Hate Speech Laws Are Wrecking Europe

The behavior of the government in Rotherham says otherwise.
Is this the town where rapists were tried and convicted and jailed. And there have been several public enquiries to get to the root of what went wrong ?
I dont think it invalidates anything I have written.
Neither do you or you would have tackled it directly rather than having another tired swipe.

It took 16 years before the local government was able to bring itself to admit that there was an "Asian" rape ring operating and to deal with it effectively.

"Because the majority of perpetrators were Asian of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] One Home Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns with senior police officers in 2002 about the level of abuse, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32]"

2002. If that researcher was not stopped by Political Correctness, that ring could have been stopped ELEVEN YEARS EARLIER.

That would have resulted in the protection from rape, abuse and torture of literally hundreds of young girls.

This example of government malfeasance invalidates EVERYTHING you have said.

YOu focus on the fact that these specific criminals were eventually arrested.

The causes of this disaster, ie Third World Immigration and Political Correctness have not been addressed, let alone reversed.
But you are just the flip side of "political correctness". You condemn a whole faith for the actions of a few. Your views are simplistic and ignorant.

THe actions of your ideological ilk in Rotherham and other British cities shows that you are not to be trusted to say what is "racist".

Calling my views "simplistic" does not mean they are not correct.

My views would have saved 1400 British children from rape and torture and forced prostitution.

Calling my views "ignorant" is incorrect.

I can see that importing a culture with a medieval view of women would lead to problems with the men of that culture dealing with females of OUR culture.

It is you and yours who were "ignorant" of that painfully obvious fact.

AND you still "ignore" the role of POlitical Correctness" in the scandal.

Indeed, you seem to be willfully "ignorant" of it.
Anytime speech is restricted it doesn't end well

Restricting speech restricts the free flow of information pretty soon the only speech that will be legal is what the government wants

It's the modern day equivalent to heresy laws of the dark ages
No, its about trying to live together in a tolerant and respectful society.

One mans personal beliefs should not over-ride another mans right to live in a safe and respectful way.

If people cant offer a service to all of society then they should not be in business. Its deeply offensive to suggest that I can pick and choose my customers based on colour or sex or religion or sexuality.

My "right" becomes their oppression.

If we all respect our differences we can get along just nicely.

A society that gags people is not a tolerant one

Intolerance in the name of tolerance is still intolerance
No you are wrong.

If I say that some muslims have done bad things. I have a right to say that because it is grounded in facts that support it. That is legal and acceptable.

However if I say that ALL muslims are rapists intent on jihad that is another matter. It is based on prejudice and not facts. The effect of it is to create division and fear that will lead to violence. Where is the right to spread hate and lies taken from ?

You have a right to say and think whatever you want.
Even if it is untrue

If someone disagrees with you they have the right to say and think whatever they want

You do not promote freedom with one hand and slap a gag on someone with the other

Censorship and freedom cannot coexist
Ok, thats an interesting take. Might be linked to the fact that you are killing each other every day.

I never killed anyone and obviously no one ever killed me.

If you want to see killing try heading to the Islamic world where uttering the wrong thing under your breath will get you killed

Like I said censorship and freedom cannot coexist
The behavior of the government in Rotherham says otherwise.
Is this the town where rapists were tried and convicted and jailed. And there have been several public enquiries to get to the root of what went wrong ?
I dont think it invalidates anything I have written.
Neither do you or you would have tackled it directly rather than having another tired swipe.

It took 16 years before the local government was able to bring itself to admit that there was an "Asian" rape ring operating and to deal with it effectively.

"Because the majority of perpetrators were Asian of Pakistani heritage, several council staff described themselves as being nervous about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others, the report noted, "remembered clear direction from their managers" not to make such identification.[31] One Home Office researcher, attempting to raise concerns with senior police officers in 2002 about the level of abuse, was told not to do so again, and was subsequently suspended and sidelined.[32]"

2002. If that researcher was not stopped by Political Correctness, that ring could have been stopped ELEVEN YEARS EARLIER.

That would have resulted in the protection from rape, abuse and torture of literally hundreds of young girls.

This example of government malfeasance invalidates EVERYTHING you have said.

YOu focus on the fact that these specific criminals were eventually arrested.

The causes of this disaster, ie Third World Immigration and Political Correctness have not been addressed, let alone reversed.
But you are just the flip side of "political correctness". You condemn a whole faith for the actions of a few. Your views are simplistic and ignorant.

THe actions of your ideological ilk in Rotherham and other British cities shows that you are not to be trusted to say what is "racist".

Calling my views "simplistic" does not mean they are not correct.

My views would have saved 1400 British children from rape and torture and forced prostitution.

Calling my views "ignorant" is incorrect.

I can see that importing a culture with a medieval view of women would lead to problems with the men of that culture dealing with females of OUR culture.

It is you and yours who were "ignorant" of that painfully obvious fact.

AND you still "ignore" the role of POlitical Correctness" in the scandal.

Indeed, you seem to be willfully "ignorant" of it.
See, once again you blame the actions of a few on to a "culture" of billions. That simple action invalidates anything else you have to say. How can you be taken seriously ?

Presented with the human cost of your lefty policies and you would rather attack the messenger than deal honesty with it.

THe fact that I note the cultural aspect of these horrible atrocities does NOT invalidate anything I say.

The fact that your Political Correctness resulted in these horrible crimes DOES invalidate your credibility.

Has it occurred to you that these massive Rape Rings are the tip of the Ice Berg?
Thats not the case is it ? I will point out the absurdity in many of the attacks. Is it my exercise of free speech that upsets you ?

If anybody should be upset, it should be the children and grandchildren of that silly looking man there in your avatar with the particularly poor fashion sense.

He will not live long enough to witness the final nail in the coffin of European civilization, but future generations will thanks to all the Quislings doing their part to pave the way for Islamic conquest.
I don't suppose having laws about civil discouse actually creates civil discourse. I think it's more connected to how things escalate through speech. We have great examples here on the forum.

The Hate Speech Laws are only part of the problem.

The problem is that it inhibits or suppresses honest discussion of real problems.

Actually it allows for more open and frank discussions of real problems as they are not clouded by lies. This is why the muslims don't like it as they have to respond to the truth about themselves and islam. This is shown when they threaten violence if the truth is told. as in the film fitnah that is based on the koran and Islamic teachings.

So we know how far we can go and just what we can say making it harder for morons to make the claims of hate speech that they do. We just tell them to report it to the police and have us arrested, not many people have been arrested to date have they
I don't suppose having laws about civil discouse actually creates civil discourse. I think it's more connected to how things escalate through speech. We have great examples here on the forum.

The Hate Speech Laws are only part of the problem.

The problem is that it inhibits or suppresses honest discussion of real problems.

Actually it allows for more open and frank discussions of real problems as they are not clouded by lies. This is why the muslims don't like it as they have to respond to the truth about themselves and islam. This is shown when they threaten violence if the truth is told. as in the film fitnah that is based on the koran and Islamic teachings.

So we know how far we can go and just what we can say making it harder for morons to make the claims of hate speech that they do. We just tell them to report it to the police and have us arrested, not many people have been arrested to date have they

Where and when has there been an Open and Frank discussion of real problems that touch in ANY conceivable way to any traditionally disadvantaged group?
No, its about trying to live together in a tolerant and respectful society.

Such as all those tolerant and respectful Muslim rape gangs you always defend?

It takes a special kind of idiocy to promote such enormous double standards that one group has to be tolerant of anything and everything while another group has no need to be tolerant of anything at all.
Yes, thats an amazing interpretation of what I said. Are you on drugs ?

But it is right on the head isn't it, like all neo Marxist morons you demand that the migrants be given it all and the indigenous pay for the privilege. Are you denying that the rape gangs acted in your name now, and that you have not tried to whitewash the seriousness of the problem because it shows how deep the rot has set in.
I don't suppose having laws about civil discouse actually creates civil discourse. I think it's more connected to how things escalate through speech. We have great examples here on the forum.

The Hate Speech Laws are only part of the problem.

The problem is that it inhibits or suppresses honest discussion of real problems.

Actually it allows for more open and frank discussions of real problems as they are not clouded by lies. This is why the muslims don't like it as they have to respond to the truth about themselves and islam. This is shown when they threaten violence if the truth is told. as in the film fitnah that is based on the koran and Islamic teachings.

So we know how far we can go and just what we can say making it harder for morons to make the claims of hate speech that they do. We just tell them to report it to the police and have us arrested, not many people have been arrested to date have they

Where and when has there been an Open and Frank discussion of real problems that touch in ANY conceivable way to any traditionally disadvantaged group?

Quite a few times and the looney left always come up with the same thing, we don't debate with Nazis/fascists/insert name of choice. The reason being that they will lose the argument every time because they don't have any evidence to support their claims. With the immigrants it is the facts they don't want making public knowledge so try and refuse open debate as much as possible. Like with the nationwide muslim child sex scandal where the Labour government tried to threaten people with legal action if they went public in regards to the scandal as it would have brought the government down sooner than they wanted.
So I can go up to any American and proclaim loudly that I have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies and they cant do a thing about it. According to you such hate speech is allowed and it is no wonder America has gone down the pan and why you are seen as a nation of ambulance chasers

With the basket case that your country and continent has become, you are in no position to criticize any other. while America has been entirely too tolerant of Islam, resulting in SOME serious terrorism and Islamization, it is nowhere near as bad as the UK< France, et al. in Europe. Like I said, you are grossly uninformed, and in a state of not knowing how much you don't know.

You are apparently so lost in the woods of liberal media information deprivation, that even after the OP and my responses to you, you still don't get it that the banning of what your nutty country (et al in Europe) define to be "hate speech", (much of which is AKA TRUTH), has resulted in your people being killed, raped, beaten, sued, and various other atrocities. You need to read more > outside the liberal spectrum. Read Baby! Read!

PS - in addition to your dumb hate speech laws, you gun control laws are just as bad. In England when 2 jihadists killed a British soldier (Lee Rigby) helpless, unarmed Brits stood around watch the jihadists rant and wave bloody knives, until finally, some time later armed police came around to arrest them. In contrast, when 2 jihadists tried to attack a meeting of people in a draw Mohammed contest in Garland, Texas, they were shot dead right on the spot. No innocent Americans were even injured.

At this point, the only question becomes how long will it be when we will have to go over there again and rescue you guys from the Islamofascist lunatics, whom you allow to run roughshod all over you.

To answer your first question, yes, you could go up to any American, and proclaim loudly that you have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies, but to say they cant do a thing about it", isn't entirely accurate. If the statement is untrue, and they suffer any damages as a result, they could sue you for slander, and to avoid having a whale of a judgement placed against you, you would have to prove what you said.

In general, if you accuse, the burden of proof is on you. In the US, an accused person is considered innocent until such time that his accuser proves him to be guilty (as it should be)
No, its about trying to live together in a tolerant and respectful society.
One mans personal beliefs should not over-ride another mans right to live in a safe and respectful way.

If people cant offer a service to all of society then they should not be in business. Its deeply offensive to suggest that I can pick and choose my customers based on colour or sex or religion or sexuality.

My "right" becomes their oppression.

If we all respect our differences we can get along just nicely.
FALSE! Respecting some differences of culture, is equivalent to allow DISrespect of your own culture. Respecting Islam is respecting Islamic supremacism, mass murder, mass genocide (against non-Muslims), wife-beating, enormous sex discrimination against women, rape, pedophilia, slavery, animal cruelty, totalitarianism, etc (all ILLEGAL under US laws). To respect Islam is to respect criminality. Have you ever heard of "sedition" ? Do you recommend trying to live together tolerantly and respectfully to seditionists of your society ? (noting that in most of Europe, they do just that)
I respect religious traditions equally. I don't respect evil acts committed by ANY human beings regardless of religious persuasion
The European nation reached an agreement with Facebook, Twitter and Google to remove hate speech from the Internet within 24 hours of it being reported, according to reports from the Associated Press and AFP. Under the agreement, it will be easier for anti-racism groups to flag hate speech on each of the services. The twin reports cited German laws, which ban speech that incites or instigates harmful action. Complaints will be examined by special teams inside the companies that will decide whether the content violates German laws, and not just the terms of use for each site, a German official said. It's unclear exactly how this process will work, who will have final say and if there will be any appeal process. It's also unclear whether posts removed from view in Germany will still be accessible outside the country.

Germany is putting an end to hate speech on the Internet
The European nation reached an agreement with Facebook, Twitter and Google to remove hate speech from the Internet within 24 hours of it being reported, according to reports from the Associated Press and AFP. Under the agreement, it will be easier for anti-racism groups to flag hate speech on each of the services. The twin reports cited German laws, which ban speech that incites or instigates harmful action. Complaints will be examined by special teams inside the companies that will decide whether the content violates German laws, and not just the terms of use for each site, a German official said. It's unclear exactly how this process will work, who will have final say and if there will be any appeal process. It's also unclear whether posts removed from view in Germany will still be accessible outside the country.

Germany is putting an end to hate speech on the Internet
So Germany is going to ban the Koran on the internet ? (AKA the "book of hate")
No you are wrong.

If I say that some muslims have done bad things. I have a right to say that because it is grounded in facts that support it. That is legal and acceptable.

However if I say that ALL muslims are rapists intent on jihad that is another matter. It is based on prejudice and not facts. The effect of it is to create division and fear that will lead to violence. Where is the right to spread hate and lies taken from ?
1. But if you say that Islam (ie. the Koran) advocates rape, THAT is a fact. (Koran 4:24, 23: 1-6, 70:29-30, 2;223)

Rape in Islam - WikiIslam

2. In all of world history, there is no greater spread of hate, than the spread of Islam and its Koran.

Are the European hate speech police clamping down on the hate speech of the Koran ?
So I can go up to any American and proclaim loudly that I have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies and they cant do a thing about it. According to you such hate speech is allowed and it is no wonder America has gone down the pan and why you are seen as a nation of ambulance chasers

With the basket case that your country and continent has become, you are in no position to criticize any other. while America has been entirely too tolerant of Islam, resulting in SOME serious terrorism and Islamization, it is nowhere near as bad as the UK< France, et al. in Europe. Like I said, you are grossly uninformed, and in a state of not knowing how much you don't know.

You are apparently so lost in the woods of liberal media information deprivation, that even after the OP and my responses to you, you still don't get it that the banning of what your nutty country (et al in Europe) define to be "hate speech", (much of which is AKA TRUTH), has resulted in your people being killed, raped, beaten, sued, and various other atrocities. You need to read more > outside the liberal spectrum. Read Baby! Read!

PS - in addition to your dumb hate speech laws, you gun control laws are just as bad. In England when 2 jihadists killed a British soldier (Lee Rigby) helpless, unarmed Brits stood around watch the jihadists rant and wave bloody knives, until finally, some time later armed police came around to arrest them. In contrast, when 2 jihadists tried to attack a meeting of people in a draw Mohammed contest in Garland, Texas, they were shot dead right on the spot. No innocent Americans were even injured.

At this point, the only question becomes how long will it be when we will have to go over there again and rescue you guys from the Islamofascist lunatics, whom you allow to run roughshod all over you.

To answer your first question, yes, you could go up to any American, and proclaim loudly that you have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies, but to say they cant do a thing about it", isn't entirely accurate. If the statement is untrue, and they suffer any damages as a result, they could sue you for slander, and to avoid having a whale of a judgement placed against you, you would have to prove what you said.

In general, if you accuse, the burden of proof is on you. In the US, an accused person is considered innocent until such time that his accuser proves him to be guilty (as it should be)

The fact that I can see with my own two eyes the extent that islam has infiltrated into the UK is enough for me. It is not hate speech to tell the world how far it is embedded, who it sleeps with and what it teaches as Islamic law and culture. What is hate speech is inciting violence against muslims based on lies and propaganda. So I cant say that the WTC was bombed from inside by muslims and that they are planning to do the same to the Gherkin in canary wharf as that would be a lie. Nor could I say that the London transport bombings were carried out by Mossad and the blame put on muslims as that would also be a lie.

By the way so many Americans love our gun control laws as they feel so much safer knowing that having an illegal gun will result in being sent to prison for a long time. The criminals also know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them. How many unarmed innocent people are killed in the US by cops every day, how many riots by blacks, Hispanics, muslims etc. will it take before you take action against the dregs of US society that are going round killing all and sundry because of your convoluted laws. Claiming this or that amendment as defence for their crimes and as a consequence going free to kill again. Don't be a crab by telling your children to walk straight when you cant
So I can go up to any American and proclaim loudly that I have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies and they cant do a thing about it. According to you such hate speech is allowed and it is no wonder America has gone down the pan and why you are seen as a nation of ambulance chasers

With the basket case that your country and continent has become, you are in no position to criticize any other. while America has been entirely too tolerant of Islam, resulting in SOME serious terrorism and Islamization, it is nowhere near as bad as the UK< France, et al. in Europe. Like I said, you are grossly uninformed, and in a state of not knowing how much you don't know.

You are apparently so lost in the woods of liberal media information deprivation, that even after the OP and my responses to you, you still don't get it that the banning of what your nutty country (et al in Europe) define to be "hate speech", (much of which is AKA TRUTH), has resulted in your people being killed, raped, beaten, sued, and various other atrocities. You need to read more > outside the liberal spectrum. Read Baby! Read!

PS - in addition to your dumb hate speech laws, you gun control laws are just as bad. In England when 2 jihadists killed a British soldier (Lee Rigby) helpless, unarmed Brits stood around watch the jihadists rant and wave bloody knives, until finally, some time later armed police came around to arrest them. In contrast, when 2 jihadists tried to attack a meeting of people in a draw Mohammed contest in Garland, Texas, they were shot dead right on the spot. No innocent Americans were even injured.

At this point, the only question becomes how long will it be when we will have to go over there again and rescue you guys from the Islamofascist lunatics, whom you allow to run roughshod all over you.

To answer your first question, yes, you could go up to any American, and proclaim loudly that you have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies, but to say they cant do a thing about it", isn't entirely accurate. If the statement is untrue, and they suffer any damages as a result, they could sue you for slander, and to avoid having a whale of a judgement placed against you, you would have to prove what you said.

In general, if you accuse, the burden of proof is on you. In the US, an accused person is considered innocent until such time that his accuser proves him to be guilty (as it should be)

The fact that I can see with my own two eyes the extent that islam has infiltrated into the UK is enough for me. It is not hate speech to tell the world how far it is embedded, who it sleeps with and what it teaches as Islamic law and culture. What is hate speech is inciting violence against muslims based on lies and propaganda. So I cant say that the WTC was bombed from inside by muslims and that they are planning to do the same to the Gherkin in canary wharf as that would be a lie. Nor could I say that the London transport bombings were carried out by Mossad and the blame put on muslims as that would also be a lie.

By the way so many Americans love our gun control laws as they feel so much safer knowing that having an illegal gun will result in being sent to prison for a long time. The criminals also know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them. How many unarmed innocent people are killed in the US by cops every day, how many riots by blacks, Hispanics, muslims etc. will it take before you take action against the dregs of US society that are going round killing all and sundry because of your convoluted laws. Claiming this or that amendment as defence for their crimes and as a consequence going free to kill again. Don't be a crab by telling your children to walk straight when you cant
You are deranged on the gun issue. NO, the criminals most certainly DO NOT "know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them" Exactly the opposite of that is the case. In our American gun-free zones (Ex. the social service bldg where the San Bernardino massacre occured), the criminals know they can go there and shoot up the place, with everyone there unarmed and defenseless, and kill many. Sure they MAY be caught and killed later, but a fat lot of good that is for the 14 people who died in that :lame2:brain gun-free zone (equivalent to your whole country I'd guess)

On the other hand, in places that are not gun-free zones, criminals, terrorists, whoever don't dare step in there lest they get blown to bits, like the 2 jihadist morons in Garland, Texas. With reference to those places, the bad guys heed the words of the World War II Japanese general, who said "The United States can never be invaded. There is a gun behind every blade of grass."

As for what you said about hate speech in the UK, no, there doesn't seem to be any requirement that the speech be inciting violence, as the examples I posted earlier, show.

And I don't know what "convoluted laws" you are referring to. I don't see US criminals paying any attention to any laws, except for those announcing a gun-free zone, thereby giving them a green light to go in there and massacre people.
Maybe those of us in the US can cure Europe's Islamic problem. What's needed is for the poor souls over there to get rid of their hate speech laws, thereby allowing people to speak out against the Muslim invasion/destruction of their societies. But without our help. it doesn't seem to be happening.

Alas, we'll probably have to step in, and be forceful about it. How about this ? >>> We go to the president's houses in UK, France, & Germany, and tell them to dump their ass-clown hate speech laws immediately, or else we unleash on them the full 10 on a scale of 10 punishment. >>>

So I can go up to any American and proclaim loudly that I have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies and they cant do a thing about it. According to you such hate speech is allowed and it is no wonder America has gone down the pan and why you are seen as a nation of ambulance chasers

With the basket case that your country and continent has become, you are in no position to criticize any other. while America has been entirely too tolerant of Islam, resulting in SOME serious terrorism and Islamization, it is nowhere near as bad as the UK< France, et al. in Europe. Like I said, you are grossly uninformed, and in a state of not knowing how much you don't know.

You are apparently so lost in the woods of liberal media information deprivation, that even after the OP and my responses to you, you still don't get it that the banning of what your nutty country (et al in Europe) define to be "hate speech", (much of which is AKA TRUTH), has resulted in your people being killed, raped, beaten, sued, and various other atrocities. You need to read more > outside the liberal spectrum. Read Baby! Read!

PS - in addition to your dumb hate speech laws, you gun control laws are just as bad. In England when 2 jihadists killed a British soldier (Lee Rigby) helpless, unarmed Brits stood around watch the jihadists rant and wave bloody knives, until finally, some time later armed police came around to arrest them. In contrast, when 2 jihadists tried to attack a meeting of people in a draw Mohammed contest in Garland, Texas, they were shot dead right on the spot. No innocent Americans were even injured.

At this point, the only question becomes how long will it be when we will have to go over there again and rescue you guys from the Islamofascist lunatics, whom you allow to run roughshod all over you.

To answer your first question, yes, you could go up to any American, and proclaim loudly that you have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies, but to say they cant do a thing about it", isn't entirely accurate. If the statement is untrue, and they suffer any damages as a result, they could sue you for slander, and to avoid having a whale of a judgement placed against you, you would have to prove what you said.

In general, if you accuse, the burden of proof is on you. In the US, an accused person is considered innocent until such time that his accuser proves him to be guilty (as it should be)

The fact that I can see with my own two eyes the extent that islam has infiltrated into the UK is enough for me. It is not hate speech to tell the world how far it is embedded, who it sleeps with and what it teaches as Islamic law and culture. What is hate speech is inciting violence against muslims based on lies and propaganda. So I cant say that the WTC was bombed from inside by muslims and that they are planning to do the same to the Gherkin in canary wharf as that would be a lie. Nor could I say that the London transport bombings were carried out by Mossad and the blame put on muslims as that would also be a lie.

By the way so many Americans love our gun control laws as they feel so much safer knowing that having an illegal gun will result in being sent to prison for a long time. The criminals also know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them. How many unarmed innocent people are killed in the US by cops every day, how many riots by blacks, Hispanics, muslims etc. will it take before you take action against the dregs of US society that are going round killing all and sundry because of your convoluted laws. Claiming this or that amendment as defence for their crimes and as a consequence going free to kill again. Don't be a crab by telling your children to walk straight when you cant
You are deranged on the gun issue. NO, the criminals most certainly DO NOT "know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them" Exactly the opposite of that is the case. In our American gun-free zones (Ex. the social service bldg where the San Bernardino massacre occured), the criminals know they can go there and shoot up the place, with everyone there unarmed and defenseless, and kill many. Sure they MAY be caught and killed later, but a fat lot of good that is for the 14 people who died in that :lame2:brain gun-free zone (equivalent to your whole country I'd guess)

On the other hand, in places that are not gun-free zones, criminals, terrorists, whoever don't dare step in there lest they get blown to bits, like the 2 jihadist morons in Garland, Texas. With reference to those places, the bad guys heed the words of the World War II Japanese general, who said "The United States can never be invaded. There is a gun behind every blade of grass."

As for what you said about hate speech in the UK, no, there doesn't seem to be any requirement that the speech be inciting violence, as the examples I posted earlier, show.

And I don't know what "convoluted laws" you are referring to. I don't see US criminals paying any attention to any laws, except for those announcing a gun-free zone, thereby giving them a green light to go in there and massacre people.
You even make Phoenall seem normal.
So I can go up to any American and proclaim loudly that I have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies and they cant do a thing about it. According to you such hate speech is allowed and it is no wonder America has gone down the pan and why you are seen as a nation of ambulance chasers

With the basket case that your country and continent has become, you are in no position to criticize any other. while America has been entirely too tolerant of Islam, resulting in SOME serious terrorism and Islamization, it is nowhere near as bad as the UK< France, et al. in Europe. Like I said, you are grossly uninformed, and in a state of not knowing how much you don't know.

You are apparently so lost in the woods of liberal media information deprivation, that even after the OP and my responses to you, you still don't get it that the banning of what your nutty country (et al in Europe) define to be "hate speech", (much of which is AKA TRUTH), has resulted in your people being killed, raped, beaten, sued, and various other atrocities. You need to read more > outside the liberal spectrum. Read Baby! Read!

PS - in addition to your dumb hate speech laws, you gun control laws are just as bad. In England when 2 jihadists killed a British soldier (Lee Rigby) helpless, unarmed Brits stood around watch the jihadists rant and wave bloody knives, until finally, some time later armed police came around to arrest them. In contrast, when 2 jihadists tried to attack a meeting of people in a draw Mohammed contest in Garland, Texas, they were shot dead right on the spot. No innocent Americans were even injured.

At this point, the only question becomes how long will it be when we will have to go over there again and rescue you guys from the Islamofascist lunatics, whom you allow to run roughshod all over you.

To answer your first question, yes, you could go up to any American, and proclaim loudly that you have evidence of them being involved in child sex rings and making snuff movies, but to say they cant do a thing about it", isn't entirely accurate. If the statement is untrue, and they suffer any damages as a result, they could sue you for slander, and to avoid having a whale of a judgement placed against you, you would have to prove what you said.

In general, if you accuse, the burden of proof is on you. In the US, an accused person is considered innocent until such time that his accuser proves him to be guilty (as it should be)

The fact that I can see with my own two eyes the extent that islam has infiltrated into the UK is enough for me. It is not hate speech to tell the world how far it is embedded, who it sleeps with and what it teaches as Islamic law and culture. What is hate speech is inciting violence against muslims based on lies and propaganda. So I cant say that the WTC was bombed from inside by muslims and that they are planning to do the same to the Gherkin in canary wharf as that would be a lie. Nor could I say that the London transport bombings were carried out by Mossad and the blame put on muslims as that would also be a lie.

By the way so many Americans love our gun control laws as they feel so much safer knowing that having an illegal gun will result in being sent to prison for a long time. The criminals also know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them. How many unarmed innocent people are killed in the US by cops every day, how many riots by blacks, Hispanics, muslims etc. will it take before you take action against the dregs of US society that are going round killing all and sundry because of your convoluted laws. Claiming this or that amendment as defence for their crimes and as a consequence going free to kill again. Don't be a crab by telling your children to walk straight when you cant
You are deranged on the gun issue. NO, the criminals most certainly DO NOT "know that having a gun will result in their deaths if they decide on a shoot out so tend not to carry them" Exactly the opposite of that is the case. In our American gun-free zones (Ex. the social service bldg where the San Bernardino massacre occured), the criminals know they can go there and shoot up the place, with everyone there unarmed and defenseless, and kill many. Sure they MAY be caught and killed later, but a fat lot of good that is for the 14 people who died in that :lame2:brain gun-free zone (equivalent to your whole country I'd guess)

On the other hand, in places that are not gun-free zones, criminals, terrorists, whoever don't dare step in there lest they get blown to bits, like the 2 jihadist morons in Garland, Texas. With reference to those places, the bad guys heed the words of the World War II Japanese general, who said "The United States can never be invaded. There is a gun behind every blade of grass."

As for what you said about hate speech in the UK, no, there doesn't seem to be any requirement that the speech be inciting violence, as the examples I posted earlier, show.

And I don't know what "convoluted laws" you are referring to. I don't see US criminals paying any attention to any laws, except for those announcing a gun-free zone, thereby giving them a green light to go in there and massacre people.
You even make Phoenall seem normal.

Says the guy that didn't have anything to say about the Researcher who was suspended for pointing out that the Rape Ring was made up of Asians.

ANd thus the Rape Ring operated for another ELEVEN YEARS.
You even make Phoenall seem normal.
God only knows how things may seem to be to someone embedded in the looney, Muslim ass-kissing mind-set of 21st century Europe. To you blockheads, THIS is "normal" and what you are tolerating >>>

Danish girl beaten by Muslim immigrants, who then laughed at the judge in court (who was handicapped himself, due to to dumbass hate speech law)

Gang of Muslim Male Immigrants Beat a Danish Girl With Iron Chains Then Laugh About it in Court

Your whole continent is in a sick state of dissaray, and the last thing you all need, to is be defending it. You need to identify the morons who put these harmful laws in place, and get rid them ASAP, and then get rid of the harmful laws. No society cannot tolerate criminality, no matter what ploy the criminals use to hide behind. That includes the ideology (masquerading as a religion) of Islam.
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You even make Phoenall seem normal.
God only knows how things may seem to be to someone embedded in the looney, Muslim ass-kissing mind-set of 21st century Europe. To you blockheads, THIS is "normal" and what you are tolerating >>>

View attachment 61988 Danish girl beaten by Muslim immigrants, who then laughed at the judge in court (who was handicapped himself, due to to dumbass hate speech law)

Gang of Muslim Male Immigrants Beat a Danish Girl With Iron Chains Then Laugh About it in Court

Your whole continent is in a sick state of dissaray, and the last thing you all need, to is be defending it. You need to identify the morons who put these harmful laws in place, and get rid them ASAP, and then get rid of the harmful laws. No society cannot tolerate criminality, no matter what ploy the criminals use to hide behind. That includes the ideology (masquerading as a religion) of Islam.
These are a few of the rape and paedo cases last week in the US. Sort your own shit out before you pass judgement on Europe. FFS haters gotta hate.


Woman reports being raped near USC campus early Saturday


FBI suspends worked accused of raping baby-sitter, 16

'He could have been stopped': Man linked to multiple rapes led double life, women say

Cops: Florida man kept roommate in shed after she refused to have sex

Police: Paralyzed woman raped by man in Northwest Miami-Dade home

Fashion photographer who shot in South Florida pleads guilty in child-porn case

Man suspected of sexually assaulting woman in Newhall arrested







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