Has Trump Beaten the GOP Establishment's Roadmap for a Jeb Bush Coronation?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The GOP Roadmap to Bush the Weaker's coronation is here:

GOPe 2016 Road Map To Victory - Tree House Challenge...

"In a very general sense the broad construct begins around a very specific premise: The GOPe knew they would need to devise a strategy to elect Jeb Bush with around 15 – 25% of the primary vote, depending on the state – through the first nine calendar primary races. [Dixie states at the low end, and New England states at higher thresholds.]

If we were accurate in our hypothesis, which was actually based on their previous 2012 strategy to elect Mitt Romney, the 2014 mid-term visible GOP primary spending on incumbents, and alignments within the hierarchy of the Republican establishment – then we assume there would be two essential candidates:

Jeb Bush being candidate one, and Not-Jeb-Bush being the other.

This approach makes winning a matter of math, not ideology. The Sum of the Jeb Bush vote must be greater than any individual part within the Not-Jeb vote. That approach guarantee’s Jeb victory with far less than majority voter support."

But it appears that Trump, despite spending less than two million on the nomination so far, has demolished the 'fractured base' strategy the establishment has been pursuing.

And he did it in a shoe string budget, eclipsing all his rivals in media coverage and capturing the imagination and support of most of the GOP rank and file.

SMOKING GUN: GOP Establishment Strategy to Nominate Bush by Flooding Race With Candidates Exposed | Restoring Liberty

"In every single poll, in every single key primary state where the RNC/GOPe changed the party rules, changed the primary calender and changed proportional or WTA assignments, if it were not for Donald Trump, you would see the GOPe road map achieving exactly the outcomes it needs to be successful....

Donald Trump has FUBAR’d their entire plan. This is why there is such vitriol targeted toward Donald Trump.

Unfortunately, this also means if they take out Donald Trump the GOPe road map gets back on course.

Worse yet, as we have just pointed out, highlighted and shown, if the GOPe plan gets back on course, voting for Walker, Cruz or (__fill_in_the_blank__) won’t make a bit of difference…..

…. because the entire road map was designed to deliver this:(Bush vrs Clinton pic)"

Trump does seem to have FUBARed the GOP establishments roadmap to victory for Jebba the Bush, and it does appear that only Trump can win this nomination and keep Bush from taking it.

I think I am going to switch to Trump despite his crudity and squishiness on a few symbolic conservative issues.
The key factor is this: 75% of Republicans DON'T want DT as their nominee. The ultimate result depends on how quickly the attrition takes place. In a large field with the non-DT voters divided, Trump's candidacy looks like a juggernaut. If it were DT vs Jeb or DT vs Scott or DT vs Marco, DT would lose badly in each case.

The perverse thing is, the Dem-affiliated MSM PRETENDS to abhor DT, but they continually keep him in the spotlight, which keeps him on top because it makes the others almost invisible. Further, he is getting better at providing politically-acceptable responses to difficult questions, which can only help him going forward.

The American people have finally realized, I think, that the gap between the Political Class and the American population is much greater than the gap between Democrat and Republican. Regardless of which party people are affiliated with, people who are not party-fanatics want someone who does not appear to be a part of the Political Class. Ergo, Donald Trump and that old bastard from New England appear to be generating the most enthusiastic support.

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