"Hate" is Disagreeing With the Left

Oh gee, one post you made just the other day out of 95,000 posts where the GOP just happened to agree with your agenda for health reform.

Damn, that practically puts you right up the middle, doesn't it?! :auiqs.jpg:
As I predicted.

And you must have missed the thousands of posts I've made about the Regressive Left: Search results for query: regressive left, Search results for query: illiberal authoritarian

You won't have the balls to read those, because you're a liar with no honor. Dismissed.

This is why I no longer bother.
As I predicted.
You must be damn near a genius, huh?

You won't have the balls to read those, because you're a liar with no honor.
Nope. I just go by what I see at random when I cross one of your posts, at least when I COULD see them and didn't have you on IGNORE.

So far I'd say it has been about:
  • 500 pro democrat, pro socialism posts.
  • 1 post saying the GOP finally got something right in wanting to advance socialized medicine.
Yep. You are right down the middle! :lmao:
You must be damn near a genius, huh?

Nope. I just go by what I see at random when I cross one of your posts, at least when I COULD see them and didn't have you on IGNORE.

So far I'd say it has been about:
  • 500 pro democrat, pro socialism posts.
  • 1 post saying the GOP finally got something right in wanting to advance socialized medicine.
Yep. You are right down the middle! :lmao:
Who said I'm "right down the middle"?

I think you're not well.
And Republicans aren't like that. They have "morals".

Sure, okay.

Did I say that all republicans are innocent little angels? I didn't even say all democrats are liars I said most all. Honestly man, you really need to learn how to read. :rolleyes:
But apparently, calling your opponent's views, "hate" or "privileged" or "supremacist" is fine as long as you're Democrat.

She pretty much makes her opponent's case

She sounds positively unhinged. And her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Especially that sticky smacking sound.
Leftist are fascist and can't stand debate or free thought. They'll use violence to silence you at every turn.



Don't think the left would piss on a Trump flag, let alone buy one.
But apparently, calling your opponent's views, "hate" or "privileged" or "supremacist" is fine as long as you're Democrat.

She pretty much makes her opponent's case

That's been the case for quite a while. One set of rules for them and another set for everyone else.
And now, of course, it's gone far beyond even that.

You are "evil", you are of "Satan". Like Jihadis would say.
Meh... I was calling progs stupid and evil long before it was politically incorrect to do so. :p

I was also one of the first to call out the slimy Neo-Cons. Made me very unpopular with the righties.

But look what happened. Now, no one will admit to ever being a Neo-Con. Not even Liz Cheney.

Pretty soon the same will be true for progressives.

Just like the Neo-Cons, their very name is an oxymoron
Y-A-W-N. Calling anyone who disagrees with you, "groomer", "woke", "un-American", etc, etc, etc....
We don't call anyone we disagree with a groomer---we call groomers targeting kids to manipulate them sexually GROOMERs---because that is what they are.

Same goes with the woke a-holes nonsense---manipulated and manipulative people trying to play the race and gay card for power and money are indeed woke assholes.
Meh... I was calling progs stupid and evil long before it was politically incorrect to do so. :p

I was also one of the first to call out the slimy Neo-Cons. Made me very unpopular with the righties.

But look what happened. Now, no one will admit to ever being a Neo-Con. Not even Liz Cheney.

Pretty soon the same will be true for progressives.

Just like the Neo-Cons, their very name is an oxymoron
I know. Obedient Trumpsters are much smarter, more accurately informed and far more moral than the rest of us.

We have long since established that fact.
I know. Obedient Trumpsters are much smarter, more accurately informed and far more moral than the rest of us.

We have long since established that fact.
Trumpeters are genuine conservatives, as distinct from the Neo-Cons who were fundamentally war mongering liberals.

The regressives are an aberration too, they're racist authoritarian liberals, a combination that's never supposed to happen. Progtards are exactly like Neo-Cons, they're the Democratic party version.

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