Has Ukraine shot itself in the foot?

The conclusion to an investigation into MH-17, the shot down of the commercial airliner over Ukraine is being blocked by Russia.

Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Greetings to all!
I've been continuing to monitor the alternative investigation of MH-17 catastrophe (another one event-X after 9/11) and I've got something NEW for you... MH17Coverup on Twitter

You are trying very hard to deflect away from where the main focus of this topic has been and needs to stay. Extensive investigations have culminated in the need to call witnesses to testify in a court or tribunal setting. These witnesses include persons under separatist and Russian control. They are witnesses such as persons who witnessed the Russian BUK in separatist areas of control, the launch, separatist and leaders and Russian intelligence and military personnel who had their communications intercepted and recorded, personnel under Russian control who were first at the crash site and able to search and recover evidence, etc. The only thing stopping such a tribunal hearing evidence and conducting such a procedure is the Russian's blocking of such a tribunal with its position on the UN Security Council. Until such a tribunal is held the investigation is stalled and can go no further. Everything added to this topic at this point is nothing more than speculation, propaganda and conspiracy theory.

A Very large percentage of Ukraine want nothing to do with the European Union, and want to stay Russian as they were born…
They are not Russian born. They were born in Ukraine. If they want to be Russian they can move to Russia.
Na, not really. A very large number of people living in Ukraine right now want nothing to do with the European Union… Fact
How would you know something like that? What do you base that on? When Yanukovich dumped the EU agreement in favor of making an agreement with Russia it caused almost a million people to flood into the capitol in protest for months, day after day, night after night and eventually led to Yanukovich fleeing to Russia and the installing of a new government, which has been supported by Ukrainian voters in several follow-up elections.

Former USSR nations love EU and western culture and products.
The conclusion to an investigation into MH-17, the shot down of the commercial airliner over Ukraine is being blocked by Russia.

Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The conclusion to an investigation into MH-17, the shot down of the commercial airliner over Ukraine is being blocked by Russia.

Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?
The conclusion to an investigation into MH-17, the shot down of the commercial airliner over Ukraine is being blocked by Russia.

Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

The conclusion to an investigation into MH-17, the shot down of the commercial airliner over Ukraine is being blocked by Russia.

Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shoOt down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explanation. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?
Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shot down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explaination. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?

Trying to get a thoughtful reply out of these degenerates is not unlike trying to squeeze water out of a rock. It's just not in their constitution.
Fake news.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shoOt down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explanation. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?
Do you really believe Russia can get a fair hearing from the UN?
Gipper & Rustic sound like Putin trolls working out of St. Petersburg.
Stratford probably knows them.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shot down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explaination. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?

Trying to get a thoughtful reply out of these degenerates is not unlike trying to squeeze water out of a rock. It's just not in their constitution.
I understand that, but response are a conduit to other readers reading the thread and interested in the topic.
How the hell is that fake news? What is fake about it?

Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shoOt down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explanation. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?
Do you really believe Russia can get a fair hearing from the UN?
Why not? A conclusion in Russia's favor can not be made without questioning those connected and witnesses to the incident in a legal setting.
Greetings to all!
I've been continuing to monitor the alternative investigation of MH-17 catastrophe (another one event-X after 9/11) and I've got something NEW for you... MH17Coverup on Twitter

You are trying very hard to deflect away from where the main focus of this topic has been and needs to stay. Extensive investigations have culminated in the need to call witnesses to testify in a court or tribunal setting. These witnesses include persons under separatist and Russian control. They are witnesses such as persons who witnessed the Russian BUK in separatist areas of control, the launch, separatist and leaders and Russian intelligence and military personnel who had their communications intercepted and recorded, personnel under Russian control who were first at the crash site and able to search and recover evidence, etc. The only thing stopping such a tribunal hearing evidence and conducting such a procedure is the Russian's blocking of such a tribunal with its position on the UN Security Council. Until such a tribunal is held the investigation is stalled and can go no further. Everything added to this topic at this point is nothing more than speculation, propaganda and conspiracy theory.

A Very large percentage of Ukraine want nothing to do with the European Union, and want to stay Russian as they were born…
They are not Russian born. They were born in Ukraine. If they want to be Russian they can move to Russia.
Na, not really. A very large number of people living in Ukraine right now want nothing to do with the European Union… Fact
How would you know something like that? What do you base that on? When Yanukovich dumped the EU agreement in favor of making an agreement with Russia it caused almost a million people to flood into the capitol in protest for months, day after day, night after night and eventually led to Yanukovich fleeing to Russia and the installing of a new government, which has been supported by Ukrainian voters in several follow-up elections.

Former USSR nations love EU and western culture and products.

The economy is in the shitter big time because the EU quotas are killing businesses in the Ukraine.

Why Ukraine needs Russia more than ever

Business Day
Ukrainian Farmers, Poised for Growth, Stumble After E.U. Deal

You must not be old enough to remember the Russians shooting down the Korean airliner that got too close to Russian territory.

There was no Russia, the state was called Soviet Union, and the plane was shot by the Soviets because it was WITHIN the Soviet territory and because it refused to obey the commands.

Any foreign plane within the American territory will be shot in these circcumstances.

You are either too old, because you mixed up the facts, or too young, because you know the story from the lying media.
Greetings to all!
I've been continuing to monitor the alternative investigation of MH-17 catastrophe (another one event-X after 9/11) and I've got something NEW for you... MH17Coverup on Twitter
On Twitter?
Is your "info" from Trump, or Putin's FSB?
What's your interest/motive with this MH-17 investigation by the Dutch?
Do you work for Putin?
Yeah, I'm special agent of KGB, tovarisch!!!)))
Gripper and other brainless Turmpsters have taken a much more expansive view of "fake news"...it now includes any story they don't happen to like and evoking the term proves conclusively they are correct and you are wrong.
Foolish me, I thought using a foreign news source would take the story out of the MSM realm. I guess the BBC is now part of the vast media conspiracy.
The BBC has a long track record of promoting statism and leftism. How could you not know that?

It's an article about how Russia vetoed a vote in the UN Security Council for a tribunal to hear evidence about the shot down of a commercial airliner over Ukraine. You claimed it was fake news. You were asked why you claimed it was fake news. So far you have not had a coherent or reasonable explaination. All you gave is the generic answer of the source being "statism" and "leftism". Even if true, how does that refute the facts contained in the article? A proposal to hold a UN Tribunal was made at the UN Security Council. Eleven members voted for it. Russia vetoed it. Now try again. How is that fake news, no matter who reports it? Is the part about a UN Security Council having a vote to have a tribunal hear the MH-17 crash a fake report? Is the claim that 11 members voted for it a fake report? What about the Russian veto? Is the report about Russia vetoing the resolution fake?

Trying to get a thoughtful reply out of these degenerates is not unlike trying to squeeze water out of a rock. It's just not in their constitution.
I understand that, but response are a conduit to other readers reading the thread and interested in the topic.
OK, man, your opinion is interesting. But! Something seems off... We can start tribunal only AFTER the end of investigation. Don't you remember Miloshevich? It is apeeared that he was innocent! And about investigation... U are talking about names, persons, who should be questioned by JIT, yeah? But WHO are these persons? Why JIT doesn't say to Russia - OK, guys, we need him,him and him for some questions?
Instead of it JIT claims: Russia is guilty!
Moscow: WHY???
Moscow: WHAT names and persons???
JIT: We'll tell you next year!
Moscow: WTF???
Greetings to all!
I've been continuing to monitor the alternative investigation of MH-17 catastrophe (another one event-X after 9/11) and I've got something NEW for you... MH17Coverup on Twitter
On Twitter?
Is your "info" from Trump, or Putin's FSB?
What's your interest/motive with this MH-17 investigation by the Dutch?
Do you work for Putin?
Yeah, I'm special agent of KGB, tovarisch!!!)))
Yeah, you act like an FSB troll.
You deflected your motive for the OP.

Did you participate in getting Sergei Mikhailov arrested for bogus "treason" charges because you were jealous or pissed at him?
Greetings to all!
I've been continuing to monitor the alternative investigation of MH-17 catastrophe (another one event-X after 9/11) and I've got something NEW for you... MH17Coverup on Twitter
On Twitter?
Is your "info" from Trump, or Putin's FSB?
What's your interest/motive with this MH-17 investigation by the Dutch?
Do you work for Putin?
Yeah, I'm special agent of KGB, tovarisch!!!)))
Yeah, you act like an FSB troll.
You deflected your motive for the OP.

Did you participate in getting Sergei Mikhailov arrested for bogus "treason" charges because you were jealous or pissed at him?


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