you appreciate any of it without comprehending something else? You see, we have to have suffering, pain, death, injustices... it is necessary for us to realize good, to appreciate peace, to compel our conscience to stand for justice... to seek God's help in these endeavors. To spiritually cultivate our souls.

Hollie, you do not know the Master Plan.

We aren't expecting to be saved. And wishing it so won't make it true.

We think people will make better use of their time if they realize you only get one chance at happiness. Dont wait to die.
"Science is right whether you believe it or not."
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
I told boss this but didn't tell him where I heard it. Of course boss said Neil was wrong because boss says so.

And he denied Jesus 2 out of 3 times I asked. Guess he doesn't want to be a Judah.
You've actually claimed this god communicates with you and helps you. Next time ask him if he soddomized us.

He didn't sodomize us. What the hell are you even talking about, moron? Do you even know? Or did you just wake up and stumble in here with your gums flapping incoherently as usual?

Yes... I have actually claimed that I routinely communicate with spiritual nature and I gain tremendous and bountiful benefits from this. If I didn't, I couldn't believe. I don't care if you believe, it makes no difference to me and it doesn't effect my spirituality.

Believe me, don't believe me, doesn't really matter to me. I am trying to share something with you that will change your life forever. A gift that you can have for the taking... the greatest gift one could ever comprehend. If you want to reject the gift, I can't make you take it. You are proving that as we speak.
And I showed him the cuddlefish and birds of paradise. Blew his mind.
I agree.....the wonders of God's creation are enough to blow anyone's mind......
Why ÿes. The wonders of plague being unleashed on mankind, your gawds serial mass murders and his other gross cruelties are a wonder to behold.

It's no wonder you have no mind left to blow out.
And sending more of us than not to hell for not being christians.
You've actually claimed this god communicates with you and helps you. Next time ask him if he soddomized us.

He didn't sodomize us. What the hell are you even talking about, moron? Do you even know? Or did you just wake up and stumble in here with your gums flapping incoherently as usual?

Yes... I have actually claimed that I routinely communicate with spiritual nature and I gain tremendous and bountiful benefits from this. If I didn't, I couldn't believe. I don't care if you believe, it makes no difference to me and it doesn't effect my spirituality.

Believe me, don't believe me, doesn't really matter to me. I am trying to share something with you that will change your life forever. A gift that you can have for the taking... the greatest gift one could ever comprehend. If you want to reject the gift, I can't make you take it. You are proving that as we speak.
Keep your ignorant bliss. You know I dont care about your generic creator concept. Men believed that before organized religions came to be and it was harmless. Wasn't true but it wasn't hurting anyone. I get it. You and my dad and my brother are all cool with me.

But death to organized religions. They are yucky. But i guess like people have the right to be gay you have the right to be stupid and superstitious.
"Science is right whether you believe it or not."
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
I told boss this but didn't tell him where I heard it. Of course boss said Neil was wrong because boss says so.

And he denied Jesus 2 out of 3 times I asked. Guess he doesn't want to be a Judah.

No, you actually fucked up trying to tell me this and revealed your true spiritual faith in science. You accidentally said "Science is TRUE whether you believe it or not." It was a slight Freudian slip, but you made it! Revealing that you have faith science is true even when science doesn't prove truths.

But to get back to what the Nutty Professor said... it's also not true. Science is not always right. In fact, science has been wrong more times than it has been right. How many times in a science lecture or discussion have you heard someone say "we used to think...?" It's because history of science is full of things we used to think but now we know better... you see, because "Science" is the continued exploration and asking of questions, challenging what we already know or think we know, to find new answers to replace old ones.

Whenever you or Nutty Professor states "Science is right" you are actually burying science in an unmarked grave and presenting a faith as it's replacement. If the answer is right, why search further? Science is complete, it has provided an answer, now you have faith in the answer.

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