Has science proved there is no God?

Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
Speaking of psychology consider how irrational the Jesus story or Mohammad or Joseph smith and look how many dummies are eating that shit up. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

Well, speaking in defense of Jesus, he really gets a bum rap these days! I mean... He spoke of peace and love, forgiveness and compassion... what the hell is wrong with that message? He was crucified on the cross to pay for your sins-- a totally selfless act to do something for you! What the hell is wrong with that?

Now... have a bunch of idiots perverted his teachings into their own morally-judgmental dogma and attempted to control us with that? Perhaps, but is that Jesus' fault? Why should HE take it in the shorts for what idiots did? His message was simple... you don't need to be stoning people in public or burning goats and not eating pork chops... you just need to love your fellow man and do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. For that, he was crucified and he is still being crucified today! Give the guy a break! What did he do to warrant all this hate and loathing?
Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven. That offends me.
why?.......the kingdom of heaven is a Christian belief.....why would someone who is not a Christian expect to take part in it.......do you insist on being allowed into Valhalla even though you have never been on a Viking raid?.......do you whine because you will not be ferried across the River Styx?.........will you buzz your wings in fury if you are reincarnated as a cockroach?......
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
Preacher tells the woman with woes to cope with her woes not change her circumstances. Dont worry about your shitty life lady. One day you'll be in heaven.

Just accept your shitty life.

Religion keeps slaves from revolting.
1) coping with your woes is not mutually exclusive with changing your circumstances, in fact most would deem it synonymous.....I'm sure I can find an atheist as stupid as whatever preacher you knew who gave that bad advice.....
2) in our actual history religion worked to end slavery......not sure what fantasy reality you were thinking of........

be that as it may you told Boss to live life.....assuming he wasn't a slave think about revolting or a woman trying to cope with her woes, I doubt that was what you were referring to.......what WERE you referring to?.......
Arrestive development song called fishin for religion. Listen to it.
Dont worry about your crummy life because heaven awaits.

Which is exactly why Christianity flourished. It had a good message: there IS a happy ending. This life sucks, but some new religion religion says this suffering is just temporary.

Now, the pagan religions of Europe had nothing to compete with that message. Your life sucked, you died, you went to the underworld and that was pretty much that. Here comes some Jewish hippies with a message of a God that loves (not enough to end suffering on Earth for His own reasons, but still...) and eternal bliss and all you have to do is believe in one God and it should be no wonder that the Roman Empire eventually turned toward Christianity.

It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.
Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it ... People obviously get something from being spiritual ... Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.
Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

obviously, a new skyscrapers mentality for the "human" Spiritualist ...

It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
The inescapable problem is that your religious fundamentalism is an impediment to knowledge and learning. "It" (meaning the yolk of religious belief), didn't work like a charm. Religions have been the instruments of divisions, the means toward the infliction of suffering, and the cause of the most outrageous atrocities to those in the "out group" for as long as there have been religions.

And BTW, "magic" is not an answer to anything. It only serves those who have no defendable argument and thus are forced to invoke fear and ignorance as their only defense.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
The inescapable problem is that your religious fundamentalism is an impediment to knowledge and learning. "It" (meaning the yolk of religious belief), didn't work like a charm. Religions have been the instruments of divisions, the means toward the infliction of suffering, and the cause of the most outrageous atrocities to those in the "out group" for as long as there have been religions.

And BTW, "magic" is not an answer to anything. It only serves those who have no defendable argument and thus are forced to invoke fear and ignorance as their only defense.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...
Obviously untrue or no religions would exist.

But again, here we are discussing RELIGIONS when the conversation was about human spirituality. This gets really convoluted because first you're arguing that humans invented spirituality to cope with fears, then suddenly, the religions created from spirituality exist to invoke fear! Which way is it? :dunno:

You seem to want it to be BOTH ways! It can't be something man invented to cope with fear AND to invoke fear! That doesn't even make rational sense. I guess you don't bother to think these arguments through, you just emotively respond with whatever tumbles out of that empty head?

If you believe that humans "invented" spirituality, you believe something even more mysterious than magic. With magic, we can explain how it was done, the magician knows his secrets and it's not supernatural. You believe in something that can't be explained or rationalized.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
The inescapable problem is that your religious fundamentalism is an impediment to knowledge and learning. "It" (meaning the yolk of religious belief), didn't work like a charm. Religions have been the instruments of divisions, the means toward the infliction of suffering, and the cause of the most outrageous atrocities to those in the "out group" for as long as there have been religions.

And BTW, "magic" is not an answer to anything. It only serves those who have no defendable argument and thus are forced to invoke fear and ignorance as their only defense.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...
Obviously untrue or no religions would exist.

But again, here we are discussing RELIGIONS when the conversation was about human spirituality. This gets really convoluted because first you're arguing that humans invented spirituality to cope with fears, then suddenly, the religions created from spirituality exist to invoke fear! Which way is it? :dunno:

You seem to want it to be BOTH ways! It can't be something man invented to cope with fear AND to invoke fear! That doesn't even make rational sense. I guess you don't bother to think these arguments through, you just emotively respond with whatever tumbles out of that empty head?

If you believe that humans "invented" spirituality, you believe something even more mysterious than magic. With magic, we can explain how it was done, the magician knows his secrets and it's not supernatural. You believe in something that can't be explained or rationalized.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...

Obviously true for anyone who has studied history. One look at the Middle East currently and we can see the religious hatreds pulsing away. You really need to get out of your madrassah more often.

You're really just reciting your "spiritual'ness" slogans, as usual, and not being able to deal honestly with your utter lack of ability to even define your terms, let alone offer a defendable argument for your imagined spirit realms.

It's actually comedy gold that you defend magic, superstition and ignorance as answers to anything. But that's not surprising as your worldview, cloaked in fear and superstition, is typical for religious extremists.
Dont worry about your crummy life because heaven awaits.

Which is exactly why Christianity flourished. It had a good message: there IS a happy ending. This life sucks, but some new religion religion says this suffering is just temporary.

Now, the pagan religions of Europe had nothing to compete with that message. Your life sucked, you died, you went to the underworld and that was pretty much that. Here comes some Jewish hippies with a message of a God that loves (not enough to end suffering on Earth for His own reasons, but still...) and eternal bliss and all you have to do is believe in one God and it should be no wonder that the Roman Empire eventually turned toward Christianity.

It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.
Does boss ever lay his crap on you? Or postmordem? Blissfully ignorant.

Great post.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
Just because somethings hard to believe doesnt make it not true.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
The inescapable problem is that your religious fundamentalism is an impediment to knowledge and learning. "It" (meaning the yolk of religious belief), didn't work like a charm. Religions have been the instruments of divisions, the means toward the infliction of suffering, and the cause of the most outrageous atrocities to those in the "out group" for as long as there have been religions.

And BTW, "magic" is not an answer to anything. It only serves those who have no defendable argument and thus are forced to invoke fear and ignorance as their only defense.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...
Obviously untrue or no religions would exist.

But again, here we are discussing RELIGIONS when the conversation was about human spirituality. This gets really convoluted because first you're arguing that humans invented spirituality to cope with fears, then suddenly, the religions created from spirituality exist to invoke fear! Which way is it? :dunno:

You seem to want it to be BOTH ways! It can't be something man invented to cope with fear AND to invoke fear! That doesn't even make rational sense. I guess you don't bother to think these arguments through, you just emotively respond with whatever tumbles out of that empty head?

If you believe that humans "invented" spirituality, you believe something even more mysterious than magic. With magic, we can explain how it was done, the magician knows his secrets and it's not supernatural. You believe in something that can't be explained or rationalized.
Religion right now is dividing us. Christianity vs gay athiests Muslims pro choice people need I go on?
I told you boss corporate america as we speak is trying to plant the message that the new deal is basically immoral. I think you know this. But this only proves one of your silly points wrong and you got tons of them.
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
What about murder rape theft greed fear envy. We as a species have always displayed these characteristics. We've always struggled with this and its natural for you to want a father figure. Freud could prove you a quack. That's science right?
Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.

how odd.....did you think you "live life" better than a believer does?......did NPR "explain" that to you as well?......
The one big benefit theists have is the community or social aspect of religion. Other than that we dont think because we are born into one of many religions that we get a free pass on being assholes.

And yes I know many christians who are just enduring their lives and praying and waiting for the afterlife while we look for a scientist who can fix what ails us.
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
It worked like a charm on you and 94% of the planet. 93% 93% What? 75%? I bet if we educated and everyone listened to debates it'd be more like 55%
It's got nothing to do which god is more real and everything to do with humans just wanting something to help get them through the day.

The only inescapable problem with your theory is, it worked like a charm. So, IF we invented it, we are some genius mofos! We were able to use the smoke and mirrors of imagination to achieve actual physical results we could realize and have continued doing it for thousands of years. That's actually MORE incredible than magic! At least with magic there is an explanation.
The inescapable problem is that your religious fundamentalism is an impediment to knowledge and learning. "It" (meaning the yolk of religious belief), didn't work like a charm. Religions have been the instruments of divisions, the means toward the infliction of suffering, and the cause of the most outrageous atrocities to those in the "out group" for as long as there have been religions.

And BTW, "magic" is not an answer to anything. It only serves those who have no defendable argument and thus are forced to invoke fear and ignorance as their only defense.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...
Obviously untrue or no religions would exist.

But again, here we are discussing RELIGIONS when the conversation was about human spirituality. This gets really convoluted because first you're arguing that humans invented spirituality to cope with fears, then suddenly, the religions created from spirituality exist to invoke fear! Which way is it? :dunno:

You seem to want it to be BOTH ways! It can't be something man invented to cope with fear AND to invoke fear! That doesn't even make rational sense. I guess you don't bother to think these arguments through, you just emotively respond with whatever tumbles out of that empty head?

If you believe that humans "invented" spirituality, you believe something even more mysterious than magic. With magic, we can explain how it was done, the magician knows his secrets and it's not supernatural. You believe in something that can't be explained or rationalized.

Religions have been the instruments of divisions...

Obviously true for anyone who has studied history. One look at the Middle East currently and we can see the religious hatreds pulsing away. You really need to get out of your madrassah more often.

You're really just reciting your "spiritual'ness" slogans, as usual, and not being able to deal honestly with your utter lack of ability to even define your terms, let alone offer a defendable argument for your imagined spirit realms.

It's actually comedy gold that you defend magic, superstition and ignorance as answers to anything. But that's not surprising as your worldview, cloaked in fear and superstition, is typical for religious extremists.
And all he's really saying is that "something" must have made all this. That it seems irrational that this all happened by chance. What do you say to that? I say unless you have some evidence of this "creator" then cough it up. Otherwise admit you dont know like a scientist admits. What does boss know? Nothing. Wild speculation.

And while I like generic god better than the Abraham gods it isnt fair his god isnt the one that made us and made heaven and hell because that's the one we're all talking about.
I say unless you have some evidence of this "creator" then cough it up.


There is your evidence we were created!

Regardless of what you may believe the source of creation to be... 1) We exist. 2) We did not create ourselves.

Now, if you come up with a physically scientific way to prove how physical nature created itself, you can present the evidence and I'll be happy to take a look. So far, there has been nothing that I am aware of. Logic says things can't create themselves, it's a paradox... if they could create themselves, then they already existed.

Just because somethings hard to believe doesnt make it not true.

You should remember this when contemplating the possibility of God.

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