Has science proved there is no God?

Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
Has anyone yet proved there is a god?

Were you actually checking in to see if that had happened yet? :cuckoo:
Guess you can't prove god exists.

To someone who is determined to not believe something? How's that supposed to happen, Einstein?

I can't even prove reality exists unless you are willing to accept that it's possible.

But just to save you time and trouble checking in... no one is ever going to present evidence you'll accept that God exists. It won't be here tomorrow or the day after, or in 50 billion years. So, next time you are curious about whether someone has proved god to you without you knowing.... rest assured that has not happened.
Why should anyone accept your silly "because I say so" whining regarding the gawds you claim to have daily communications with?

The gawds I have daily communications with have assured me that they are the only true gawds.

Right... because you've defeated all my arguments based in archeology, behavioral sciences, biology and nature with your snipes and ad homs.

You know what, Hollie. I am about tired of you. Seriously. For page after page, all you have done is post nothing but sheer trollery. I don't understand how you're allowed to remain on this forum to be honest. The rules say that you are supposed to discuss the OP, but you don't ever do that. You sit here all day long posting the same damn paragraph long rants belittling religion and those who are religious, and you never have offered one bit of substance. NOTHING! You're like a fucking SPAM-BOT!
Well then the short answer is no science hasn't disproved god.
Have you considered that your 95% meme being a laughable joke makes you something of the village idiot?

It should actually be a bit lower but it turns out that almost half the Atheists will not say they are sure nothing spiritual exists. Silly boob even posted a link once to a Spiritual Atheist Church. I like it... could turn into a Hipster trend!
Your usual, unsupported, "because I say" commandment that is as pointless now as before.
Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.
You rattle on with your invention of "spirits" yet you sidestep and evade when you're tasked with defining your terms.

Do you love your Mother?

I'll assume like most people, the answer is yes...

Would you please quantify the amount you love your mother in scientific terms? You can use any physical science.

Oh, by the way... fail to answer and you're evading and sidestepping when tasked with defining your terms of this invention you call "love."

Reposting with the hopes that Hollie has worked out her formula!
Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.

Oh, okay... Sooo.. You DIDN'T want to talk about the 95% argument I made that you brought up questions about?
Has anyone yet proved there is a god?

Were you actually checking in to see if that had happened yet? :cuckoo:
Guess you can't prove god exists.

To someone who is determined to not believe something? How's that supposed to happen, Einstein?

I can't even prove reality exists unless you are willing to accept that it's possible.

But just to save you time and trouble checking in... no one is ever going to present evidence you'll accept that God exists. It won't be here tomorrow or the day after, or in 50 billion years. So, next time you are curious about whether someone has proved god to you without you knowing.... rest assured that has not happened.
Why should anyone accept your silly "because I say so" whining regarding the gawds you claim to have daily communications with?

The gawds I have daily communications with have assured me that they are the only true gawds.

Right... because you've defeated all my arguments based in archeology, behavioral sciences, biology and nature with your snipes and ad homs.

You know what, Hollie. I am about tired of you. Seriously. For page after page, all you have done is post nothing but sheer trollery. I don't understand how you're allowed to remain on this forum to be honest. The rules say that you are supposed to discuss the OP, but you don't ever do that. You sit here all day long posting the same damn paragraph long rants belittling religion and those who are religious, and you never have offered one bit of substance. NOTHING! You're like a fucking SPAM-BOT!
What gets you incensed are challenges to your specious bloviating and unsupported arguments. Your claims are utterly absent references to biological sciences, the behavioral sciences or supportable testimony.

What you're tired of is being held to standard of truth and a supportable argument. Your pompous "because I say" arguments are a total bust.
You rattle on with your invention of "spirits" yet you sidestep and evade when you're tasked with defining your terms.

Do you love your Mother?

I'll assume like most people, the answer is yes...

Would you please quantify the amount you love your mother in scientific terms? You can use any physical science.

Oh, by the way... fail to answer and you're evading and sidestepping when tasked with defining your terms of this invention you call "love."

Reposting with the hopes that Hollie has worked out her formula!
Waiting once again for the goofy zealot to present a supportable claim.

Your lashing out like a spoiled child speaks volumes about your inability to present a coherent argument; one not drenched in your pointless pontificating.
Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.

Oh, okay... Sooo.. You DIDN'T want to talk about the 95% argument I made that you brought up questions about?
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.
Your claims are utterly absent references to biological sciences, the behavioral sciences or supportable testimony.

Ahh... Stop lying, Hollie. The thread is filled with your stupidity but anyone who wants to go wade back through a week of it can see that I've supported everything I've said with real science and real facts from archeology and behavioral science as well as nature and biology. You've been totally paralyzed by this and unable to do anything more than troll the thread and try to bury my points under a mountain of your demagoguery. You have grown increasingly more pathetic.
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.

Yes I have, numerous times. USMB has a search feature, if you want to find it, that's what I suggest. I am done playing this silly game with you, it's a waste of time and the ONLY reason you are continuing is because I keep responding.

So.. DONE... Toodles!
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.

Yes I have, numerous times. USMB has a search feature, if you want to find it, that's what I suggest. I am done playing this silly game with you, it's a waste of time and the ONLY reason you are continuing is because I keep responding.

So.. DONE... Toodles!
As I anticipated, when required to support your specious claims, you stutter and mumble in hopes of avoiding yet another drubbing you take when your "because I say so" nonsense is again exposed as fraud.
so is it your argument that God intended mankind to not bath their entire lives and live in rat infested cities just so the plague would kill off 40% of them?......
Is it possible for you to write a coherent sentence?

Why would your gawds create the plague? Wasn't the global flood enough serial mass murder?
there is no reason to pretend God created the bubonic plague any more than to pretend that he created you or your pet dog......you are the result of the joining of your mother's egg and your father's sperm cell.....the bubonic plague was caused by some evolved virus.........
Sorry, dear. Your 6,000 year old planet tale would not account for such biological evolution.
you remember what they say about the pony who couldn't learn more than one trick?.......
You remember what they say about religious fundamentalism being a mental illness?
nope.....is that something else you made up?.....
Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.

Oh, okay... Sooo.. You DIDN'T want to talk about the 95% argument I made that you brought up questions about?
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.
why do you hate statistics?.....
Is it possible for you to write a coherent sentence?

Why would your gawds create the plague? Wasn't the global flood enough serial mass murder?
there is no reason to pretend God created the bubonic plague any more than to pretend that he created you or your pet dog......you are the result of the joining of your mother's egg and your father's sperm cell.....the bubonic plague was caused by some evolved virus.........
Sorry, dear. Your 6,000 year old planet tale would not account for such biological evolution.
you remember what they say about the pony who couldn't learn more than one trick?.......
You remember what they say about religious fundamentalism being a mental illness?
nope.....is that something else you made up?.....
Athiests or "agnostics" are the fastest growing group in america.

Now consider that a lot of the 95% that believe in "something" dont have much evidence to back up their hunch. They just can't imagine any other way. So does their opinion carry any weight?

Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.

Oh, okay... Sooo.. You DIDN'T want to talk about the 95% argument I made that you brought up questions about?
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.
why do you hate statistics?.....
Why do you spend your life in a deep stupor?
there is no reason to pretend God created the bubonic plague any more than to pretend that he created you or your pet dog......you are the result of the joining of your mother's egg and your father's sperm cell.....the bubonic plague was caused by some evolved virus.........
Sorry, dear. Your 6,000 year old planet tale would not account for such biological evolution.
you remember what they say about the pony who couldn't learn more than one trick?.......
You remember what they say about religious fundamentalism being a mental illness?
nope.....is that something else you made up?.....
Christians are the fastest growing group in Africa. Worldwide, Mormons are up 4.5 million over last year.

The argument is how many humans are spiritual. The answer is roughly 95%. Now, to what degree and what kind? Those aren't part of the argument, are they?
This has nothing to do with the op. I'll only discuss the topic.

No. Science hasn't disproved your imaginary friend.

Oh, okay... Sooo.. You DIDN'T want to talk about the 95% argument I made that you brought up questions about?
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.
why do you hate statistics?.....
Why do you spend your life in a deep stupor?

On NPR they're interviewing the author of "in god we trust" a book about how after the new deal corporate america started an alliance with religion and ever since has tried to turn america into a christian nation. What was the purpose? They felt collectivism was evil. The new deal was anti christian. It was stealing from the rich. Bla bla. It didn't go anywhere. But their still doing it. Back then it was greedy assholes like jimmy Stewart. Today its trump Nugent and ted Cruz.

Anyways just wanted to point out a specific example of how they use religion to con people.

Let's see if they'll be able to convince american that as is evil. Or medicare.
You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.

Yes I have, numerous times. USMB has a search feature, if you want to find it, that's what I suggest. I am done playing this silly game with you, it's a waste of time and the ONLY reason you are continuing is because I keep responding.

So.. DONE... Toodles!

Hollie: You never made a supportable argument for your silly "95%" claim.

nor responded the Spiritualist are the 5% of the 95% who in fact are a menace to humanity ...

Your claims are utterly absent references to biological sciences, the behavioral sciences or supportable testimony.

Ahh... Stop lying, Hollie. The thread is filled with your stupidity but anyone who wants to go wade back through a week of it can see that I've supported everything I've said with real science and real facts from archeology and behavioral science as well as nature and biology. You've been totally paralyzed by this and unable to do anything more than troll the thread and try to bury my points under a mountain of your demagoguery. You have grown increasingly more pathetic.
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

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