Has there been any rioting, looting, violence and unrest in any Republican run cities?

I too would like harsh penalties for all rioters destroyers of others property I just believe if the cops who murder weren't treated with kid gloves rioting would end.....and the only union repubs like is the cops union

48 police officers were killed last year, another 31 so far this year. How many blacks have been killed by police in questionable shootings 5?
Murder is murder Anyone including cops who commit murder should pay Cops are protected by their union

Thugs kill more cops than cops kill thugs acknowledge this fact or you are FAKE NEWS.
I too would like harsh penalties for all rioters destroyers of others property I just believe if the cops who murder weren't treated with kid gloves rioting would end.....and the only union repubs like is the cops union

48 police officers were killed last year, another 31 so far this year. How many blacks have been killed by police in questionable shootings 5?
Murder is murder Anyone including cops who commit murder should pay Cops are protected by their union

Thugs kill more cops than cops kill thugs acknowledge this fact or you are FAKE NEWS.

The person who was shot did not die.

And apparently was armed.

Fake news strike again.
I too would like harsh penalties for all rioters destroyers of others property I just believe if the cops who murder weren't treated with kid gloves rioting would end.....and the only union repubs like is the cops union

48 police officers were killed last year, another 31 so far this year. How many blacks have been killed by police in questionable shootings 5?
Murder is murder Anyone including cops who commit murder should pay Cops are protected by their union

Thugs kill more cops than cops kill thugs acknowledge this fact or you are FAKE NEWS.

The person who was shot did not die.

And apparently was armed.

Fake news strike again.

Look if these thugs obeyed the law and behaved themselves we wouldn't even need police forces. A police officer should risk their life leaving their wife and kids without a father when dealing with thugs, why? So the left are not offended? Where's the outrage for the innocent people these thugs prey on and murder??
Why or why not?
How will that resonate with voters?
How many within the electorate will vote in favor of bottom feeding illiterate thugs making the rules, lawlessness, civil disobedience, rioting, looting, burning down businesses, angry thugs terrorizing working class neighborhoods?
Which major cities are run by Republicans and have there been any whites shooting blacks in those cities?

It's mostly the blacks that shoot blacks... and whites.
The rioting is taking place because of police shootings. I don't know why the police don't use the tazer when close enough. Obviously the person who gets shot has antagonized the police and is asking for a reaction by doing that.
They make it appear that the person who got shot was just minding his/her own business and that is not the case.

Talk about a non-point.

Why don't the blacks stop shooting people? They shoot way more people than the cops ever could. Innocent ones as well.

Another simple comment to an already complex issue.

And all you offer is nothing. Thanks.
Another of Trump's dummies who has little or no sense.

If there is one thing most people here know about me, is I don't support people like Trump or Biden. I don't believe in voting for dumb or dumber.
Has anyone reported on why the guy went around to the drivers side of the car? Was he trying to leave, was he going for a gun? I have yet to hear an explanation, I may have just missed it.

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