Has Single Payer (i.e. total govt takeover of health care) been the goal all along?


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Once Obamacare has thoroughly crashed, the government will come sailing in like a knight on a white horse, ready to save the day and pick up the pieces by imposing Single Payer on the country. As planned.

Single Payer is the complete government takeover of the medical industry. It starts by their becoming the ONLY source of payments for medical procedures. Once people are used to them being in charge of that, they will start tightening the screws on hospital payments, doctors' salaries, pharmaceutical research, medical device research, everything that costs money.

At the same time, they will start to favor less expensive procedures over more expensive ones. And in time, this will happen even for expensive procedures that are more safe than less expensive ones.

And eventually, they will start making decisions based on the idea that hugely expensive procedures that will extend a person's life by only a few months, might not be a good idea when that huge amount of money could have bbeen spent on many other patients for procedures that would extend their lives by much longer periods. The people making these decisions will get, and eventually deserve, the title of "Death Panels".

As Government Single Payer continues to lose money, they will gradually choke off research, then services, then care etc., until everything is being done by high school dropout level personnel, with payments to match, and appointments will take a month or three to get.

Incompetence this bad can't possibly be accidental.
Uh....Like, Yes, Totally.
Once Obamacare has thoroughly crashed, the government will come sailing in like a knight on a white horse, ready to save the day and pick up the pieces by imposing Single Payer on the country. As planned.

Single Payer is the complete government takeover of the medical industry. It starts by their becoming the ONLY source of payments for medical procedures. Once people are used to them being in charge of that, they will start tightening the screws on hospital payments, doctors' salaries, pharmaceutical research, medical device research, everything that costs money.

At the same time, they will start to favor less expensive procedures over more expensive ones. And in time, this will happen even for expensive procedures that are more safe than less expensive ones.

And eventually, they will start making decisions based on the idea that hugely expensive procedures that will extend a person's life by only a few months, might not be a good idea when that huge amount of money could have bbeen spent on many other patients for procedures that would extend their lives by much longer periods. The people making these decisions will get, and eventually deserve, the title of "Death Panels".

As Government Single Payer continues to lose money, they will gradually choke off research, then services, then care etc., until everything is being done by high school dropout level personnel, with payments to match, and appointments will take a month or three to get.

Incompetence this bad can't possibly be accidental.

Obama told EVERYONE that's his preference!!!
His exact words ...

I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program"
Obama speaking to the Illinois AFL-CIO, June 30, 2003.
Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 | Physicians for a National Health Program

NOW this idiot with absolute hatred of FOR profit, capitalist health care companies is so stupid because:
A) 1,300 health insurance companies will be out of business with a "single payer" system right?
B) These companies pay $100 billion a year in Federal/state/local income taxes and if they have offices in your city.. NO Property taxes meaning yours will go up! (Think of Detroit)...
C) These companies have 400,000 employees that will be laid off!

NOW this IDIOT doesn't tell anyone these facts cause HE doesn't know much less CARE!

He also is so stupid he doesn't even know what the term "insurance reserves" means... i.e. states require companies to keep in reserve enough money to pay future claims!
Well idiots like him that as ACA has done banned Pre-existing conditions" pretty well shoots that concept all to hell!
How does an insurance company plan to pay future claims if they don't know how much will be used.."pre-existing conditions" told them that!
If they can't calculate that figure then they lump everyones future claims into big pot and divide by members... HENCE rates skyrocket!
Think of it this way if you smoke and I don't who has better chances of submitting cancer claims?
But since per ACA "pre-existing" banned how then will insurance know ? THEY don't! They calculate total claims a smoker will create and use that as their reserves figures!
NOW before you idiots jump on that... THIS was a simple illustration... considerably more complicated! But I have to keep it simple for idiots and of course Obama!
Yes, single payer healthcare, and tax brackets in the sixties, are the ultimate goal.

Yes, this will crush innovation in medicine.

This will be achieved in our lifetime.
Once Obamacare has thoroughly crashed, the government will come sailing in like a knight on a white horse, ready to save the day and pick up the pieces by imposing Single Payer on the country. As planned.


No, single payer won't happen. That wasn't the plan. If you think that's the plan, then you know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about how health insurance companies operate.

If O-care crashes and burns, the insurers will come back in with new higher rates/ premiums and skimpier, shittier policies than before. They will reinvigorate their ability to rescind, cancel and deny claims. And blame it on the "debacle" that O-care caused and so it's not their fault. They will install automated phone systems with absolutely no live rep to talk to, just voice commands and menus, because they will claim O-care has caused them to lay off masses of employees. THAT, my friend, was their plan and it looks like it's working.

And so we will go from 37th in the world in a viable health care system to probably around 50th or so, if the World Health Organization's country rankings are correct. And they are.

On a side note: The large insurance branch offices in the northeast, specifically in New York, have laid off thousands of workers and outsourced their jobs to the Philippines. Why? Well, Hurricane Sandy, of course. They are fucking evil.
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Once Obamacare has thoroughly crashed, the government will come sailing in like a knight on a white horse, ready to save the day and pick up the pieces by imposing Single Payer on the country. As planned.


No, single payer won't happen. That wasn't the plan. If you think that's the plan, then you know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about how health insurance companies operate.

If O-care crashes and burns, the insurers will come back in with new higher rates/ premiums and skimpier, shittier policies than before. They will reinvigorate their ability to rescind, cancel and deny claims. And blame it on the "debacle" that O-care caused and so it's not their fault. THAT, my friend, was their plan and it looks like it's working.

And so we will go from 37th in the world in a viable health care system to probably around 50th or so, if the World Health Organization's country rankings are correct. And they are.

Dude, the people that were clueless about how health insurance operates are the Progressives that wrote the legislation for ObamaCare. The reason you're about to see a death spiral on this mess is BECAUSE Barry, Harry and Nancy are idiots...not because of anything the insurance companies did or didn't do.
You can contact a local health insurance broker, and ask them if they can help you get a HIPAA policy. This is normally what a health insurance broker DOES.
You can still buy health insurance from a private company.
Huh. It's a choice between two fundamentally different self-fulfilling doomsday prophecies, apparently. So, there will be some kind of universal death panel involved whether we go with the Democrats single payer apocalypse, or the myriad independent death panels with the Republicans. Or, am I the only one to notice? By all means, ignore away. Eventually, it'll just be easier for people to demand the legalization of the mafia, clean up all this mess.
Once Obamacare has thoroughly crashed, the government will come sailing in like a knight on a white horse, ready to save the day and pick up the pieces by imposing Single Payer on the country. As planned.


No, single payer won't happen. That wasn't the plan. If you think that's the plan, then you know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about how health insurance companies operate.

If O-care crashes and burns, the insurers will come back in with new higher rates/ premiums and skimpier, shittier policies than before. They will reinvigorate their ability to rescind, cancel and deny claims. And blame it on the "debacle" that O-care caused and so it's not their fault. THAT, my friend, was their plan and it looks like it's working.

And so we will go from 37th in the world in a viable health care system to probably around 50th or so, if the World Health Organization's country rankings are correct. And they are.

Dude, the people that were clueless about how health insurance operates are the Progressives that wrote the legislation for ObamaCare. The reason you're about to see a death spiral on this mess is BECAUSE Barry, Harry and Nancy are idiots...not because of anything the insurance companies did or didn't do.

Dudette, how can that be if no one knows what was in the bill, as everyone complained?

The big insurance companies were in control of this all along, and as is being witnessed, not anyone's opinion, they are comin' up roses.....as planned. Television, print and internet are alive with all new advertising campaigns for direct health insurance from the biggies: Aetna, CIGNA, Humana, UnitedHC, etc. Not a coincidence.

Obama et al. were not in a position to get what this country needs, single payer, because the insurance companies and banks are the biggest contributors to both the Dems AND the Republicans. Check it out: votesmart.org

And then ask yourself this question: What industry continued to thrive during the Great Depression. Three guesses.
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Of course single payer is the goal.

Personally I can't see how anyone would want the Govt running HC.

Good Gawd. The Govt has never run anything cheaply or well.

The Govt that turns everything in to red tape and mountains of paperwork running HC for 300 million Americans??

Talk about a trainwreck.
No, single payer won't happen. That wasn't the plan. If you think that's the plan, then you know abso-fucking-lutely nothing about how health insurance companies operate.

If O-care crashes and burns, the insurers will come back in with new higher rates/ premiums and skimpier, shittier policies than before. They will reinvigorate their ability to rescind, cancel and deny claims. And blame it on the "debacle" that O-care caused and so it's not their fault. THAT, my friend, was their plan and it looks like it's working.

And so we will go from 37th in the world in a viable health care system to probably around 50th or so, if the World Health Organization's country rankings are correct. And they are.

Dude, the people that were clueless about how health insurance operates are the Progressives that wrote the legislation for ObamaCare. The reason you're about to see a death spiral on this mess is BECAUSE Barry, Harry and Nancy are idiots...not because of anything the insurance companies did or didn't do.

Dudette, how can that be if no one knows what was in the bill, as everyone complained?

The big insurance companies were in control of this all along, and as is being witnessed, not anyone's opinion, they are comin' up roses.....as planned. Television, print and internet are alive with all new advertising campaigns for direct health insurance from the biggies: Aetna, CIGNA, Humana, UnitedHC, etc. Not a coincidence.

Obama et al. were not in a position to get what this country needs, single payer, because the insurance companies and banks are the biggest contributors to both the Dems AND the Republicans. Check it out: votesmart.org

And then ask yourself this question: What industry continued to thrive during the Great Depression. Three guesses.

That is such a crock! This legislation was written by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...behind locked doors and without any Republican input. Those two OWN this. They wrote this joke and now that it's floundering horribly they are desperately trying to reflect blame elsewhere.
That is such a crock! This legislation was written by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...behind locked doors and without any Republican input.

I was just saying in another topic many of the posters here have the memory retention of goldfish. Thank you for making my point.

The fighting over the ACA took place over many months. It was not written overnight behind locked doors.

No Republican input? Are you a really that ignorant? The GOP offered over a hundred amendments to it. Some passed, most didn't.

And if it was being kept behind locked doors, how did the GOP know what amendments to write for it?

You poor sap. You are drinking someone's piss rather than looking out the window at reality.
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You can contact a local health insurance broker, and ask them if they can help you get a HIPAA policy. This is normally what a health insurance broker DOES.
You can still buy health insurance from a private company.

What is a "HIPAA" policy?

I deal with Medicare in my business everyday and over 17,000 times a day medicare providers use my service.
I've yet to find a "HIPAA" policy though.

Obviously you don't know what the 1996 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was about do you?
For example do you know that ALL health providers and insurance companies must transact all their documents via EDI transaction sets... EXCEPT Medicare!

HIPAA cost to the health care industry has been estimated to cost U.S. hospitals $8,300,000,000 a year!
HIPAA rules, outdated tech cost U.S. hospitals $8.3B a year - Computerworld
That is such a crock! This legislation was written by Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi...behind locked doors and without any Republican input.

I was just saying in another topic many of the posters here have the memory retention of goldfish. Thank you for making my point.

The fighting over the ACA took place over many months. It was not written overnight behind locked doors.

No Republican input? Are you a really that ignorant? The GOP offered over a hundred amendments to it. Some passed, most didn't.

And if it was being kept behind locked doors, how did the GOP know what amendments to write for it?

You poor sap. You are drinking someone's piss rather than looking out the window at reality.

I said it was written by Pelosi and Reid behind locked doors. Yes, there were some minor GOP amendments added before Pelosi and Reid slammed the door on more being considered but most of those were "technical" in nature and allowed by Democrats so that they could claim it was a "bipartisan" bill. My point remains that the ACA remains Pelosi and Reid's "creature" and THEY and the Democrats are solely responsible for it.

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