Has science proved there is no God?

F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
There's nothing supernatural about Higgs boson. Subatomic particles are discoverable and understandable because they don't have magical properties of supernaturalism assigned to them as per your gawds and everyone else's gawds.

What peer reviewed tests can be performed to explore your spirit realms?

Answer: None

We must accept your "because I say so" nonsense.
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
But you told Hollie you've used science to back up your hypothesis. That would make it a scientific theory ready for peer review? Then shut up.
Your claims are utterly absent references to biological sciences, the behavioral sciences or supportable testimony.

Ahh... Stop lying, Hollie. The thread is filled with your stupidity but anyone who wants to go wade back through a week of it can see that I've supported everything I've said with real science and real facts from archeology and behavioral science as well as nature and biology. You've been totally paralyzed by this and unable to do anything more than troll the thread and try to bury my points under a mountain of your demagoguery. You have grown increasingly more pathetic.
Seems like hear you are claiming you've dine just what you said a post ago you weren't doing.

Ah. You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
How does psychology prove we couldn't have made it up when we very well might have? Youre the one who seems 100% sure.

Beware of people who are close minded.
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
F you did provide factual scientific evidence who else has adopted your arguments? No one? You should call the news if you have scientifically proved god!

And I have repeatedly stated that I cannot prove God to you with science. I've still made no argument that isn't backed by science and I've not stated opinions as facts. Evidence is not proof, they are two completely different words which mean completely different things. It's important that we not get them confused.

I've already cited people who support the science I've presented. Sigmund Freud, Charles Darwin, Michio Kaku, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton... all have been duly credited in my posts for everyone to see. So let's please stop with the lies about this.

I can't scientifically prove God exists, we've been over this a bazillion times, do we need to go over it again this hour? The OP asks if science has disproved God but the first problem is, science doesn't prove or disprove anything-- it makes predictions of probability and we can use that to draw conclusion. However, we have to first be willing to accept the science. If we don't believe what science says, we're never going to accept the evidence.

Case in point... Have you ever seen a Higgs boson? I wouldn't know one if it were sitting on my lap with it's tongue in my ear! All I can do is choose to believe those who have claimed they saw one. If I bow up and just refuse to acknowledge the science which shows evidence of a Higgs boson, then it becomes pointless because I won't accept the evidence. That's not the fault of science, is it?
There's nothing supernatural about Higgs boson. Subatomic particles are discoverable and understandable because they don't have magical properties of supernaturalism assigned to them as per your gawds and everyone else's gawds.

What peer reviewed tests can be performed to explore your spirit realms?

Answer: None

We must accept your "because I say so" nonsense.
I'm getting sick of boss making false statements and claiming they are facts.
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
It helps the rich control and manipulate the masses. Today on NPR they explained how corporate america first started their unholy alliance with christians and they put in god we trust on the money.

Religion makes people stupid. Why? Because its a stupid idea.

We all know what the fucking benefits are/were boss. You get the same benefits our ape ancestors got. Actually the benefits were slightly different and let's just say its losing its usefulness.

Live this life boss because its the only one you're gonna get.
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
That murder suicide pilot had to be an athiest because if there is an eternal hell its for guys like him. And people who abuse kids or animals.
You want to try to cherry pick from science but disregard it when psychology says we made it up to help us cope?

But that's NOT what science says, that's someone's OPINION and I've seen absolutely NO science to support it so far. Do you have any or not?

Psychology indicates the opposite, that we didn't make it up and couldn't have possibly made it up. If it's "made up" then there is nothing to it and it has no effect on anything.. that doesn't appear to be the case because it's still with us and it's just as profound as ever. People obviously get something from being spiritual. Species in nature simply do not make shit up as behaviors with no purpose or reason, it defies nature entirely.

Now, you argue that it's to "help us cope" but you've not explained how belief in something false that doesn't exist, helps anything. This simply defies rational logic. I don't believe we invented it to help us cope, but IF WE DID, then it means human spirituality is very much real and works effectively.

It's actually more of a belief in magic to think that humans invented the thing that unlocked all the unlimited potential of humanity. Just pulled it right out of our caveman asses!
Whatever. Let's take a break for a second. The TV movie A.D I think starts Sunday on NBC. I'm interested in what their spin on how christianity spread after Jesus. Should be interesting and I will be looking for inconsistency and historical errors.
How does psychology prove we couldn't have made it up when we very well might have? Youre the one who seems 100% sure.

Beware of people who are close minded.

Why do you keep misusing the word "prove" with regard to what science does? Remember... Science doesn't PROVE things! Science predicts probability of things and WE draw conclusions based on that!

Now in this case, science (psychology) suggests (predicts) that the probability we somehow accidentally created (with imagination) the thing that unlocked unlimited human potential, is very slim. In fact, nature (biology) suggests that nothing has ever created something from imagination which became a fundamental behavioral attribute. So this idea contradicts nature until we find some example in nature to say, hey.. here it is! Here's a species of life that has imagined some behavior into it's species that has no real substance to it, it's just imaginary.

Not saying it's totally IMPOSSIBLE, but we have to find examples of it in order to say that science supports it. Otherwise, it's nothing but FAITH.
How does psychology prove we couldn't have made it up when we very well might have? Youre the one who seems 100% sure.

Beware of people who are close minded.

Why do you keep misusing the word "prove" with regard to what science does? Remember... Science doesn't PROVE things! Science predicts probability of things and WE draw conclusions based on that!

Now in this case, science (psychology) suggests (predicts) that the probability we somehow accidentally created (with imagination) the thing that unlocked unlimited human potential, is very slim. In fact, nature (biology) suggests that nothing has ever created something from imagination which became a fundamental behavioral attribute. So this idea contradicts nature until we find some example in nature to say, hey.. here it is! Here's a species of life that has imagined some behavior into it's species that has no real substance to it, it's just imaginary.

Not saying it's totally IMPOSSIBLE, but we have to find examples of it in order to say that science supports it. Otherwise, it's nothing but FAITH.
You gonna watch a.d. the bible on NBC this Sunday?
It helps the rich control and manipulate the masses.

Human Spirituality doesn't because it existed long before there were masses to manipulate or rick folk to manipulate them. You keep on conflating religion with human spirituality, and I don't know how many times this needs to be corrected before you comprehend it... is there a magic number of times I need to make a point to a retarded person or something before they get it?

Religions were invented by man! Every singe one of them! They are prime evidence that humans make a serious and profound connection to something spiritual, something beyond physical, something greater than self. It's not evidence that ANY of them are correct or true or right or wrong... just that they are spiritually inspired.

If you believe it's all a bunch of made up nonsense that man invented to cope, that's fine but science doesn't support that idea. And I am not going to allow you to claim that it does unless you produce some fucking evidence!
How does psychology prove we couldn't have made it up when we very well might have? Youre the one who seems 100% sure.

Beware of people who are close minded.

Why do you keep misusing the word "prove" with regard to what science does? Remember... Science doesn't PROVE things! Science predicts probability of things and WE draw conclusions based on that!

Now in this case, science (psychology) suggests (predicts) that the probability we somehow accidentally created (with imagination) the thing that unlocked unlimited human potential, is very slim. In fact, nature (biology) suggests that nothing has ever created something from imagination which became a fundamental behavioral attribute. So this idea contradicts nature until we find some example in nature to say, hey.. here it is! Here's a species of life that has imagined some behavior into it's species that has no real substance to it, it's just imaginary.

Not saying it's totally IMPOSSIBLE, but we onsider if the shit hit the fan and have to find examples of it in order to say that science supports it. Otherwise, it's nothing but FAITH.
Speaking of psychology consider how irrational the Jesus story or Mohammad or Joseph smith and look how many dummies are eating that shit up. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.
Speaking of psychology consider how irrational the Jesus story or Mohammad or Joseph smith and look how many dummies are eating that shit up. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

Well, speaking in defense of Jesus, he really gets a bum rap these days! I mean... He spoke of peace and love, forgiveness and compassion... what the hell is wrong with that message? He was crucified on the cross to pay for your sins-- a totally selfless act to do something for you! What the hell is wrong with that?

Now... have a bunch of idiots perverted his teachings into their own morally-judgmental dogma and attempted to control us with that? Perhaps, but is that Jesus' fault? Why should HE take it in the shorts for what idiots did? His message was simple... you don't need to be stoning people in public or burning goats and not eating pork chops... you just need to love your fellow man and do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. For that, he was crucified and he is still being crucified today! Give the guy a break! What did he do to warrant all this hate and loathing?
Speaking of psychology consider how irrational the Jesus story or Mohammad or Joseph smith and look how many dummies are eating that shit up. I shouldn't have to explain it to you.

Well, speaking in defense of Jesus, he really gets a bum rap these days! I mean... He spoke of peace and love, forgiveness and compassion... what the hell is wrong with that message? He was crucified on the cross to pay for your sins-- a totally selfless act to do something for you! What the hell is wrong with that?

Now... have a bunch of idiots perverted his teachings into their own morally-judgmental dogma and attempted to control us with that? Perhaps, but is that Jesus' fault? Why should HE take it in the shorts for what idiots did? His message was simple... you don't need to be stoning people in public or burning goats and not eating pork chops... you just need to love your fellow man and do unto others as you'd have them do unto you. For that, he was crucified and he is still being crucified today! Give the guy a break! What did he do to warrant all this hate and loathing?
Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven. That offends me.
Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven. That offends me.

How can you be offended by something you don't believe in? I believe you have to wear purple tennis shoes to be cool! Does that offend you?

If someone were here making the argument that it's scientifically proven you must go through man to get into heaven, I would be offended that someone was perverting science and insulting my intelligence. If anyone tries to make that argument on you, let me know about it... I'll have your back!

Now, moving into the context of what Jesus was talking about in the scripture you referenced, he was speaking to a specific audience, the Christians of his time. They were sacrificing goats and stoning people to death because they thought that's how you got into heaven. Jesus told them that this was not how you get into heaven, and the only way was to follow his teaching (through him). Love, forgiveness, grace.
Only through me can you enter the kingdom of heaven. That offends me.

How can you be offended by something you don't believe in? I believe you have to wear purple tennis shoes to be cool! Does that offend you?

If someone were here making the argument that it's scientifically proven you must go through man to get into heaven, I would be offended that someone was perverting science and insulting my intelligence. If anyone tries to make that argument on you, let me know about it... I'll have your back!

Now, moving into the context of what Jesus was talking about in the scripture you referenced, he was speaking to a specific audience, the Christians of his time. They were sacrificing goats and stoning people to death because they thought that's how you got into heaven. Jesus told them that this was not how you get into heaven, and the only way was to follow his teaching (through him). Love, forgiveness, grace.
How do you know that was his meaning? That's not what christians say.

By the way when I was a generic theist I believed the very same thing.

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